Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) Complications: webmd.com... - NRAS
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) Complications

Thanks Amy, really informative x

Yes, it is. That is why I like to keep for future reference.
Really good article Amy_Lee, unfortunately am currently being tested for ILD, have RA nodules one to be removed from the back of my hand. Eye problems and don't get me started on my back, from steroid meds. Thank you. X
Dear Gigi71,
Very sorry to know your case here. RA is one of the factor for ILD, in your case, was that because of RA problem that causes it? What are the symptoms that you have?
I always thought my vision was due to the medication that I took. Unfortunately, RA can cause vision blur too. If you need to remove the nodules on your hand, that means it must have been quite big already, right? I believe if it is very small, the rheumy may not want to do anything about it.
I believe my lung scaring is from RD and my rheumy registrar who I saw two weeks ago also said he believed it was the possible cause. I am seeing a Respiratory consultant who had my CT scans of a year before and sent me for a High Resolution CT scan and lung function tests. I've had a chronic cough for two and a half years and he said that was my HH and the PPI not stopping it, so Gaviscon Advanced. My breathing not to good. Never smoked. I blame mtx for dry eyes,have drops 4 times a day. I do have Glaucoma and the right eye is unstable since having my cataracts done, last year as that eye went wrong. Without a lens in that eye for two months but another put in the back was successful. Under Pain management for my back, my case has gone to Complex Spinal MDT. While I wait I am seeing a Bowen practitioner tomorrow. So fingers crossed. Do be very careful with your eyes and get them checked out again. Take care. X
Oh, dear Gigi! I am really sorry to know your condition. As compare, I am really very lucky that I am in good condition except my eyes at this very moment.
Yes, I will talk to my rheumy on my eyes' problem again. One of the side effect to use eye drop for a long period is to develop cataract. However, I was told to eliminate this side effect, I can go for the preservative free eye drop, which will be more expensive and I have to buy it from outside as the local government hospital will not provide for this.
As for your lung issue, you really need to do more research to see how to slow down or stop the progression if possible. I was told I have fatty liver after the ultrasound scanning and I was told that this is a irreversible but can be control situation.
I have changed my diets into mainly vegetables and fruits, I hardly take any deep fried food, not much of meats either, no hot and spicy too. I hope this will improve the condition of my liver eventually.
Hi Amy_lee we are all so different and my treatment 33 years ago was very different to how they treat patients now. I have had many good years where my RA was good. I have Erosive RA, so many ops and if you respond to the treatment and stop the damage together with a healthy lifestyle you should be fine. It's always best to get things checked as soon a possible, I've found I have to be proactive with my own health. Take care. X
I am in remission after about 2 years of treatment and so far I am in good health at the moment. I believe it is because I was treated very early hence no joint damaged so far but I do feel that the joints are not exactly the same and my hands and legs are not as strong before.
Technology improved so does medical treatment. I hope one day RA can be cured and those who are under remission can be off drugs one day.
We do need to remember tho' that these are possible complications, so most of us won't get them. As the article says, always tell your doctor about new symptoms. But otherwise don't think too much about things that might not happen.
Hello Amy_Lee,
It is actually very hard to say what causes what when you have RA and are on different meds. The funny thing is that I had very dry eyes in the beginning of my RA and problems with vision and now they are all gone! I really need to remind myself to put in eye drops. Perhaps this change is caused by my diet modifications or supplements, who knows. My eye problems have however disappeared.
RA has shown to be a risk factor for eye problems but there is well documented studies on adverse effects of RA meds as well. Mtx has been shown to affect the eyes in different ways, blurred vision being one of the side effects documented. Here is a study that goes through different meds and their possible effects on eyes. And a list of meds and their effect on eyes.
Dear Simba,
I do know that the mtx will cause eye problem too. When my rheumy sent me to the eye specialist, the specialist gave me the eye drop to apply daily. When I asked her is that would help my eye to recover and would it have any side effect? She told me that it would not help to recover but would ease the symptom only and yes prolonged usage of eye drop would have some side effect to the eyes too.
With that in mind, I rejected the eye drop and I did not go back for my appointment. I will ask my rheumy again on the good and bad to use the eye drop. Since you are using and your vision is back to normal, then it may help me too if I use it.
Thank you so much for the information, hopefully it will help me too. My next appointment is in Jan 2019. By the way, thank you for the links, I have just gone through them.
For me it was not the eye drops to moisten eyes that helped. It was something else that really had a curative effect in the way I have been treating my RA. I just cannot put my finger on it. Perhaps the bioenergic approach where optimizing cell respiration and production of mitochondrial energy made a difference(?)
In your situation, if you are on RA meds and your eyes are affected by them you will not get ridd of the symptoms before stopping the meds but you do need to moisturize your eyes, otherwise you will get new problems.xSimba
Dear Simba,
Your method of handling your RA is very abstract to me. Since I am in remission, I dare not take the chance for not taking the drugs unless my rheumy decides to take it off me. I hope you are doing fine and may I know how your condition is now?
Yes, I will see the eye specialist again after I see my rheumy. I am very sure the specialist will tell me off as I did not follow instruction and missed my appointment with her. But just one of those things, I have to face it to avoid any problem with my eyes in future.
Dear Amy_Lee,
You should by no means jepordize your remission. Once you are on RA meds it is risky to stop them as long as they are working. Good idea to get the eye moisture drops.
My treatment plan is quite complex and actually based on trying to target dysfunctions. in my metabolism, hoping by doing this inflammation will decrease. The stronger my body is and the more energy my cells produce the better are the chances for my immunesystem to function normally. This is opposite to what RA meds do to eliminate symptoms.
I am doing quite well. Thank you for asking. xxSimba
Thank you Amy_Lee for your kind words. I hope you will be able to decrease your meds eventually and that your remission will last. All the best.Simba