Hiya everyone.Diagnosed with R.A 3 years ago psoriatic Arthritis and psoriasis at the same time.I take Metertrexate it cleared my psoriasis by 97% I was over the moon as I had the skin condition 20 yrs.But the psoriatic arthritis just devolped slowly on all my small joints toes fingers feet.Then the r.a.devolped in my shoulder, neck elbow and leg.Am on a right concoction of pain relief tramadol, coco dramol.paracetamol naproxen and gabapentin.They don't work and I'm so worried am addicted to the drugs.I follow the doctors advice and never take any extra.But whould like them to change them that will work.So fed up with the pain.😥😥
Depressed: Hiya everyone.Diagnosed with R.A 3 years ago... - NRAS

Thankyou for your reply am seeing my consultant on the 9th so am hopeful he might help.As for the fentanyl patches they have stopped useing them here in the UK.But will give you oramoph liquid.Am not sure I want to go on that root as yet.But thank you.
Hi Cherylle - I know easier said then done, but do try to focus your thoughts away from the pain, as the stress of it all only fuels our pain. Relax as much as you can and rest assured this is a moment, the pain will fade. I refuse to let this wretched disease get the better of me. Today I need to finish my shopping, with achey feet, I shall continue to press on with my routine of a hot bath in Epsom salt, a hearty breakfast and shall hit the town smiling. 😊. Sending you notes of positivity!
I also have psoriasis arthritis and had my psoriasis since I was 2 so that’s 50 yrs now wow lol don’t tell fly.Im on methotrexate and sulfasalazine.
I’m also in great pain every day get high and low but I always think ppl worse off than me and I have arthritis not arthritis got me.
Plus your not alone plenty of ppl on hear to talk too x
Aww Thankyou.just Haveing a bad day I think.I went shopping yesterday I think that's what as done it so it's going to be a do a bit sit down for a bit day Thankyou for your reply.x
Sorry you're feeling so sore. Would be worth speaking to rheumatologist about better control with DMARDS so that reliance on pain killers etc could perhaps be reduced. Be clear with him/her that the pain killers are not working well, and you want to know that the underlying disease is being treated, not just the pain symptoms. He might consider adding another DMARD? Meantime, perhaps some IM steroids?
I hope Xmas gives you some time to rest and take care of yourself.
Thankyou for all your replys.You have made me feel better knowing am not on my own.I joined HealthUnlocked because I quit smoking 4 wks ago and 3 days hopeing it whould help my condition iv no intention of ever smoking again,Am very positive about it.But with all your support am going to try and deal with my pain and again thank You.Have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy, positive and prosperous new year xx🎉🎉🎊🎊🎄🎄
Hi Cherylle,
I don't think you're addicted to drugs, you're in a lot of pain and are trying to help yourself by taking your meds as prescribed. If you were addicted I'm sure you'd be just taking them willy-nilly (technical term!). If they don't work well for you, you might just need the cocktail tweaking so talk to your Rheumy or ring your Rheumy Nurse for advice because if they don't hear from you they think everything is fine!
And the rule of thumb about moving around when in pain is 'do-a-bit', rest, 'do-a-bit-more', rest (repeat) and after shopping rest-a-lot!
Try to have a good Christmas.
Love, Legs x