Just been diagnosed with mild mitral regurgitation and severe tricuspid regurgitation, any one have the same. Worried what this is?
Heart problem : Just been diagnosed with mild mitral... - NRAS
Heart problem

The mayoclinic.org describes both. I'm sorry to hear you are anxious and hope you are seen soon.
Heart problems seem to be common in scleroderma and are increasingly likely anyway as you get older. There's an explanatory article here:
I hope that you are able to have a satisfactory consultation with a cardiologist about the way forward to control your problems.
Hiya Megmo & welcome, though I’m sorry to hear you're anxious about this recent diagnosis. Unfortunately it is possible for RD to affect our vital organs, though it's not always the case, heart problems can of course be pre-existing & we know nothing about it until symptoms become troublesome. I have family history on both sides & I have a cardio check annually being at greater risk, though I do believe everyone should. Most recently I had an echocardiograph as I have otherwise unexplained orthopnea/PND & oedema of ankles & legs. Thankfully all was relatively ok but it still remains undiagnosed.
Cardiology generally is an excellently run department so I’m confident you will be well looked after. You need that reassurance that something is able to be done, though it is always more concerning if you’ve had no experience of heart problems previously.
The mitral valve regurgitation may not be noticeably troubling being mild although your Cardio Specialist may recommend medication or possibly surgical intervention for the tricuspid regurgitation in an effort to prevent further problems. It's probably been well explained to you but the cause is when the mitral valve doesn’t close properly allowing the blood to flow the wrong way.
I'm pretty sure we have another member who has had experience of one or the other problem so hopefully if she sees this she'll be along to share her experience.
Will you keep us updated?
I was diagnosed with leaking mitral valve with mild to moderate regurgitation in 2003/4 but not the tricuspid bit. I also have aortic sclerosis. I was told then and a couple of years ago that I would never need any treatment for either????
Ok thanks. Guess it’s the unknown and not understanding. Still learning about RA.