In the area of my right wrist I can feel a tiny lump, and it's very firm. It's not on my left wrist. Both wrists have been sore for weeks. Could it be a nodule? How quickly do they grow?
Early signs of RA 'nodules' developing?: In the area of... - NRAS
Early signs of RA 'nodules' developing?

There are ganglions in the wrist which can grow quickly. I had mine removed but my nodules tended to be on my fingers and for me great slowly x get them checked I think xxx
I had a synovial cyst on my wrist it grew very large and I had it drained

Think I may have one on the back of my hand next to the wrist. Is that where yours was? My rheumy said it's caused by synovial fluid. It does hurt a little on times.
Yes it was just on top where my thumb meets my wrist tends to push my hand out at an angle and a but achy

Hmm, seems like it could be a cyst even if rheumy didn't say as much or mention draining. It's not very big but does ache a little and I get stinging nerve type pains if my hand goes into a certain position.
I'll post a not very good photo of it if you don't mind having a look J1?
Humble apologies for hijacking your thread Yansouneh, I'll be gone soon. Not familiar with ganglions but nodules do tend to be solid.
Agree with Allanah. It could be a ganglion. I had mine removed ...I was warned it might re-grow......that was five years ago and I’ve had no more problems.
Carpal boss? I have something similar which is quite tender. can only see it when I bend my hand right down. It's actually been there a few years and was one of my first red flags. It got painful to bend my hand backwards so couldn't do certain exercises like being on all fours. It's definitely not a ganglion as I have one of those underneath my wrist and it comes and goes, is quite soft and doesn't give me any bother. The other one appears to get a bit warm sometimes.
Thank you for all replies. Whatever it was for me, it has disappeared now!!
I had nodules on my fingers. Inside my nostril, on the back of my big toe. When I started taking Xeljanz. They went away. I'm on orencia now and they are still gone. After I started taking MTX the skin on my hands became creapy and the nodules appeared I know I'm not young but my moms hands weren't like this and she was 86 when she passed. My doctor said the new meds should help. It only helped with the nodules. I didn't have anything removed