Hello I am new to this sight and new to RA. I was diagnosed in Sept this year with Seropositive RA and put on Sulfasalazine and Methotrexate. Apart from the pain which is not good I am getting very, very tired. I feel sick and lifeless is this normal?
Advise!: Hello I am new to this sight and new to RA. I... - NRAS

yes is the simple answer I started MTX in Sept I am so tired it feels like life is being sucked out of me but I am also holding on to the 16 week deadline of maybe MTX kicking in and things changing.
Talk talk talk to rheumy team and on here and you will get lots of info.
Fatigue is RA.

Thank you.
It could be the medication. I started methotrexate in Feb and I was fine but then sulfasalazine was added in Oct and ever since I've been extremely fatigued and generally feeling like rubbish. I've put it down to my body adjusting to the meds but I do have an appointment this week so I am going to discuss it with her as my quality of life is not great at the moment. Have you got a helpline you can ring for advice? It can be a case of increasing folic acid or maybe offering anti sickness tablets.
Thank you. I have regular appointments at the moment so I will ask when I go. But yes feeling rubbish most of the time. I know I need to give the meds time but trying to work is difficult at the moment.
I know I'm finding work difficult too, I only work part time so can't reduce my hours anymore. I just don't have the energy and looking after 3 young kids too, life these days is just a constant struggle. Try to rest up as much as you can in the meantime.
Your describing Fatigue.... for me the most disabling symptom of this disease ... how long will it last? Who knows I have had it months at a time then suddenly for just and hour or two it’s a sign the disease is active. When your meds are working most people don’t get it as often mine is not controlled at the moment and am seeing my Rheumatologist Tuesday probably need to try new meds.its still early days for you and I’m sorry you have had to join us .., this site is invaluable and you will get a lot of support on here from many people. Hang on in there it will get better.

Thank you its good to have others to talk to.
Hey! Yes it's totally normal at the beginning, my first few months were like a fog! I went to work and slept and that was it! But, you will adjust, meds will make difference and you will feel better. I tried massage, hot baths, anything to help rest and relax. Take care of yourself!
Reflexology has helped me a lot.
Thank I'll give that some thought it will be time to do anything else. Did it help with fatigue?
Yes it did. It helped with everything. I have it once a month. I’d have it every week if I could! I didn’t tell my reflexologist where I was in pain and at the end of the session I asked her how my body was and she said both my shoulders had lots of issues. I couldn’t believe it as that is exactly where most of my pain is.
Reflexology is very relaxing. You will feel v sleepy after it. I hope you find a really good one. I live near Canterbury just in case your near there.
Yes, it is. The next question to ask is; do you feel better having the medication than you did before? The answer should be yes. There is always a trade off, but your feeling of wellbeing should be a priority.
Hi Reving, sorry you had to join the club, but it's not the end of the road by no means. Fatigue is unfortunately a close partner to RA in the first stages. If you haven't already done so, I strongly advise you to read and learn as much as you can about all aspects of RA and self management, but avoid Dr.Google. You have a great source of experience at hand from the lovely people on this forum. A very good source of facts is the NRAS website. Make use of it and their help line. It may be a hard road ahead, but we are stronger than we maybe think. All the very best and keep in touch.
P.S. I am 70, live with RA since 2009 and lead an very active normal life.
I felt very sick on sulpha and had to come off it but some people do very well on it with no problems,