Good evening, I’m after some advice. I’ve been on Humira (adalimumab) for several years and it works really well for me. However, I have two small children and have recently been picking up illnesses from them. This has meant coming off the Humira, taking antibiotics, getting better and then starting the Humira again. It’s getting into a vicious cycle and while my knees haven’t been as bad as in the past they aren’t great and I’m worried that I’m not getting the arthritis meds I need. Has anyone encountered anything similar? Any advice for what I should do/ways to prevent picking up illnesses while on Humira (above the usual washing hands etc) thanks lots
Minor illnesses from kids while on Humira : Good... - NRAS
Minor illnesses from kids while on Humira

I'm also on Humeria , I look after my 7 month old grandson 4 days a week and his 3 year old sister who started pre school in September I have another four grandchildren who I see regularly but are at school or still babies . I've found I religiously take multi vitamins folic acid , vitamin D and Vitamin C without fail , so far I've managed to not pick up their colds etc . I've always had a pretty strong immune system and seemed to miss the D&V when it was on the wards etc . I can only say good hand hygiene all round , look after yourself and fingers crossed 🤞 I say this as I did last summer end up picking up some bacterial infection from one of the kids and ended up in hospital . So you just have to be careful but except that you can't live in a bubble . 🤗🤗💐
Hello. Children, designed to transmit infections from schools etc. The best advice is strict hand hygiene and liberal use of antiseptic hand gels. I've posted this many times now but cods and flu etc. are generally picked up by physical contact : on hands from door handles, keyboards, shared phones,teacups and so on, etc. etc. It sounds like your children need to adopt the same antiseptic regime as you do. I don't know how easy t will be to indoctrinate children into such a strict habit but it is the only way, short of adoption!! Ho-ho! Good luck.
Adoption seems a marvellous idea . Wonder if I could back peddle 32 years 😂 x
Hi, same for me. I am on humira and I dread it when the kids come home from school with yet another virus because I know I will get it . I tend to rest as much as I can and go to bed as early as I can as this really helps me to recover quicker. Housework can get lost and takeout rules , anything that enables you to rest more. Take care .
Most of the infections will be viral, so how often do you need to have the antibiotics? And it would be worth having a discussion with your health care team about how often you need to come off the immune suppressant. It seems daft to have to keep coming off when the idea is to suppress your immune system.
Thanks for your response. I’m going to get appointments with my gp and chat to my rheumatology nurse. I’ve only had the antibiotics twice but that was in the last two months. This winter it’s just felt like one illness after another. My current cough/cold must be viral. It’s the grey area of when to hold off on the meds and when to keep going.
Try a daily supplement of EsterC, EmergenC, Airborne, etc. they help me but I have to take it everyday.
Thanks lots. I’m going to look to upgrade my multi vitamin. I hadn’t heard of these. They look good.
Are essential oils available where you live? I care for my grandchildren everyday and have found out that an oil by doTerra called OnGuard is a wonderful help. At the first sign that I may be getting a bug, I mix a few drops with water and gargle with it morning and night. I have managed to stay healthy and not have to skip my injections for a very long time because of the OnGuard. Best wishes!
I must admit I've only not taken a jab due to infection once in the past 2 years , and I had the wonderful job of u10 football kits and bits . 🤢