Hi, anyone out there had replacement knee surgery whilst suffering from severe RA in arms, shoulders, elbows, hands and other knee, legs? My sister has this condition and they want her to have the surgery as both knees are bone on bone - what I want to know is how does someone with this condition recover from the surgery and undertake the physio? She has no strength in her arms and legs. Also, I feel we will need lots of help but in our area there doesn't seem to be much (Dundee). Anyone know where we can ask for free equipment to help once she is out of hospital i.e. commode, wheelchair etc. Any advice gratefully received - they are doing one knee at a time. Thanks for your help! Thin White Duke.
Knee Surgery - Recovery With Severe RA Elsewhere - Ho... - NRAS
Knee Surgery - Recovery With Severe RA Elsewhere - How does the Physion Work?

Hi ThinWhiteDuke - I haven’t had any joints replaced, but I know that when my sister in law had a hip replacement last year, she had a home visit before her surgery by the hospital occupational therapist to assess what aids she would need afterwards. My mother in law also had a lot of OT input and aids put in place before being allowed to leave hospital, although that was in relation to ongoing lung problems rather than joints or surgery. My own mother had OT assessments for an elderly adult care package during a hospital stay last year.
So there is help provided, but what I find difficult is trying to unpick who is actually responsible for providing this help, eg, hospital or council, and how to contact them to find this information out in advance.
Has your sister had her pre-op assessment yet? If not, that might be the opportunity to ask, otherwise try calling the ward that your sister is likely to be in - they might be able to put you in touch with relevant OTs
Another idea might be to contact the Red Cross - I know that in the Glasgow Area, they lend out wheelchairs, and might be able to offer other equipment.
Can’t help regarding the physio I’m afraid - again that might be something to ask at the pre-op assessment. Another idea for any of this might be to get in touch with the hospital department secretary, who might be able to advise where to get the info you need. Good luck!
I had both knees and my hip replaced. The problem I have is my RA has flared up and the current meds aren't working enough to get the inflammation down. This makes it very difficult to do all the physio exercises, inflammation pain plus the surgery pain. My hip has been fine but my knees have limited movement due to lack of exercise. Currently I am waiting for a new biologic Golimumab and am hoping it works to get the inflammation down then I can work on strengthening my legs and get the knees working. If your sister is ina lot of pain the operation will help but she also needs to get the inflammation under control so she can exercise those knees.
Hi, I've just come out of hospital with a new knee. Occupational therapy went through every aspect of our home with me at the pre op assessment. So arranged wash stool, raised toilet and bed there and then. They came out again yesterday on one day's notice to fit additional stair railing. So from that aspect, you should be covered. My RA is well controlled, so I can't advise you on the rest. I know there are ways the exercises can be done, regardless of the circumstances. Please make sure you have a list with all possible help you may need. No matter how small. I wish you and your sister all the best.
When I've had my ops ......knee and hip replacements.....physio and OT assessed what equipment I'd need at home and arranged this for me.....raised toilet seat, perching stool, long handle shoe horn.
My husband also had fitted another hand rail up the stairs so there was one on both sides. Hope your sister gets the help she needs good luck in her op x
Yes they do make sure you have everything ready they come to see her in hospital and arrange a care package so that it's all sorted when she's discharged and will not let her leave otherwise hope this info helps
In response to the physio hydrotherapy has been of great help to me after my knee replacement last August. The water enabled me to do exercises which I would not have been able to do on land, due to the other knee needing replacing as well as problems with my shoulders and elbows