Well, after saying I would never go back to oral steroids, I have had to this week. The pain was so bad, I could not take much more. Rheumy nurse said I could have 5 days supply to tide me over till next Rituximab infusion. The last one ( my first ) had reaction, so only had third of the dose. So pain eased a lot after one 20mg dose of steroid pills, but only 4 hours sleep. That’s what it does to me, insomnia!! Don’t know what will happen after 5 days, infusion not due for another11 days after they end.
Prednisolone : Well, after saying I would never go back... - NRAS

It's a dilemma isn't it! I find that steroids impair my sleep too, but think that's usually worth it for the relief of pain and other exhaustion from dealing with pain and inability to function. What have they advised you about reducing the dose? Can you find a balance between pain relief and sleep disturbance with a reduced dose?
Hi there, sorry to hear about your issues. It’s best to take your Prednisolone in the morning, because insomnia is a known side effect of the generally available variety, cheers Deb

Hello, yes I have been on them before asi have said, and I take them at 7 each morning.
Sorry, that wasn’t in your original post, otherwise I wouldn’t offer needless advice
Do you take your steroids at breakfast? I find the earlier I take them (even at 40mg) I sleep better.
I've taken prednisilone in the morning, but did try it around 2am , but it made no difference to me.
It's not good to come straight off a 20mg dose, try tapering the dose, 17.5 tomorrow, 15 the next day etc etc.... that way the tabs you have got will last longer and your tapering your dose as your supposed too.
Yes have done that before, but the 20mg i am on is not having much of an effect anyway, just taking the edge off.