In the space of a month my DAS (disease activity score, just in case any newbies starting out this horrid journey didn’t know what it stood for)has gone from 4.5 to 5.5. It seems a very quick increase in a short time has this happened to anybody else? What’s the maximum it can reach it’s all rather confusing!
DAS What’s yours?: In the space of a month my DAS... - NRAS
DAS What’s yours?

Depends why, if you had an increase in your inflammation markers, plus a few more tender joints, plus a few more swollen joints then that would do it. A sudden flare can turn things round in a nasty way.
But 5.5 is a painful level, so sympathy. And it can go up to 10 - but really don't go there!
I used the app you sent this morning my DAS looks to be around 6.3. That gives me some confidence to challenge my medication at my appointment on 22nd. Thanks.
Did the same person do it both times? Different people assess differently. My OH, when struggling but not flaring, got a low DAS from a Registrar (which made no sense at the time) and, when comparitively much improved, a higher DAS from the Consultant??? Very subjective. (I witnessed them both so know he didn't overplay or underplay anything.) The takeaway has to be its about how you feel, not the numbers.
I always think it’s a bit subjective too Norisa, for same reasons, though goodness knows it’s a difficult disease for them to pin down & so unpredictable at times. Best one I saw said they take loads into account & asked for
my input too x
Was the same rheumy nurse both times.
Something on the up then. Hopefully it will settle down.
I have never been a fan of DAS as I have had a couple of nurses badly misinterpret my swollen joints and I also get very cross that feet are not included. In fact I am getting cross just thinking of it and il usually a calm person !!
I think it's absolutely stupid! How can feet not be included if they are swollen and painful! Next time I get a DAS test I'm going to write on my feet 'I HURT TOO! '
My neck and spine are my worst areas but they don’t count either and similar with hips. It’s really outdated and down to an individuals interpretation along with a self measurement of pain. Where’s the scientific logic in that... and to think this is the basis of medical decision and medication! Sorry but of a ramble but it gets me mad!
Sarah xx
Agree with everything .. Needs updating and I was once refused an injection in my wrist which I badly needed to do my artwork but a stroppy nurse gave me a very low DAS score despite a very high inflammation blood result and swollen joints so their interpretation can be flawed. I ask them not to do the DAS these days as it is an insult. One nurse agrees with me it is too flawed. We need to campaign to get it updated to a better interpretation. it makes me get annoyed indeed and I'm usually quite calm. I think if enough patients said they thought it not ideal then they might change the way they record their records of pain. I told them when they said the diagram is hard to write on etc that that was a poor excuse and they need an enlargement of the foot on the form so it can be used to more benefit for patients. Told them I would even draw them one as I'm an artist! One consultant told me that most people have foot pain so it's irrelevant to include in the DAS. I nearly went mad. It is so wrong.
Same with me. My Rhumatology nurse for the first 6 years was really unsympathetic and I really believe she shouldn’t have been in a caring profession. It took me so long struggling with MTX and others because of her DAS score. I for one would definitely be up for pushing for it to be changed. xx
Yes I understand entirely .. Grr .. I was kept on Mtx alone due to misinterpretation. Sounds like your nurse needed to change career! Hope you are are steady and not in too much discomfort with your neck and spine at the mo. xx
A DAS28 of greater than 5.1 implies active disease, less than 3.2 low disease activity, and less than 2.6 remission.
From NRAS website
I’ve never even been scored for it and I’m a little peeved at the moment as I was told when I last saw rhumy nurse I should have had an appointment with consultant and that she’d send me one... 4 months later still nothing, fed up with chasing them tbh