Like many I have found the past week a little difficult. At times I’ve felt stressed and anxious.
Then I decided to limit my exposure to news and any doom merchants. I told friends that I didn’t want to talk about Covid-19 for more than 2 minutes, then it’s normal chat, please.
It has worked I’ve become more relaxed, found my usual optimistic outlook and I’m thankful for all that makes my life worthwhile and happy.
I’m luckier than many, I have a cottage near the sea, with a large garden. More importantly I have a wonderful family and lots of lovely friends and kindly neighbours.
I have nothing to complain about. My RA flare pales into insignificance, it is a nuisance but at least I can manage it.
Be happy, be thankful, be kind - words I’m making my mantra ....
Be safe out there