4am and crying in pain!: Just need to vent my... - NRAS


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4am and crying in pain!

girli1111 profile image
25 Replies

Just need to vent my frustration somewhere, and here seems to be the safest place! I’m not really after advice, but if there is any, I’m all ears! I’m an Early Years Practitioner, working 3 days a week in a school based nursery. I am a week and a half back into work after a wonderful 5 week break.... admittedly I did work a full-time week last week, but that was only home visiting the new children, and setting up the room, so not unduly taxing. I was ok at work yesterday, but by the end of the day I had a very stiff and sore left ankle, by 7pm I could hardly move for the pain in my ankle, which had been joined by severe right hip pain..... I’m now suspecting a bursa in the hip, which I’ve had before. I’ve taken naproxen, rubbed on a pain relief gel, and having tossed and turned (excruciating) for the last hour and a half I’ve come downstairs to sit with a hot water bottle under my hip to try and at least let my husband get some sleep. I have a new manager at work, and with my part time hours my RA is normally kept in check, and I manage work (albeit with constant fatigue). I am absolutely gutted that so early in the term, and with a new manager barely through the doors that I am going to have to ‘out myself’ as incapable of doing my job! Praying for a miracle before 7am! I’m so frustrated and feel so angry at this body and this disease!

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girli1111 profile image
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25 Replies
Pippy25 profile image

I've been on 'the night shift' as I call it and want to let you know I am thinking of you girli969. Take care x

girli1111 profile image
girli1111 in reply to Pippy25

Thank you! I eventually got to sleep on the sofa with a hot water bottle. Alarm just went off upstairs, and although I feel like a zombie (naproxen I assume) my hip actually feels greatly improved! Im trying to come round a bit with a cup of tea before I shower and see if I am actually capable of moving to get to work! Hope you have a good day x

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to girli1111

Hi girli....I have had a bursar on my right hip for ages....now the left one seems to be joining in....hence awake most of last night.I’ve tried steroid injections into the joint....but for me they are useless.

Like you I have found getting up & walking about for a while eases the pain........I got up at 5am,& now-0730- it’s quite bearable.

I read somewhere getting upright helps drain the bursar & it does help me....might be an old wives tale...but I’ll take any relief I can get.

I think if you take it easy you might be OK to work today...fingers crossed for you.....it’s Friday tomorrow!

girli1111 profile image
girli1111 in reply to AgedCrone

Thank you. I did get an hours sleep and now I’m up and dressed and about to leave for work. Pain has eased considerably, but hip still feels very sore, but it’s manageable. I think you’re right about movement helping, I only really seized up when I got home yesterday. Hope you are feeling improved soon too x

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to girli1111

So glad to hear you are feeling better.

I well remember when I was first diagnosed sitting on the stairs crying at 3am because I couldn’t move my arms to get dressed.

Why does everything hurt more at night?

Usually I only get nights like last night when I overdo things... yesterday I washed both bathroom & kitchen floors & started to sort the garden ready for the winter.

I’ll learn one day!

Take it as easy as you can today.

Pippy25 profile image
Pippy25 in reply to AgedCrone

I agree sometimes when we overdo things are body just gives us a reminder.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Pippy25

Trouble is my brain forgets reminders....my hips too!

Pippy25 profile image
Pippy25 in reply to AgedCrone

Same here I'm afraid, my mind says one thing my body struggles to catch up with it and says hey what are you doing! :-)

Pippy25 profile image
Pippy25 in reply to girli1111

Sending you a message of support to get you through the day and for when you get home. Keep strong and take care.

sylvi profile image

Oh my darling I am so sorry, I have been down here all night. A theme I am noticing as I have to be up early this morning and if I have early apt. I am downstairs all night. Hugs darling I hope the pain eases for you.. xxxx

☹️☹️☹️ feel for you . I too am back to school only working an hour and a half a day but I’m truly struggling getting to work today will be a major effort 😩😫😖🥺(I think the constant change in the weather doesn’t help) I need a duvet day ( another one🙄🙄)

Hopefulfuture profile image

I’m a teacher as well and really feel your pain! I’m down to three days a week and am also struggling and it’s just the start of term. Time to review meds’ But that’s another struggle! Good luck I hope you get some relief from the pain soon. Xx

girli1111 profile image
girli1111 in reply to Hopefulfuture

It’s so tough isn’t it? I’ve been working a three day week contract for the last two years, but I’m so fearful that even that is becoming too much. There’s no ‘taking it easy’ once in a nursery room full of three year olds, especially at this time of year! I get so angry that my body is letting me down

Thingybob profile image

Just an observation and ponder.... 🤔

I was a primary teacher pre diagnosis. Hats off to all of you coping /working in what is a busy and demanding environment even when totally well. Anyway I have met a lot of people ( about 60% of people I have met since diagnosis) who were in our profession and who have RD. I wonder if there is any link as we are often surrounded by littlies with germs n illness and we tend to have good strong imune systems as a result. So when our immune systems rebel or get over taxed maybe thats a trigger ? 🤔 Not to mention the stress !

I wonder if anyone has done a study ? 🤔

Sending good wishes x

girli1111 profile image
girli1111 in reply to Thingybob

An interesting thought!

Hopefulfuture profile image
Hopefulfuture in reply to Thingybob

Yes I think there might be. I can’t remember where but it was an American study which involved teachers and high RA/RD. Possibility of old buildings/lots of constant germs/stress a factor? Definitely work investing. 😅

Thingybob profile image
Thingybob in reply to Hopefulfuture

I will ask mr google !

Thingybob profile image
Thingybob in reply to Hopefulfuture

Yep , found it . Was done in US in 2001. Not cheery reading so I gave up , but the brief conclusion says the risk of developing RA/RD is higher for teachers due to increased exposure to germs. 😷 🙈

According to them .

Lots of websites etc with advice for teachers with RD out there ( who knew ? )

Hopefulfuture profile image
Hopefulfuture in reply to Thingybob

Not a great advertisement for teaching!

in reply to Thingybob

Who knew indeed ???? Bugger add that one to the list . I didn’t stand a chance🤣with all the other possible causes🙄🙄

Bookworm55 profile image
Bookworm55 in reply to

Not heard of that increased risk! Interesting!

I was a KS1/ Early years teacher until 2012 when became a TA. Lots of stress in run up to my 60th birthday when I retired -with a couple of stiff joints. Two weeks later was completely bed-bound with every joint affected and diagnosed with sero positive RA a month later. So far meds have worked well luckily. I had ‘blamed my’ genes - niece and first cousin have it - or my first flu jab.

Thinking of you and hope you some how got through it all x

girli1111 profile image
girli1111 in reply to

Thank you, got through my working day..... with ten new three year olds added to the class today! I’m struggling again now I’ve sat down at home, but this evening is methotrexate jab and I don’t work Thursdays or Fridays, so hopefully some time to recover!

Balletmum71 profile image

I'm really sorry that you have been in so much pain.

I'm working in a school too and am on a phased return . I love what I do and it's easy to do too much as I get absorbed into helping the students etc . Then my body lets me know big time that ve done too much .

So hard to get a balance.

I admire you working in early years too , I couldn't do that due to the furniture not helping my joints although I really enjoy being around younger children .

. I work in secondary and enjoy that . It's a different challenge and the school is in a challenging social area. However it's rewarding.

I hope you can get some sleep tonight though .x

Angels54 profile image

Hi guys ,I just have to say I have RA for 5 years not much support, I have changed my rheumatologist been waiting for appointment, recently injured my back with 3 fractures in agony I was given some cannabis to try only for 2 weeks I couldn’t believe how the pain eased I wasn’t taking anything else, took this on a night before bed , no pain, slept great . you need to find one that helps the pain , I bought this as a one off wish I could of got some more. I think this is what needs to be looked into with the NHS for people like us who suffer this terrible pain ,and take these powerful drugs, good luck everyone hope you get some relief soon . 👍

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