So had my follow up with Rheumatoid nurse and got blood results. Have been very fatigued but not consistent. Only thing bloods showed was Vit D of 53 ( range 75 -200). I have not had Vit D before to determine my normal levels. Suggested I could supplement over the counter to see if that has an effect. Anybody suggest good level to take / where from? Thanks.
Slightly low Vit D: So had my follow up with Rheumatoid... - NRAS
Slightly low Vit D

High enough D3 supplements not easy to get over the counter. Here in France it is infact impossible. It's really a good idea to get your D vit levels up, it has a direct antiinflammatory effect, RA patients have shown in research to have low D3 levels.
Here is a lot of recent information about vit.D
25 microgrammes is often the dose if you have low levels apparently. The ones over the counter in the UK usually seem to come in either 12.5 or 25 strength as far as I have seen. The advice from the NHS is here: (and suggests a lower dose)
but if you have had a blood test you should ask the person who took it for advice of what dose you need and how to take it.
If you are in another country you may find that Vit D is marked in international units just to confuse us all.
This was on Food Unwrapped last night. Mushrooms now available with added Vit D at 85p a portion. Cheapest way to get it and the Oxford Uni I think it was tested and proved best way to get the stuff.
My GP told me everybody of my age (old) with RA needed Vitamin D in the winter but my surgery had been told not to prescribe it any more . I was told to buy over the counter, but as people have said , you can’t buy the strength you need.
You do need to be careful about level you take as it can effect the kidneys. I had to have a blood test after starting vitamin d to make sire there were no issues .
NICE recommends all adults should take an over the counter vitamin D supplement all winter in the UK. The sunshine is too weak for us to use it efficiently to make our own.
Having said that, the stuff you can buy in the supermarket isn't strong enough to correct a deficiency. GPs prescribe far higher levels, usually for about three months before a re-test. Ask your GP to either prescribe, or tell you what level to buy. I bought the ones my GP suggested on Amazon for half the cost of a prescription!
I use to buy vitamin D3 from Holland and Barrett when I was first diagnosed with a low count. You could get good deals in their 'penny deals' so I presume you still can. Then I think about a year later my Consultant told me I could now get them free on the NHS. So I get them on prescription now as there is no way on earth I can get enough from my diet to make up the difference.
As a food scientist I would say you should really take advice on how much you need to take rather than guessing.
Hi Deniseelk
I also have low vitamin D but my doctor gave me Fultium and said I have to take them for the rest of my life. I have RA Osteoarthritis and Copd . Hope you get sorted hun. Best of luck x
Thx for advice! Going to book GP appointment and walk in with blood results and hope to sort tiredness! Only have RA so can totally feel for you. Mum had COPD and it is truly nasty!!! Can only be thankful for the good things we have.
I realise this post for Vit D is old but advice from a BANT Functional medicine person I went to see in London, I too had a deficiency, I was recommended Biotics Research Bio-D-Mulsion which is a liquid that you make a line of about 1cm or so on back of your hand & lick it off. This is a very cost effective & good way to take Vit D (30ml bottle lasts a year) - tastes a bit like licking a face cream but it's ok.
A site that sells it is theNaturaldispensary.
Sounds interesting.... I will certainly look into it but “ tasting like face cream” will take some getting used to. At the moment I am getting a good supply of Vit D from sunshine but there will get a point that supplements will be needed. Thx.