At last! Something that works: I have seropositive RA... - NRAS


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At last! Something that works

lara1953 profile image
18 Replies

I have seropositive RA and I am taking 10mg Prednisolone daily as none of the RA medications have worked for me. My rheumatologist wants to wean me off the prednisolone as it has caused osteoporosis. Was a bit worried about cutting down as it was helping with the pain. A friend of mine recommended trying Copaiba essential oil which is supposed to be good for reducing inflammation. It's made by a company called doTerra. Was a bit sceptical but thought I would give it a go. I had 1 drop in a little water morning and night and even after just one day I noticed a big difference in the amount of pain. I now feel confident to start cutting down on the steroids. I also have 3 spine fractures and that is being controlled by slow release morphine. My GP wanted to try me on Buprenorphine patches. What a mistake! I have never been so ill in all my life. One of the side effects I experienced was restless legs and I was having to get out of bed every hour or so throughout the night. This resulted in me sleeping throughout the day to try and catch up on sleep. After coming off the Buprenorphine my body clock was out of sync. I found a product on the doTerra site called Serenity Restful complex. I am taking 2 capsules at night and they are really helping. I find that I am not waking up so much during the night and sleeping less during the day. I thought i would share this with you as i am always trying to find things that actually work. The website address below will enable you to enquire further. I hope everyone has a good week xx

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lara1953 profile image
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18 Replies
sylvi profile image

I am glad you have found something is working for you darling.. I use melatonin at night which helps along with amytryptaline I sleep fairly well. I looked into the other and to be honest I couldn't afford it as I am on esa/pip. xxxx

lara1953 profile image
lara1953 in reply to sylvi

Put it on your Christmas present list. I have a list for my family which includes all the oils, a diffuser, pain cream and a lotion applicator. Long gone are the days when I wanted clothes, shoes, perfume etc. Now I just want things that are going to make my condition less painful. I hope you are not in too much pain and are able to manage it. xx

medway-lady profile image

This sounds like an advertisement to me I hope its not but sounds really like an endorsement. .

lara1953 profile image
lara1953 in reply to medway-lady

No it's not an advertisement. If I find something that works for me and makes the pain more bearable then I want to share it with others.

medway-lady profile image
medway-lady in reply to lara1953

Thats good but my mum had spinal fractures due to Oestoporosis and hers were cemented in a short but worth having done operation. Have you considered that? might be worth asking about.

I'm sceptical of an oil that can reduce inflamation but if it works for you then great. But do not give up on conventenial treatment spinal fractures are awful and you have my sympathy. My mum had a reaction to one lot of patches before the op but it was not the morphine but the adesive so perhaps ask for another brand. I was told as humans we are programmed to like morphine which is why its so addictive.

lara1953 profile image
lara1953 in reply to medway-lady

I have an appointment with a spinal surgeon next Tuesday so will see what they can do. I really want to come off the steroids as they have caused such a lot of problems. I cannot take NSAIDS as they irritate my stomach. I was really sceptical about the oil, but it has really worked for me. I now have a new condition! I was getting a lot of kidney infections and was sent for an ultrasound. This showed a swollen kidney and a cyst on the kidney. I was told I needed a ct scan with contrast dye. On the day of my appointment I rang radiology to ask what was in the contrast dye. They said iodine. Glad I asked because I'm allergic to iodine and my GP hadn't informed them. The appointment had to be cancelled and I have got to wait until my GP comes back from holiday to find out what happens next. Sorry for going on but I have 3 different types of pain and if one of them is being controlled by a natural product then I'm not going to knock it

charisma profile image

Hi Lara, copaiba oil is harmful if ingested, and could interact with prescribed drugs too.

Please do check this out and run it by Rheumatology as well.

I see you have had quite a struggle with pain and fractures to the spine, all just horrible to live with.

Hoping you can get the best advice for dealing with it.

A few minutes later, found this so edited post:

lara1953 profile image
lara1953 in reply to charisma

Have looked at various websites and some say can be ingested as long as it's the purest oil. I have not personally had any side effects. Beginning to wish I hadn't posted my experience of it as I seem to have opened a can of worms. I would hope that people would do their own research before they tried anything anyway

charisma profile image
charisma in reply to lara1953

Those reactions are normal here as we do have to be very careful with serious health issues combined with harsh drugs, and always check out complementary treatments for interactions that might be harmful.

But I like the fact that copaiba contains powerful cannabinoids, better than CBD oils. :-)

lara1953 profile image
lara1953 in reply to charisma

I fully agree with you. Before I use anything I always do the following:

Research fully the product I am considering using

Check with pharmacist or healthcare provider if it is ok to use

Check for interaction with other drugs I am using

Always buy from a reputable company in its purest form. There are some companies that sell products that are mixed with synthetic materials which could be dangerous

Follow the usage instructions to the letter.

Remember that what works for one person may not work for another. My intention was to share something that worked for me in the hope that maybe it could help other people

charisma profile image
charisma in reply to lara1953

Yes, that’s exactly what and how it is best to do. Thank you. I never heard of copaiba oil before. 🙂

Troygirl profile image
Troygirl in reply to lara1953

Indigenous people have been using it forever! Many drugs are also copied from plants that are freely available on the planet!

If it works for you that is great! We RA sufferers are always on a quest to find anything that will help with pain!

I think I would rather try this than be on 10 long months of prednisone which has caused me so many problems!

I also just got approved for the medical strength CBD oil! The real cannabinoids!

Prednisone has destroyed my life, but currently the only thing that allows me to be able to move and get to work!

lara1953 profile image
lara1953 in reply to Troygirl

I know what you mean about the prednisolone. The health professionals prescribe it and then when you're body can't do without it they tell you to come off it!

Troygirl profile image
Troygirl in reply to lara1953

They prescribe it like candy!

charisma profile image

This copaiba discussion is really interesting. I am finding various points of view expressed on different sites that describe its use.

But they are contradictory, confusing! Some say not comparable with CBD (guess they mean the higher THC content type, not cannabis sativa ie hemp which is legal in the UK due to its low THCs) whilst others say just no comparison to the potency of cannabis with all its THCs etc intact.

No good studies done yet but it seems to be ok ingested in limited amounts.

This article linked below has excellent citations if you scroll to the end:

lara1953 profile image
lara1953 in reply to charisma

I have tried CBD oil and it did not agree with me at all. So glad that I found the Copaiba oil as I get no side effects at all and pain is greatly reduced.

charisma profile image
charisma in reply to lara1953

No wonder you like the copaiba. No matter what ‘experts’ are saying without solid research, we know what works for us. You are obviously trying to use it safely.

The CBD oil available legally is nowhere near as powerful as it would be without restrictions on some compounds within it. This is probably why many find it does not work for them. Make it legal but remove the best bits first!

Hoping you continue to feel the benefit of what you found is effective for you. Relief is so welcome! 🙂

lara1953 profile image
lara1953 in reply to charisma

Thank you so much for your comments and hope that you enjoy your day without too much pain xx

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