I had a telephone appointment with rheumatology yesterday who said I should be shielding for 12 weeks as per the British rheumatology society guidelines as I am on steroids, mtx and imraldi (humira biosimilar). She said they have nothing to do with the letters as they are sent out from central government. My work will insist I go in without a letter or I will go through disciplinary proceedings. Does anyone know who I need to contact to get a letter please?
Who do you contact to get the letter?: I had a... - NRAS
Who do you contact to get the letter?

Jeez! My gp said yesterday rheum department tells nhs england who send them out. But call gp, mine will give you a letter to say you are at risk or need shielding x
Jacey15, I also had a telephone consultation with the biologics consultant yesterday, who confirmed that I am in the shielding group. But a similar situation, it is not the hospitals who are providing the letter.
Maybe your GP can give you a sick note until you can source the letter ?
But, you should not be at work, rather self isolate at home, no going out, no visitors.
Jacey15 my rheumatology department sent me a letter not “the letter” but one that I could give work (a petrol station/shop) it basically gives the rheumatology guidelines as I was going to be in the same position as you...... disciplinary proceedings. But I’m sure as allanah said your GP could do the same.
Conflicting information no consistency. My nurse said the Rheumy department are sending them out. Others NHS England🤷🏽♀️my Gp refuses to give me a sick note as no proper guidelines. My Rhuemy nurse in a personal email said I’m vulnerable. I’m on methotrexate and entanercept
I live in N.Ireland and got my letter today. N.Ireland is divided into separate trusts covering each area . My letter was issued by my local trust and not the hospital. I know that things are different in the UK but I hope that you get yours soon.
Well I emailed my Rheumatology Department and got a very generic reply:
Covid 19 advice for Patients on Immunosuppressants
Since you have an autoimmune disease and are significantly immunosuppressed* you should start social distancing from now (including avoiding working in an environment which brings you into close contact with other people) and you should prepare to self-isolate when the government advises this for people over 70 and with high risk medical conditions.
Nothing about shielding despite my meeting the guidelines for shielding
Are you a Union member? Can you do work from home? Ask for your work to do a risk assessment re the current situation (via email as emails are legal documents and they will know that - that should change their mind).
All the best
Thank you, that's good advice. Yes I am in a union and my rep is supportive. Work have a risk assessment but because I don't have the letter they say I'm not at risk. It's having the energy to fight it.
Yes it is the energy thing most of all and the injustice of their stance that gets to a person.
Does the risk assessment cover the current ‘risks’ and state what extra measures they’ve put in to keep you safe at work? If not ask in an email (Cc to Union rep) for an updated risk assessment that takes in consideration the current heightened health risk of the Coronavirus. Send it to your boss and the HR person at your employers if you have a HR person and know who they are. Then send all emails to your personal email address for future reference if required.
Good luck and know that you are worth this extra effort 😎
Our rheumatologist department sent out a really useful video of information, and a table to score which category you fall in to, but despite being in the very high risk group (verbally confirmed with my GP) I have no paper work to confirm it. This means I can't access priority delivery slots for groceries so have to rely on relatives to shop for me. It's very frustrating, but I guess the whole event is incredibly fast moving and overwhelms the organisational systems.
Mine DID come from my rhuem dept, signed by them and GP copied in. It is the NHS England shielding letter template. Even the guidelines state that they are asking rhuematolgy depts to complete these.
I thought you got the letter from whoever is in current contact with you regarding the RA/RD I should to my understanding be shielding, but have not received a letter yet, as all my letters come from the hospital I(which they copy my dr in on ) I am assuming they will send me one. If I haven't had it by the 30th I'll be ringing them. Good luck everyone. Keep safe. Ps why are companies bring do horrible, this is tough for everybody, if we could be at work we would be. Xx
I think that I got the letter because I am on Imraldi and Salazopyrin. The rheumatology specialist nurse advised me to stop taking Salazopyrin when I take my next injection. I know that the medical advice is to continue treatment but I am choosing not to continue with Imraldi either as I can control the pain ( although not the damage the ra will do) .
You too