Hi, I've just recd a letter from my Doctors' surgery informing me that patients who are prescribed Dmards will now have two-monthly blood tests (no change there as this has been the case) and they've given me a years Blood test forms & have said that they will only prescribe 1 months supply od meds and "this new protocol is in line with National guidance to ensure the safe prescribing of this medication". Is this now the procedure in all English GP practices? I feel I'm being penalised for being on this medication and It will now cost me twice as much.
MTX prescription being reduced to 1 months supply!! - NRAS
MTX prescription being reduced to 1 months supply!!

I guess it forces us to pay the annual prescription charge. Hmmmm what next

Thanks for your reply, I will have to get a prepayment prescription certificate but it just doesn't make any sense to me if I was having monthly blood tests that makes sense but all it does by going monthly is increasing the cost (to me) not for any medical reason.
How do you cope with getting prescriptions early, eg if you're away. My GP's also going over to electronically sent prescriptions sent directly to a chemist
I have a pre paid prescription that cost £10.20 per month. Well worth it. I have around 7 lots of medicine per month. I can only get 1months supply of mtx and leflumomide a month and only after monthly blood tests and blood pressure.
But when I was getting my prescription from the hospital I was getting 6month supplies.
Take care. Carol
I have 12 items in a brown paper bag.
Just tell your GP and they should issue enough 💊 s for you
I’ve only ever had a one month supply of MTX. Have you looked at a prepayment prescription certificate? It might be more cost effective; apps.nhsbsa.nhs.uk/ppc-onli...
I’ve only ever been given one months supply of mtx all the time I’ve been on it but I have a prescription prepayment card as I take quite a few RA meds and that covers all prescriptions.
Only the folic acid. I can't figure out the reasons behind this.
Mine's always monthly, having fairly recently moved counties I think it's pretty much standard with most GP's (not just for DMARD'S). I got a yearly pre-paid prescription certificate. I previously used to run a care home, all the meds were monthly scripts, I had to contact the surgeries in advance to arrange extra meds for residents going on holidays (some used to go a lot!) bit of a nightmare at times 🙄 you will have to do the same for holidays 😒
Yes that’s what I do, tell the doctor why I need them early, they always do it 😊
You have to call the surgery ... cost of a call, spend fuel or money to collect every moth. It keeps the economy running.
Maybe the NHS is trying to stop people stockpiling
Justifying jobs
It must be a new law as I used to get 2 months worth with my repeats by for a couple off months I’ve only been getting 1 months ,I asked the pharmacist and he said it’s because I get monthly bloods done due to the biological and Dmards, I stay in Scotland so not sure if England’s different
I don’t get my meds from GP I get my from RA clinic
I get 2 months after a blood test and a visit to my gp then get my prescription from chemist. I work and look after my family. A disease that limits you physically then the fatigue and brain fog they don’t make it easy.🤬🤬🤯🤯
That’s my rant 😂😁😂

I totally agree with you, you rant if it makes it better 👍🏼
The thing that gets my goat is how folk are so ignorant to RA & what we actually have to endure. They don’t realise your body is attacking itself!!
Ok enough ... ( for now 🤪)
I'm with you. The system supposed to help not hinder. They will just charge me more for the same thing with more inconvenience
I've only ever had them 1 month at a time. Have to phone doctors to order them, was informed that this is their practice as the dmards are on the acute list of medications and a doctor has to sign the prescription.
Now have supplies of MTX for 3 months from my hospital........., and bloods 3 monthly too.
I have never had less than 2 week supplies.......even when I had monthly bloods. I am in Scotland too
I have only been able to get monthly prescriptions for all meds for years.....it’s a nuisance but it probably saves money.....if you get 3 months meds & then find they don’t suit you after a month........which happens often with Dmards....that is 2 months wasted.
My surgery authorise the scrips to the pharmacy & I just pick up the meds when passing......or I can ask for them to be delivered.
I’ve only ever had them monthly too, and monthly blood test. Order online at pharmacy and pick them up or they will deliver. Easy.
I have monthly bloods (neutropenic in the past) although the GP Surgery have tried to switch me to bi monthly, the Rheumatologists have written to say they must be monthly. As for MTX, I have only ever had one month's supply at a time, never any more. I have always paid with a pre-payment card.
I have had the same experience. Have been taking MTX for 15 years & along with 3 other drugs always have a prescription that lasts 2 months for which I pay. My Humira is delivered separately. Now, I've been told that the MTX can only be monthly. When I wrote to the GP to ask why (on a recent visit to Rheumatology the nurse was happy to give me a 2 month prescription) he didn't respond but a receptionist rang me to say it's their policy but no explanation. I find it completely infuriating that patients on long term medication for life limiting illnesses have to pay for their prescriptions. It seems that where I live (Hampshire) it's shared care between the hospital & the GP but in my experience the GP has very limited knowledge of RA & especially drugs such as Humira. I buy a 3 month prescription certificate for £29.10 & try to get 2 lots of prescriptions. The pharmacist advised me not to buy the yearly one as if you have to stop your meds for any reason, infection for example, it's difficult to get a refund.
I have only had months supply at time apart from steroid. I used to get pre payment certificate which saved me hundreds of pounds.now over 60 so get free.only perk.I get mine repeat prescription electronically sent to my chemist too.
I asked to have meds 2monthly and gp said she could ask at next commissioning group mtg but all other requests had been denied on grounds of wastage costs and niace recommendation. So I said not to bother, monthly it is.
My prescriptions have always been monthly...and if I make a request earlier than a month it’s rejected. Cited as in line with National Guidelines. If I’m going away and need an earlier supply - I just add a note to the prescription request and I get what I need. All this is online. Luckily my RA hit me post-retirement and so don’t have to suffer charges. I wonder if you talked to GP whether there is a way round the extra charges ...Good Luck
I have blood tests every 4 weeks. I also have Methotraxe delivered to my house by courier every 3 months, I thought everyone had there's delivered.
My doctor has only been prescribing 1 months supply of Methotrexate, (& all my other drugs-calcium etc), for some time now. I've also been told I've got to buy my own hayfever tablets over the counter, they won't be supplied on prescription by doctor anymore, I already buy my zinc tablets over counter. It's awful because you forget to re-order sometimes, as a month comes around really quickly &, depending how many tablets in a pack, you end up running out at different times. So it seems like you're forever putting prescriptions into chemist to be filled!
I am only allowed a month's supply of methotrexate at a time, although I have three-monthly blood tests. In addition, methotrexate is not on my repeat prescription form but I have to write a separate request each month - not fun on the days when my right hand will not work.
It's a month for all meds at our doctors, like others I've got a yearly pre payment.
As I'm over 60, I do get prescriptions free. But I ring my lovely pharmacy, tell them what I want, they arrange the collection and deliver it to y home.
I only get 1month methotrexate prescribed at one time.
Yes ours are doing this I wonder if its to do wth Brexit and stockpiling meds as i don't pay for presciptions it makes no difference but it does double the cost for lots of people which is dreadful a tax on illness. Whatever next charging for hospital food ?
I have only been able to have 1 month since I've had r.a. 10 years.
Not sure why you pay for it. I get mine on the NHS.
Am in Scotland so cost isn’t the issue but I get six injections at a time. Dunno why always been that way
Hi. I used to get eight metoject pens until a change February 2019. I am now down to four pens per monthly prescription and fortnightly blood tests. I’m in Wales