Feeling slightly sick on new medication : Hi there... - NRAS


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Feeling slightly sick on new medication

Stowe profile image
29 Replies

Hi there everyone,

Just wondered if anybody could help me please.

I'm new to this site and RA, I was officially diagnosed a month ago and was put straight on steroids, which helped alot. Then yesterday I had to start on methotrexate last night. I took the 6 tablets last night and all was fine last night and today until now, now I'm feeling slightly sick. I know this is a side effect but thought it would happen straight away not over 12 hours later. Anyway the feeling isn't too bad but has anybody else experienced this.


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Stowe profile image
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29 Replies
helixhelix profile image

For the first few weeks it can make you feel a bit groggy and nauseous the nest day (it takes a while for the tablets to get into your system). It should wear off eventually - if I remember right I felt rough for about 9 weeks. But then it started to work, the nausea faded and everything became hugely more positive.

Stowe profile image
Stowe in reply to helixhelix

Hello there,

Thank you so much for your reply, I thought that may be the case, but was hoping that as I felt fine initially I would be ok. Feel ok at the moment, so with any luck it won't be too bad. 9 weeks for you not feeling good is a long time, but good to hear that you are feeling better now. X

helixhelix profile image
helixhelix in reply to Stowe

Forgot to say, drink loads of water. it helps! I’ve been in remission for most of the time for years now - so nine weeks is nothing if it gets you your life back.

Stowe profile image
Stowe in reply to helixhelix

Thank you, I do tend to try to drink alot of warm water, anyway, but will now make an extra effort. Yes a little bit of discomfort now for feeling better soon is worth it.

Tillytop profile image

Hi Stowe - and welcome! I know nobody wants to need a Rheumatoid forum but I’ve found everyone here to be really friendly and supportive and just all around “good eggs” 🙂. Also there’s a wealth of experience here and it’s likely that whatever the question, someone will have had a similar experience. 🙂. Methotrexate (or mtx as its often referred to cos it’s easier 😏) is one of the “standard” rheumatoid meds and many, if not most people with Rheumatoid will take it at some point. It can be really effective. Unfortunately nausea can be one of the side effects and it seems to vary how it affects people. I’m thinking it may depend on how quickly our bodies absorb it. For some I think the nausea lessens as they get used to the mtx, some people don’t feel sick at all even on the max dose and some people do really struggle with it. Hopefully it won’t be a continuing issue for you but if it is, your could ask your GP for some anti sickness meds. Have you been prescribed folic acid alongside the mtx? This can help prevent some of the potential mtx side effects and is seems to be pretty much the norm these days I think. It does need to be prescription though. Over the counter is not a high enough dose. Sorry this seems to be a really rambly reply 🙄 but hopefully it’s been helpful. I’m sure others will be along too with replies in due course. Hope the nausea passes soon and that the mtx really works well for you once it “gets going”. Finally just to say that although I’ve had rheumatoid for more than 20 years, I can still remember how confusing and frightening the early days were, struggling to understand and struggling with the meds and the uncertainty. So please do post again if you want to share or to ask any questions. There will almost certainly be someone here who can help 🙂. Thinking of you loads Tilly 💕

Stowe profile image
Stowe in reply to Tillytop

Awww thank you so much for your kind words, it is so good to read and have somobody understand what I'm going through, it is hard to start with, but hopefully in time everything will get better. Yes I have been given folic acid to be taken as well. I thin, li,e you say my body is just needing to get used to the medication, and to be honest compared to others I'm really not doing to badly, I just really don't like like feeling sick have abit of a phobia with it,, hey hum one way of getting over it! I'm trying to keep my mind busy so I'm not thi king of hos I'm feeling, seems to be working. Anyhow I have every faith that this will all work out. I hope you are ok, and your medication is helping you to live a good life. Thanks again for your reply. Xx

Hello and welcome Stowe. Unfortunately nausea is a common side effect with mtx but it does vary from person to person. I’ve been on it for 20 years and couldn’t tolerate the higher doses because of sickness but I’m ok on a lower dose now. It’s good you’re not feeling too nauseous and I hope that disappears the longer you are on it. Mtx made a big difference to my RA and many others so if you can bear with it hopefully it’ll do the same for you.

Do ask any questions you have, however small or large 😊 there’s lots of personal experiences and RA journeys here and people are very willing to share or just be there to support you while things get sorted. x

nablur profile image

I hope you’ve been prescribed something to help with the nausea. Hang in there. It will get better.

Ali_H profile image

Hi Stowe,

I found taking my med with porridge helped to start with and I split the dose over the day - you must take it all in one day else other complications might occur so I take 3 tablets at breakfast and 3 at teatime.

Plenty of water as stated and I found grazing on light healthy things helped as well with the nausea. Finally be gentle with yourself over the coming months as this is a difficult time in the RA journey.

All the best


JNickC profile image

That’s how I was. I’d take them at night start feeling ‘odd’ within 3 hours but I was at my worst with tiredness and a spinning head at it’s worse after 12 hrs. Exactly 24 hours after taking the tables I’d be back to normal

Kaksmith profile image

Hi sorry tat you have been feeling so rough , I think Methotrexate is one of those drugs that it does take a while for your body , but has been said that and folic acid to fight the majority of the worst side affects ..good luck and it can be a brilliant drug for some

Pulfs profile image

I was put on methotrexate 20yrs ago tablet form,a 5ys of years ago I switched to injection form,which is now inject pen, as starting feeling sick . Since switching sickness gone but still feel a bit tired next day. It dies take the body time to adjust but if you can tolerate it you start to feel better. Hope you soon get over sick feeling xx

Stowe profile image

Thank you everyone cof your Ki d word and positive feedback, I haven't been too bad today, it does seem to be early afternoon for me that I start to feel abit sick, but I have noticed if I keep my mind active and get something small, bit of fruit it seems to ease it. Other than that I'm not feeling too bad, which I'm very grateful and glad of, considering what so e of you have had to go through. Many thanks x

medway-lady profile image

Yes and ring the GP and ask for anti sickness medication on Tuesday if it gets worse. It does stop that effect quickly but it probably not last long so its wait and see game. But GP or RA nurse is best bet.

Stowe profile image
Stowe in reply to medway-lady

Thank you, I will bear that in mind, I'm happy at the moment to see how it goes for the time being, the RA dr did say if I was suffering from feeling sick he will swap the medication to the injection type to bypass the stomach. I'll see how I feel when I have to increase the doseage, I'd just rather not have to take more tablets at the moment. Thanks x

kkminton profile image

With Drs. Permission- Three with breakfast three with dinner all in one day... much better

Stowe profile image
Stowe in reply to kkminton

I tend to take them Friday evening as I work full time and didn't want to be at work having side effects. Coping at the moment. X

kkminton profile image

Good thinking wishing better days soon

Stowe profile image
Stowe in reply to kkminton

Thank you, the symptoms we abit better today and the sickness only lasted about an hour today so let's hope it gets less each day. Hope your feeling ok x

NanaFifi profile image

Hi Stowe,

I couldn’t handle the side effects from methotrexate tablets and went on to injections. I still get quite nauseous and sometimes have a headache but it’s usually between 8 - 12 hours later.

For a lot of people these side effects are short lived, my advice would be to keep hydrated to help with headaches and try some natural anti nausea remedies.

Good luck. X

Stowe profile image
Stowe in reply to NanaFifi

Thanks for the reply, thankfully the side effects seem to be getting less problematic, felt slightly queasy but less time today and not as strong. Hope your feeling good in yourself. X

JFlay profile image

Hi, I've been on MTX 4 months now and still not used to it! Seems there is a lot of trial and error with it! I found ginger tea to be quite good for the nausea/gut issues. All the best with it, hopefully we'll be ok eventually 😂

Stowe profile image

It's so horrible that by us wanting to stop the pain in our bodies we now have to go through potentially feeling sick until our bodies get used to the medication or the right medication is found. I still have some pain but not as bad. I'll have to try a herbal tea and see if that helps, for that. I am still (at the moment) able to drink coffee, but have had a couple of days when I couldn't stomach it, I find chi tea soothing. X

nomoreheels profile image

Hiya Stowe, welcome. I'm probably reiterating the good advice you've received, I've not had chance to read the replies so if I do I apologise.

I've taken MTX 10 years now, tablets initially as is mostly the norm, changing to injections after a year. The advice I was given when I was first prescribed them by my Consultant was to take my then 15mg dose throughout the day rather than all together, preferably with food. So I took 2 tablets with breakfast, lunch & my evening meal. Not taking them in one go isn't so much for your body to deal with & could ease most common side effects. It was also suggested I didn't take them in the evening, although many do do this successfully but his concern was if I did have any sickness it would result in broken sleep & like me he was a great believer in sleep being a great healer. Drinking plenty of water helps too, as does ginger if nausea is a problem. If there's the option or room to an increase in folic acid also helps side effects, anything up to 5mg 6 times weekly is acceptable (omitting MTX day as it can reduce the effect) so if it's necessary you could ask your Rheumy if your dose could be increased. If nausea becomes a proper nuisance your GP could prescribe an anti emetic for you. Eating more bland food around MTX day is also helpful on the tum as is taking it a little easier, if possible, on your chosen day.

I think I've covered the usual suspects so just to say I hope MTX is helpful in controlling your RD & if you do have any problems they're not too disruptive.

Stowe profile image

Hi nomoreheels,

Thanks for your feedback, it's lovely to read. Well I must be in safe hands if you have been on the medication for 10 years. I hope you are feeling ok. I have to say the side effects are getting better and are for not as long each day, which h is a relief. I have cut back on sugar, high carbs, gluten and (unfortunately for me) alcohol. But it does seem to help, I notice a difference if I don't say on a strict healthy eating plan. I tend to take the whole dose on Fri night as I would rather have the side effect over the weekend than a week day when I am working full time. I think science has come a long way and is still striving forward unfortunately my Auntie had RA 30 odd years ago and it affected her very quickly at a young age and I was horrified when I was told last month i had it, so I intend to try hard to look after myself to hopefully try to slow to progress. X

Candy profile image

Hi, Yes definitely experienced this. Sometimes it would be straight away and last throughout the next day, with stomach cramps. Sometimes just the next day and at other times I seemed to get off lightly. However it did continue for me, so was advised to try the injections, which I’ve been on for a while. I don’t experience the feeling of sickness this way or only mildly at times. On having nausea, I found ginger biscuits and the sharpness of fizzy sweets helpful. Also lime and soda and mints. Hope it wears off soon, but discuss with rheumatologist or GP as well. Candy

Stowe profile image

Good morning Candy, thanks for the reply, the sickness is easing off, I'm, finding I haveit for an hour or so for the first 2 - 3 days, thankfully mildly, then it's gone, till the next Saturday. I will try the ginger biscuits. Hope you're feeling ok. X

Candy profile image
Candy in reply to Stowe

Glad it’s wearing off, here’s to a good weekend. Candy

Stowe profile image
Stowe in reply to Candy

Thank you, you too.

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