Has anyone on here got all of the above and any advice on how to cope with it?
Copd/emphysema,RA, nodules on lungs: Has anyone on here... - NRAS
Copd/emphysema,RA, nodules on lungs
Talk to the British Lung foundation. They have great advice, specialist nurses and lots of experience.
Go to your stop smoking service too if you haven't stopped smoking yet....it's the biggest part of the treatment x
Thanks Allanah!

No probs. Think you really need the specialists..... lung disease is awful and I bet you feel rubbish and tired. You need specialist treatment xxx good luck xx
Thanks Alannah, it really is rubbish! Old age ain't for cissies!xxx

Too right. But see the professionals . Get the treatment and seriously get off the cigarettes...it makes the difference to stopping you getting worse or it progress x x keep posting and let us know how you are
Will do and already on it as far as the fags are concerned:)xxxx
It’s hard quitting but you have too. I managed to again but am vaping currently without nicotine too. I’m not starting again either, it’s too damaging for RA let along lungs and the cost. I found it a great quit smoking tool. All the best, you will have more energy without the smokes, more oxygen in your blood and no toxins. Stay strong xx
Thank you, it's a battle every day but I'm trying. It gets very depressing though, good luck to you too.xx

It is very hard and depressing, I feel for you. My husband had COPD and was oxygen 24/7 for 2 years back in 2005. He smoked, couldn’t quit. Try the vaping. I’ll send a link for the one I use, it’s easy and cheap. eleafworld.co.uk/ipower-500...
The exercises seem to be really helpful too by others comments. Every little thing helps.
Thank you Daisychain58 😊
I don't noodles on my lungs but have all the others. To start with was hard but my lung specialist sent me on a course for Copd hated it at the bigging as really struggling to do the breathing exercises and the other exercises. I'm glad I continued as 2 years down the line it took me out of the hole I was in not going out on my own frighten to do anything. It was a 12 or 15 week cause by the end I was walking better breathing better helped me control when your walking you feel you cannot breath. From there I did hydro pool with physio for my RA which helps how to keep your joints moving. I now go to muscle mobility class at the local swimming pool twice a week and try and walk everyday some days not far as weather bad. But I'm not in that dark place anymore. I'm starting to enjoy my life again. Also joining groups helps as other people support you if your feeling down and vise versor. Hope all goes well. Ask for help an advice from specialist so you no where to turn xx
Thank you, you have given me hope that something can be done.Is the course residential or do you access in your local area.xx
The courses for COPD is usually held at your local Healh Clinic. Perhaps your GP or practice nurse could refer you.
Thanks poemsgalore1, I'll try that.

The copd course held at local health clinic speak to doctors or your specialist. The muscle mobility class at local swimming pool. But they is also other health places and light exercises out there. Ask at local gym or pools also ask doctors. I also stopped smoking now been 10 and half year it was hard but as helped.
Thanks Ajay! Good advice from you too, sorry about your Moms struggle with Copd.