Some advice please, my husband has RA plus nodules on lungs, COPD just recovering after a bout in hospital with stage 2 respitory failure after picking up an infection. Our adult children want us to live in Australia with them as feel the climate would be better for their Dad plus they can be there to help if needed. My husband doesn't think he would make the long flight due to his breathing problems, we will ask our Doctor if he can fly next time we see him but the breathing problems are a worry, do airlines cater for people with such difficulties? Or should we just stay put and not think about doing this.Appreciate any advice as my husband is feeling very low about his breathing problems and consultant has not given any help except to say nothing he can do as he wouldn't survive an operation. Same consultant broke my husbands rib with a large needle trying to extract fluid from outside the lung, set him back months.
Breathing Problems/ flying/ any help for breathing pr... - NRAS
Breathing Problems/ flying/ any help for breathing problems
The most important question is for your doctor as he/she will have to certify your husband as fit to fly. If that's ok then all the other issues are most likely manageable. For example, you can travel with bottled oxygen (you have to organise with airline) as security to help his breathing.
The other thing (that I imagine you've already worked out) is getting a visa for you both as that can take time & be complicated if you are planning to emigrate.
You could also ask your doctor about whether some pulmonary rehabilitaion would help his condition, and if so whether he can be referred.
Thank you for your advice, much appreciated
Your first task should to investigate with the Australian authorities if your husband would be able to settle in Australia as they have quite strict medical requirements. You would need to ask would he be able to get health insurance there & how much would it cost.They might need him to take a medical.
Secondly if you got the OK, you or your children in Oz, would need to investigate what health insurance would for available for both of you, both for the journey & in Australia on arrival.
Then if you get past those you need to speak to your chosen airline to see if they consider your husband's condition would be acceptable for travel on such a long journey.
They do have medical departments to liaise with your 'H' doctors.
Aircraft do carry therapeutic oxygen for emergencies but if H needs it permanently, special arrangements might be able to be arranged a cost to you.
All that might sound a bit over the top but it really would be necessary.
If you got a visa & health insurance sorted...have you thought of going out by ship? Nice holiday on the way out!
Hope you get things sorted to your advantage.
Thanks agedcrone, looks like just a holiday then by ship!

Bon voyage!

I think everything is covered above😕. A good friend of ours who we holidayed with for years with his wife has got COPD, which steadily got worse. Sadly he cannot travel any more, even on cruises as he is on permanent oxygen and they won’t allow enough on board for trips. Plus of course travel insurance. It’s difficult and expensive enough with any sort of long term illness. With what you have? 😳!! But good luck you may find something. If you do let us know.
I will, thank you!
Good idea to sail AC - a much more relaxing way to go, and of course, cruise ships have onboard medical centres. The fly in the ointment - there’s always one - is that I’m not sure if it’s possible to sail direct from the UK all the way to Oz, except maybe as multiple sectors of a world cruise, and it could work out very expensive, but check out Cunard and P&O, or go to somewhere like Trailfinders. I’d love to hear how you get on - good luck!
Thank you, I will!