Hello everyone, my name is Bryan and i have the RA!! I was diagnosed in June of last year.. currently taking Metotrexare once a week ( does anyone else feel like garbage while taking it?). Still sore in the mornings.. better by lunchtime..
I’m new: Hello everyone, my name is Bryan and i have... - NRAS
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Welcome Brian, sometimes it can take up to 12 weeks to work properly, I take mine before I go to bed then I’m not too bad the next day and drink loads off water as that helps with the sicky feeling but I’m still tired sometimes the next day
Hi Brian, and welcome, I have had RA for about 15 years now, I used to take the tablet form of methotrexate, and I used to feel lousy, it got to the point, I really didn't want to take it because of the sickly horrible effect it had on me, so I informed my consultant, and I was able to change for the injection, which is much better for me,
Maybe you could speak with your health team, how it's making you feel
Good luck
I have exactly the same symptoms. I have been to the OT today and he suggested compression gloves at night for the stiffness plus continuing with daily exercises with theraputty. The exercises deff help. I also saw the rheumy re feeling rubbish after the methotrexate. I am on injections which helps plus daily folic but she also suggested i creasing the other drug -sulpha- ?
Thanks!! I’ve been trying to get the gym at least 3 times a week for some light training.. it hasn’t been going to well.. lol.
I lm also taking folic acid daily and i pop a leucovorin 12 hrs after the dose of metho..
MTX injections help reduce the side effects. I took plenty water, around a pint before and then again after injecting, and lots more during the day. I found eating carbs helped with nausea too. If you can plan for a quieter day the day after injecting, and accept that you may not be so good that day, it helps the stress levels.
The tiredness for me, did improve over time, but even now I feel better in the afternoon than the morning. I think it is the way it is for some folks with RD. Good luck.
Thanks for the feedback!
I haven't had any side effects with MTX so am unable to comment. Welcome from me.xxx
Welcome Bryan!
Hi Bryan, welcome!
I think Methotrexate is the drug most people start on as it is one of best for slowing down the disease while not having the side effects of biological drugs. When I was first diagnosed I found methotrexate to be great, it pretty much put me into remission once I'd been taking it for a few months.
Unfortunately after about 4-5 years I had to switch to a different drug due to side effects, but while I was on it the methotrexate worked great!
I hope that your symptoms soon start improve!
The side effects are what I'm worried about...
I think that everyone responds differently and you may not get any of the side effects. With the methotrexate the only side effect I had was nausea, but this can be fixed by taking it as an injection so it bypasses the stomach altogether
If you do get side effects though it's best to speak to your doctor right away. I persevered and ended up making such a strong association between the medication and the nausea that even when I injected I found the nausea to be intolerable. Ridiculous I know but it's difficult to break such a strong association.
Anyway it seems a lot of people get very good results with methotrexate so it's definitely worth persevering with!
Hello Bryan
Take look at the information video on the NRAS website that you may find helpful. Switching to injectable rather than tablet form of MTX does seem to help alot of people deal with the nausea as of course it is bypassing the gut.

Ill take a look.
It works it really does I went through hell for the first 4 months but now I have my mobility back and realativly pain free still very fatigued but I can handle that sickness had now stopped it dies take time to work but I am glad I stuck with it 😊