GP prescribing issues??: Just interested to hear if... - NRAS


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GP prescribing issues??

82 Replies

Just interested to hear if anyone else has the same issues as me with regards my repeat prescriptions... I’m on mtx, hydroxychloroquine, naproxen, sulpha. I have all my monitoring blood tests at my GP’s and request all my repeats from them. I have to say that almost every single time, they reject my repeat, request another email from my consultant, issue incorrect prescriptions or anything else to make my life a pain. It’s hard enough having RA, working full time and having two children without spending time chasing up medications.

Do most people get their repeats from the Consultant? Or do peoples GP prescribe without too much bother? Any info would be useful.

Thank you

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82 Replies
Matilda_1922 profile image


I’m unable to have methotrexate on a repeat. Hospital arranges blood tests so at times gp will request blood tests as don’t receive hospital results even though I ask them to send gp results.

Recent review took me off anti inflammatory as they don’t like it.

in reply to Matilda_1922

Thanks for your reply. Maybe GP’s prefer the hospital to prescribe mtx and that’s the reason for their reluctance.

in reply to

I always get my Methotrexate and Leflunomide repeats from my GP with no problems. Maybe if you changed to MTX injections which are always arranged through hospital and whichever company they use to deliver them to your home. But then I guess there might be other problems pop up somewhere along the way.

PinkLamb profile image
PinkLamb in reply to

I'm on injectable Methotrexate so the hospital arrange the prescription, without any problems!!

HappykindaGal profile image
HappykindaGal in reply to

Me too - I'm on mtx injections and order online and pick them up from the pharmacy. That's a real pain that they're making it so complicated

notsochunky profile image

My GP refused shared care so I get my prescriptions from specialist nurse at hospital.

All my repeats come through my GP surgery except benepali. I’ve never had any problems getting repeats, I just send in the request online and they’re sent to my pharmacy for me to collect a couple of days later. What a nuisance for that to be happening to you, I hope you get it sorted out soon.

Matilda_1922 profile image
Matilda_1922 in reply to

They will prescribe it but I need to go to the surgery to request. Can’t do it over the phone either

in reply to Matilda_1922

That’s not good if your surgery is not very near and you struggle to get there.

in reply to

Thank you. So do I.

medway-lady profile image

GP and never a problem did LEF and only issue and not down to GP was to ignore the routine letter for blood test that the hospital had already done. GP said a flaw in their system and sorry about it so not even really an issue. GP turns round scripts in 3 days very efficient really.

Thingybob profile image

I have bloods at the hospital and repeats from the gp via a central nhs ordering service. They just ask me when my last blood test was and the script is sent to the local pharmacy. The gp needs an e mail from the rheumy dept if there are any changes.

I think some gps ask for drugs to be prescribed via hospital so that the cost dosent come out of the surgery budget ?

in reply to Thingybob

I wondered if it was a cost issue too!

mccaffs2014 profile image

My GPS and rheumatologist have a shared care agreement. I order my prescription online, the pharmacy collect my prescription and then deliver it to my home. 😂

Bookworm55 profile image
Bookworm55 in reply to mccaffs2014

Me too -except I do have to collect from the pharmacy which is a 5 min walk away. The vital thing seems to be shared care which I understand not all GPs agree to. My blood tests are done at the GPs and I order repeat prescriptions when needed. Blood test results are then available to be seen by the hospital but checked by the GP. I can also access my blood results online.

QAGS profile image
QAGS in reply to Bookworm55

Same with me

in reply to Bookworm55

Same here 😊

helixhelix profile image

When I lived in the UK all my drugs were on repeat, apart from the injectable MTX, and Boots sorted it with my GP surgery. I’d just get a text saying they were ready for collection.... (sulpha, hydroxy, arcoxia and a coupe, of other things).

oldtimer profile image

I think a polite letter to the Practice Manager is required. Either they have a shared care arrangement or they don't. If they have it doesn't seem to be working properly for you.

Ask something along the lines of wondering if she (usually a she but check on their website and address her by name) could look into how the system is working as you have had several problems. Then list them (just state what happened on each occasion, no emotional words!). If you have any constructive suggestions (again no emotional words) say you had thought this might help....

I have found this works well - last time I got a letter thanking me for my suggestions and there were changes made to how the system worked (it had been taking a week to get the repeat medication after a blood test).

It sounds as if they don't have a system where a pharmacist/ trained receptionist checks the prescription is at the correct interval, the repeat is not expired because of non-renewal (that usually happens because you are due some check-up and should be on your notes), checks that the blood results are back and within normal range, and issues the prescription for the doctor to sign in the large batch of repeat prescriptions.

in reply to oldtimer

Thank you for your reply. Very useful and yes I think a letter may help this situation. I’m getting frustrated every time I put a repeat in.

Frankiefocus profile image

Hi there

I take the same meds as you and phone every other week to my Gp to get my script without any problems. You should complain big time face to face with your Gp as I also work and would not put up with that sort of crap.

kmw60 profile image
kmw60 in reply to Frankiefocus

The hospital prescribe methotrexate not GPS and as it is so toxic and potentially harmful in certain circumstances GP s will quite rightly, fit the patients Safety, not automatically re authorise if they don’t have the letter from Rheumotology dept or the last blood results back. It’s not crap, it may be annoying but it’s in everyone’s interest to get it right. Your response is a little over the top, no one is just trying to be obstructive

in reply to kmw60

My GP has all the blood tests and letters from the hospital. Also their last refusal was when I asked for naproxen!

in reply to Frankiefocus

You’re so right. I think that now I know other people are getting their meds without the hassle, it gives me the confidence to complain. Thank you

Frankiefocus profile image
Frankiefocus in reply to

No problem

Mmrr profile image

Yes, I had several months in a row were the repeat meds I requested on prescription were incorrect, with various combinations of items missing, incorrect dosage, not enough supplies.

I made an appointment with my GP, who said all my notes, repeats were up to date and I shouldn't have any more problems.

Next month more issues, so I asked to see the practice manager who gave me an email address to use, next month same problems. 11 months in total of chasing prescriptions, when unwell and being stressed by it all.

So I make an appointment now and get the prescription written I front of me, the GP says this is ok, I get three months supply at one go now.

in reply to Mmrr

This is exactly what’s happening to me. I’m happy you’ve got it sorted. Thank you for sharing your solution.

woodstar1 profile image

I have all mine on repeat from my Drs and have my bloods done at my local hospital The Haywood. I've never had any issues, your situation sounds ridiculous!!

Hope you get it sorted ASAP!

in reply to woodstar1

Thank you, me too.

Runrig01 profile image

My gp was happy to do shared care. I have mtx on repeat and never have any issues. If my dose changes my rheumatologist send a summary stating that, and gp amends. What a pain to have to go through all that hassle. Think your surgery are trying to keep costs down, frustrating 🤗

in reply to Runrig01

I agree about the costs. It’s so frustrating. Thanks

Pixieperry profile image

My GP surgery always sign my repeat medication. The problem I’m having is getting an appt to see any Dr.

Sencosheep profile image

Blood test forms issued by the hospital, tests via GP. Results online in 2 days. MTX etc on repeat at GP - order online and collect from nominated pharmacy 3 days later. Worked seamlessly so far.

in reply to Sencosheep

Lucky you, Hope I manage to get my GP to iron out their issues with me.


BoneyC profile image

... I’m on mtx, hydroxychloroquine, naproxen ... I have all my monitoring blood tests at my GP’s and request all my repeats from them.

Ditto. My repeat meds arrive at the pharmacy within 3-4 days. I believe a GP has to authorise the MTX every time but other than that, the system works. Blood results can be viewed online next day.

Maybe write a letter to the Practice Manager to highlight the problems?

in reply to BoneyC

Yes, I think you’re right there. Thank you for sharing. It’s good to know that it can work.

Sjhoney profile image

Hi, I get all my blood tests and repeat prescriptions from my gp surgery.

That must be such a pain for you.

Hope you get it sorted 🙁

in reply to Sjhoney

Thank you. Me too

Sjhoney profile image
Sjhoney in reply to

What a convoluted approach to it? I would def talk to dr/surgery 😊

Scottishlad profile image

I'm in Scotland as you may guess from my username.

I have no problems, my MTX and hydroxychloroquine prescriptions are issued by my GP who does the regular blood tests. My Cimzia is prescribed by my consultant and delivered direct to me.

Seems ridiculous that you have to be ping ponged back and forth. Perhaps there is funding issue at the heart of it.

Nanabrodie profile image

I have a repeat prescription from GP for meds which includes Hydroxy but as far as MTX is concerned I have to phone rheumy’s secretary when I’m running out and she arrange s for me to be sent a prescription and forms for blood tests which I have done at GP surgery . I was told GP’s can’t prescribe MTX.

123cabezas profile image

I'm from the United States, and I take the same as you, and I get my prescriptions from my local pharmacy, and they always mess up my refill's sometimes giving me the generic mtx that is 8 pills 2.5mg once a week, which i hate, My usual is Trexall brand 10mg which is only two a week with 12 weeks supply, but with the constant mix up and always needs a doctor to call, it changes my once a week day to another day or 2 days later when I wanted to do on Mondays. now change all over the week days, and I don't like for my weekends to feel lousy.

Julie_kiwi profile image

On the same RA drug mix as you with a couple of others for blood pressure. My GP prescribes my repeat prescriptions no problem, although she does like to see my blood results first so I make sure I time them accordingly. My issue is with the dispensing chemist who always has some reason for not having everything, so i'm changing chemist.

Good luck.

CagneysMum profile image

My MTX injections are delivered direct at a time to suit me, hydroxychloroquine is prescribed by hospital every 3 months and bloods checked by hospital every 4 weeks (I phone the hospital a week after each test and ask for a copy to be posted which they always do). My naproxen, folic acid and omneprazole is on repeat from GP - not usually a problem although my local chemist often struggles to get hold of naproxen so I end up going to a large Boots now more often than not.

Nuttyshirlz profile image

I’m on most of yours plus other only mtx are pills. I’ve never had a problem with getting mine from my gp I get 3 weeks supply ever 3 weeks not a week early lol. Sorry your having problems must be your area or something 🙂

Hessie5 profile image

I have been waiting 8 weeks for a biologic. Lloyd's pharmacy are the most incompetent organisation on this planet. I have been lied to saying the prescription is on its way. Only to be told most recently they didn't in fact have it as there is a shortage. All of this with me calling them. I have 3 complaints logged with them and not one manager has called. I was told on Friday I have to raise another complaint about the pending complaints.

So right now I live with chronic pain, lots of Ibuprofen and paracetamol as need to get to work. It's stressful.

Definitely major issues with our health service and meds.

Hope it works out for you.

juliea793 profile image
juliea793 in reply to Hessie5

I am very surprised that a Pharmacy has been given a prescription for a Biologic as these are specialist drugs and usually are delivered from Health care at home on instruction from your Consultant.

Hessie5 profile image
Hessie5 in reply to juliea793

My prior biologic was from Healtn Care at Home and were very good. Lloyd's pharmacy also occupy this space and are exceedingly bad, so much so I have asked whether Healthcare at Home can supply this new biologic. My hospital, my rheumatologust have logged complaints as I. Apparently I am not the only one who is having major issues with Lloyds. They do more than just have pharmacies. They are terrible at this end.

When I first went back to work full time I had the same issues and, like you, felt as though every day was trying to sort out problems with my meds. Boots were very helpful though, and understood the issues with my GP. They rang my GP for me and even loaned me drugs on occasions. Fortunately, the GP prescription system improved over time and I now just order on line, receive a text from Boots and then collect. It took about two years to get to this point though. The GPs need your feedback to understand how things can go wrong to make the improvements - otherwise, nothing changes and mistakes continue.

Very best of luck.

in reply to

Thank you. All these posts have been so helpful because I can see that the whole system can work well. Im going to write to my GP practice and explain my issues.

Pulfs profile image

I have shared care with my GP and hospital,have bloods done at surgery and repeat prescription also with no problem. Have methotrexate injections on repeat which I collect from pharmacy. X

Birman4 profile image

Hi yes, my injectable Methotrexate I have to get from the hospital but having real problems getting hold of folic acid of all things! If I ask for a prescription 1 they refuse it saying I am not deficient 2 after lots of backwards and forwards they relent but will only let have 20 tablets. 3 my consultant has to remind them that I need more. At the moment I have to pay 2 prescription charges per month just for the stupid folic acid and fed up of being treated like a junkie by my GP

in reply to Birman4

Poor you. I know that feeling. I’ve had to take 25 folic tablets per day from the cheap Aldi bottle each day to reach the dose because my GP wouldn’t prescribe it either!

Mumcon profile image

Hi I still have issues especially with my Methrojet injections I now get my prescriptions every month but my blood tests are every 2months I’m sick of going to the chemist and they’re not there nor has the prescription been signed by GP. I usually order them a week in advance but they are still not ready, usually because they are waiting on blood results which are not due!! It’s really frustrating and I don’t see it changing any time soon I’m supposed to get them delivered but instead I have to go to chemist then call GP again to get it Grrrrr

in reply to Mumcon

I feel your pain. It’s so frustrating!

I get my repeat scripts from my RA specialist.

Floralqueens profile image

Sorry to hear about your repeat meds issues. I’m on Metoject, and other meds prescribed by my Rheumatologist, I’m in the fortunate position that I’ve never had any problems getting my repeat prescriptions and they always include my blood forms too. I wish that all of you out there were as fortunate.

in reply to Floralqueens

I think having RA makes life hard work and having issues with meds doesn’t help. Glad it’s all working for you x

Georgiab123 profile image

Hi when I due bloods at doctors and methotrexate prescription is ordered they always stop it until I ring them up it’s only happens every 4 month but still a nusence

Floralqueens profile image

Wish it was for you too 🤞🏻things will change for the better. Xx

avocadothrower1 profile image

It is an issue that the NRAS should be taking up, if they are not already. There is such wide variation across the country and patients end up negotiating a huge bureaucracy when they are stressed and in pain.

in reply to avocadothrower1

That’s a good point. We rely on these meds to lead our lives. We fight for our health every day and these issues make life so hard.

4106465 profile image

I get the main ones from my Gp and the Biosimilar is ordered via the prescribing nurse and it's delivered to me!

Collielover profile image

I’m take hcq and naproxen , pregabalin , insulin and duloxetine . My GP puts them all on repeat and I request via online requests, never had a problem.

Feel for you trying to juggle RA and life is bad enough as you say .

I have RA, Type 1 diabetes , hypothyroidism, Colitis and now just been told Oral Lichen Planus.. whatever next ? 🙄

in reply to Collielover

Sorry to hear about your illnesses, it’s a battle. I hope you get sorted soon x

fionam profile image

My GP prescribes my repeat prescriptions without any problem then I collect from my local Boots'. I have to see my GP once a year just for an update.

annie1954 profile image

Hi I have no problems with my repeat prescriptions, I get them from the pharmacy at my doctors. I also have blood tests every month. I’m in the UK where are you ?

in reply to annie1954

I’m in Cheshire and near good hospitals etc. It’s good that you have no issues with your repeats

LD1954 profile image

Hi, I work for Rheumy consultants and hear of this problem quite often. Ask your consultant to send your GP a letter about this issue. I do it often. Good luck.

in reply to LD1954

Thank you, that’s interesting to know.

fizbom profile image

I get my methatrexate and Enbrel prescribed by consultant my gp does all other medications and does my bloods every 2-3 months hope you get it sorted it must be hard working and bringing up a family and coping with RA. Take care

Nicanoo profile image


I'm on methotrexate and the repeat goes through fine, I order it online and pick it up at the chemist, no problems.

Maybe chat with the practise manager?

in reply to Nicanoo

Yes I think you’re right. That’s what I’m going to do now

suwinter profile image

My GP is really cooperative. They monitor my LFT results and issue repeats without any issues. I order online and the prescriptions go straight through to the chemist.

In theory, it should work like this everywhere, but not all GPs have patient care and experience at the heart of their practice!

craigsif profile image

Hi, ive only had a problem with Celecoxib , my gp won't prescribe as it has been linked to increase risk of heart attack. Everything else is fine including MTX injection and all blood test are done by GP . I would ask to speak with the practices managers and ask them to resolve this problem of wrong prescription. Warmest Craig

in reply to craigsif

Thank you and yes I think I will

mccaffs2014 profile image

Hello I posted earlier but I forgot to add that my gp surgery also has a full-time pharmacist who will deal with any prescription issues. Does anyone else have this service provided.

Pamak profile image

My repeat prescriptions come through my GP once the consultant has put it in writing. When I have a new drug there is always a problem with the repeats and like you I seem to spend my time chasing the GP surgery

White41 profile image


I`ve got big problem with my regulary Mtx injection prescription. Very often I`m taking a few days later then I should. Complains doesn`t help and I think is time to change the surgery. Very disappointed.

I am on Naproxen, Ibuprofen has gone from my system by morning so it takes forever to get out of bed, my GP understands and has no problems with me managing my own medication and normally I am allowed 3 repeats and then I have re-order as non repeating until I have an appointment which can be a month away. He is an excellent GP who takes time with his patients and that means longer waiting times, I do have problems with the practice pharmacist changing things, without even speaking to me, which means I have to get scripts replaced when he issues the wrong items and it all takes time, this means I have to allow a 10 day window for repeat scripts and not just 3 days. (FYI that is long bank holiday 4 days, 3 days twice to get the right script = 10 days in total) This is in addition to another GP also changing it or the practice not giving to my GP when he is on duty all of which I can well do without and it takes up even more of their time but they do not get it, call me and we sort it or I have to call multiple times until it is. I now have to sign for my pregabalin unless it has just been made a class C drug, so fun when I get it delivered to my neighbour if I happen to be out.

I am grateful I don't have to hospital issued scripts to make it even harder.

Anne_57 profile image

i have had no problems with repeat prescriptions via GP to date- inc injectable MTX . The bioligic i now take as well ( Imraldi) comes from the company itself and they have to deliver every fortnight, so that's a real pain.

PINKY246 profile image

Hi. I have osteoarthritis of both knees and so far all I'm taken are

Aleve and Tylenol. I see a specialist this Monday and I'm concerned about swelling of my legs after I'm on it after 30 mins.

I know that it will get worse and I will eventually have to get prescriptions drug and I hope I don't go through what you are.

You mentioned that you have two children, if you don't mind me asking how old are You?

Not what you're looking for?

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