So!!!! I've been approved!!!! AND!!!! I no longer have the diagnosis of 'sero negative arthritis' I now have.....psoriatic arthritis which is good but also frustrating as I said from the beginning that's what I have....but my psoriasis has had to spread to my face for them to be convinced 😝 anyway I've been given the option of 2 biosimilars.......Etanercept or Amgevita. My consultant has said that Amgevita is what he would choose as it's the one that dermatologists advise to choose in terms of psoriasis not just psoriatic arthritis. But I can choose. Anyone had any experience with either of these drugs? Any information would be greatly appreciated 😁 xxx
Biologics: So!!!! I've been approved!!!! AND!!!! I no... - NRAS

Yaaaay! So glad for your approval. Well done Hels. xx. I have had Etanercept (trade name Enbrel) which is the original biologic product and not the biosimilar, and it worked like magic almost immediately for my RA, but I got allergic to it with a rash at site injection but don't worry ... it works great for many. I don't know the Amgevita but it makes sense what your Consultant has said. Hope someone has experience of it to help you decide. Have an excellent weekend and once again, great news and hopefully it will soon calm down your (lovely) face. xxx
Just found out it is humira.....the one I was scared of so I don't know what to do xx
Did you speak to the nurse about your concerns, Hels? If not, phone the nurse and do so re your Mum and it might make a difference. I hoped they were going to give you a choice of bioloigics. Did they say why at all? xx
It’s all about your response to the drug. I took humira for years and was lucky enough to have no side effects. Try it and it might be just what you need
Really pleased for you Hels xxx
This is interesting to know. I guess they all work different for different people though don't they. It's so frustrating. Are you going to try something different? Xx
Hi Hels
Been on Entacept now 6weeks. I can't speak for everyone but for me it's been fantastic. Most of my joint pain has virtually gone, of course I do get a reminder that its still there but that's me overdoing things. The only side effect I've had is feeling flu like symptoms, but I can cope with that. Which ever one you choose I hope it works as well for you. Take care x
Hi there I’m on Amgevita at the moment and take my 4th injection this Sunday not noticed much difference yet but hopefully kick in soon xxx
I was on Humira for 3 years after having side effects on all the usual meds. It was brilliant and worked almost immediately, but I had to come off it as I had weeping welts come up on my legs, they were huge. However, I think it proved I no longer needed it as the only meds I have used since are codydramol when needed. I hope I'm not tempting fate by saying that as I'm due to have blood tests soon!
So pleased you've had approval Helen. Two things to consider with your choices... one is a biosimilar & the other an originator. Amgevita is the biosimilar of Humira (adalimumab) whereas the other (etancercept) is Enbrel, the originator med & not a biosimilar. It does have two biosimilars, Benepali & Erelzi (just for info). I can't help through experience but I thought it important you were fully informed as to the origins of the two.
I hope whichever you choose it helps. x
Not had your drug, I was on Rituximab infusions for RA - Great. After three years I agreed to switch to Truxima a biosimilar - not so good. I have now requested that I go back to Rituximab which I can. Good luck.
I started enbrel in November 2012, I felt it start working it's magic the day after my first injection. At my follow up twelve week appointment I was in remission and apart from a very sort lived flare in 2015 I still am, I don't need any pain relief at all. I've had no side effects either.
I can't emphasise enough how this drug changed my life, at my first assessment for going on anti tnfs my das score was 7.2, which was well into the criteria of qualifying. I was given a steroid injection, something that they normally don't do. At my second assessment it was 5.9, the steroid injection had brought it down a little, Whilst I was waiting to strart the drug, the steroid injection was wearing off and I got really bad, heaven knows what my score would of been then. I call enbrel my magic potion, it simply gave me my life back. xx
Hi Hels
Just for your info Benepali is the Biosimilar but it’s Etanercept too.
I took a picture of my injection pen as it’s written on there in big letters but don’t know how to attach it for you.
If your consultant suggests Humira then you have to listen to him/her is my thinking.
I’m on Benepali after being switched from Enbrel. My diagnosis is Sero negative RA / psoriatic RA with a question mark.
Good luck and so pleased you are being treated and listened to.
Nras do above booklet on all meds, you may have already seen it, good luck xx
I was on Humira for PsA (but I don’t have psoriasis) and it worked brilliantly for 14 months but then seemed to stop working. I then changed to Enbrel which, again worked very well until I moved to a different hospital and was changed to Benepali, the biosimilar. I’ve been on it for well over a year now ( also 10mg Methotrexate) and I feel that t it isn’t as good as Enbrel. Although my inflammatory markers are low (they always have been!) I still have pain and swelling ranging from mild to quite bad but my rheumatologist doesn’t seem bothered.
Don’t know these meds but I wish you all the best and that it works well for you.
I’m on Benepali for psoriatic arthritis and the psoriasis on my elbows has completely disappeared to the extent you would never know it had been there before. And although it was fairly localised it was pretty bad.
It’s not a perfect solution for me though as I still have some fatigue and issues with some pain in wrists and feet especially Achilles. Just restarted small dose of mtx to see if cocktail will work better
I'm currently on etanercept and so far its got my arthritis under control the only thing I would say is some days are really bad and others I barely know that I have arthritis but it can switch between the two very quickly that's the only problem with this drug oh and also I don't know if its just me because I'm a 17 year old who doesn't really like giving myself injections every week but that's also another down side if you go on it and it works your stuck giving yourself injections for the rest of your life but that's your choice no one can make it for you xxx
I'm used to injections weekly hun as I'm on methotrexate injections. Hopefully it works well for me and you get more and more good days 😁 xx