well have been told beetroot good for bp drank the juice thats ok then mushed the beetroot slices noooo yukky so in fridge was half tub yogurt so you guessed it mix em together WELL still trying to decide passable try and c
is this ugh or ahh: well have been told beetroot good... - NRAS
is this ugh or ahh

I’m positive that beetroot and yoghurt is healthy - those components are all the rage at the mo’. Can’t do you any harm
I love beetroot....but unmushed!
Only pickled in vinegar for me so that plus yoghurt would be bleeurgghh.
Reminds me of when I was pregnant. Craving for beetroot, not in a jar, proper beetroot. Used to sit and eat them like apples. No surprise when my daughter was born with red hair 😂😂😂
It is most certainly an aaah ... Beetroot has proven to have many health benefits.Did drink the juice at one time, think I'll try it for a while in my vegetable juicing again. Here is some scientific evidence of its benefits.
I love beetroot fresh and pickled...yummy. Not sure if I fancy it with yoghurt though !
You could make beetroot flapjacks, I tried them once at the London bike show and it was yummy but the juice shot was vile!
As I loathe beetroot it's a big fat NO from me. You could't pay me enough...
Beetroot's lovely if you bake it in the oven, and there's a lovely dip recipe here:
Just beware the pink wee....
This year I grew my own beetroot in Sydney. Seeds planted in Autumn and again in spring. Very easy to do and the taste is superb whether steamed, baked or grated raw with or without apple cider vinegar. Nothing like home grown veggies.
Unfortunately, when we grew beetroot last, the local wildlife got to it first. Apparently rats like it even more than Himself. So much so that when I went to harvest it all I got were a handful of leaves with a sliver of beetroot left on them. Not worth it for the three unmarked ones we salvaged. Luckily the beans - runner, broad and french flourished as did the chard and soft fruits. You're right. Home grown beats all
Yes beetroot and yogurt are healthy but together I cant imagine it. Think I will stick to raw juiced with other things, steamed, raw grated or baked. Must have lots of iron in it being red?