Yesterday I had a salmon fish cake with tartare sauce, a salad with beetroot and a mustard vinaigrette. Omg. This morning I could hardly move my hands. Is it because I overdid the vinegar? It's in all 3 of the above. Anyone react with vinegar based foods?
Anything with vinegar?: Yesterday I had a salmon fish... - NRAS
Anything with vinegar?

I don't have vinegar but I notice if I have tomatos it's really bad x
Orange juice with me .i love it but it hates me 😂
Life in general sets me off! =-O
I'm maybe just highly unaware ( although I don't think so?!) but o haven't noticed anything I eat or drink making things worse or better for me?
Aubergines, tomatoes, oranges, strawberries and rhubarb. Oxalic foods often can do that and those things do to me. ⚡️🍓🍆🍊⚡️
Nice emojis
LOL It feels like lightening flashes with many of the oxalic foods!! I love clementines and nectarines so usually eat those in the winter when they are more in season and maybe because smaller and sweeter they don't trouble me, and I can get away with cooked tomatoes and the piccolo ones in salads which are much sweeter and less acidic.
I read a few articles about alkaline foods and keeping off the more acidic ones which was for general health. I am more in the alkaline part of the chart I saw but I think most of us drift over and eat things which are acidic. I love vinegar on Tesco's Finest jumbo fish fingers!! They are my comfort food of the moment but I do cook a lot of fresh fish dishes too. Those FF's are chunky cod and yummy! I have lots of vinegar on those too and I never felt a twinge but Chinese takeaways and msg sauces .. Oh they'll set my fingers twinging the next day.
I can't remember the last time I had a take away! Oh it would be heaven. I cook everything fresh and I know that sounds terribly boring and healthy but it hasn't stopped me getting all sorts of things wrong with me. So much for a healthy lifestyle eh? Might take up smoking, drugs and eat junk food for all the good it's done me.
I don't have takeaways either ... Not since the MSG was apparent on my joints about ten years ago! We would only have an occasional Chinese. I am caffeine free, lactose free milk for over twenty years and very little red meat. Only the Occasional glass of champagne or white wine and I eat loads of veggie fruit and salad. I actually like it all so no hardship. I cook healthy foods every day and I make soups and juices. It helps a lot. Just can't totally give up the chocolate but I'm quite controlled with it. The naughty things I like are the Tesco Finest fish jumbo fish fingers 😁 youll feel so much better of course when the RA settles.
I'm having a bad night though. Can't stop crying. The pain is so bad and I can now feel it going into my left hand fingers. I have no one to help me and am basically petrified. I see a nurse specialist in two weeks. Not even the specialist herself. My gp can't change the meds because that's the specialists job. It's ridiculous.
Oh bless you Jules. I know what that's like only too well. What painkillers do you have? A tip from another forum member is to microwave a bowl of lentils, if you have them, and scrunch your hands in them. Soaking your hands in hot water with Epsom salts or wrapping them in a hot wheat bag can also help. I hope these help but always remember you're not alone. There are loads of others around at all times of day and night. People in Australia, raging insomniacs and those in pain. Hugs
Thanks Jan... I then wake up and regret having said anything because I hate being a whinging whiner. I was brought up to be stoic and so I always end up keeping everything to myself. My mother caught me crying last night and just gave me a little pat on the back. So bloody repressed!!!!
I read somewhere that tears of pain and distress have stress hormones in them. If true, crying is good for you and gives some relief. A lot of parents were raised repressed which is a shame, but not me. I'm a serial hugger with my brood, it releases oxytocin, apparently. If you can't tell it how it is here, where we have similar experiences, where can you? Sorry this is disjointed. Not a good day. Hugs
Thats so funny.
I'm writing my first novel (on hold because typing hurts) and its all about a boy that gives an older lady a free hug one day, and how their friendship starts. I was going to call it Hug.
I hug as much as I can because I know how good it is for you. So my parents may be repressed but I'm certainly not. Apart from not talking about my illness to anyone (apart from on here)!!
When did you last see the rheumatologist? If it's been recently then they often do make an interim appointment with the nurse.
Agree re soaking your hands with Epsom salts or try taking a hot water bottle or heatpad to bed to let your hands rest on. Hard at the mo when it's still warm ar night.
What about some soothing comfrey cream on your joints/affected areas. Is it the knuckles and fingers? I use it on my knee and ankle if I have overdone things. It seems to take the fire out of the offending joints for me for a few hours. It's not expensive (£4) and you can get it at most health shops or online. I use "natures aid" (don't think they know where to put the apostrophe! LOL) Don't forget to tell your nurse or rheumy even when you use a herbal cream, not that I think you are going to blather yourself in it and I certainly don't, but always best to let them know of any herbals.
Ask your nurse when you see her if the hospital physio department have a wax hand bath and if you can be referred to the physio for this. It helped mine enormously and .. My fingers were enormous!.. and flashed all the time with pain early days. The wax hand baths made a huge difference to me.
Or have a look online for a small wax hand bath. Argos used to sell them. About £45. I was on the brink of buying one but my hands got so much better when the RA and inflammation levels calmed down. Hoping you get some sleep. Heading there now myself. X
Thanks Kittie.
You are all so incredibly sweet on here. Not sure I would get through it without this support. I did look at paraffin wax baths yesterday actually and think I might do that. I'm seeing my Rheumy nurse in 2 weeks, and my GP today. I might ask her if I can go back on to low dose steroids again because I've noticed such a difference without them. Yes I bloated up like an Orca, but I would prefer looking bloated than being in agony.
Going to order some Epsom salts now too. Where I'm currently staying (no fixed abode and renting a room off a friend... doesn't help the stress not having a place to live!!) it takes 2 hours to fill the bath. Ancient cottage with shite plumbing! x
Oh dear that's not great re the bath filling. Could you get a plastic shower attachment for the bath taps for days when you don't want a long wait for the bath filling up but if the bath is helping to relieve your sore joints .....
Do ask the nurse re physio and if they have a wax bath. Ask re hydro too. Then you can see if wax hand treatment helps before buying a portable one. xx
Oh I know that feeling very well . It like they are playing a game of ping pong with you and all you want to do is scream at them both and say will you just help sort the problem out !
Well here I am awake at 2.23 am having injected my methotrexate at 8pm...and feeling like I have flu-AGAIN! And I totally get your fear- I have no one to help me either and 2 kids that are relying on me to somehow get them to school tomorrow...ugh- this is just total pants. Hope u see some improvement soon. And take it from someone who didn't... REST when u can so U give the meds the best chance of working!!! Xxx
Chinese food affects me. It's the MSG that does it. I get very thirsty. All my joints ache. Feels like the flu. MSG is in various forms in loads of products to stimulate the appetite...Doritos, cheddar biscuits, lots of snacks
Chinese food definitely affects me too, and white wine. Apart from those I haven't really noticed. I eat tomatoes regularly and they don't seem to make any difference.
So no one is affected by vinegar. Interesting. X
I can't tolerate ginger
Can have vinegar
Ginger? That's a weird one. Is it the heat? Are you ok with spicy food?
I can have curry but my partner cooks most meals and adds ginger lumps into the curry. I think if he was grated it I may not notice it.
I used to be able to eat ginger but since starting MXT gives a metallic taste so I can't tolerate a number food which I previously liked before
Citrus fruits make me flare. Shame, because I love them. Too much sugar can make me very achy the next day. I think everyone's is a bit different. Ive noticed a pattern with mini flares after citrus and sugar, it's happened several times, so I steer clear of them now.
I've gone gluten and dairy free, but it's not helped at all, in fact I've been having a massive flare over the last month.
Blooming heck. Citrus fruit is supposed to be really good. You poor thing.
I think I just have to listen to my own body. Once I'm used to this hideous RA I'm sure I will begin to know what I can and can't tolerate.
I've also gone a month without bread or gluten. Hasn't made a blind bit of difference. Thought at least i would lose a few pounds but no. Nothing. Ugh.
I think that's the key thing, listen to your own body. There are plenty of people on here who have been helped by changing their diets. Everyone is different, so see what works/doesn't work for you.
I have lost some weight going gluten free as it meant I cut my carbs a bit. Many gluten free foods (breads etc) have a high sugar content (they add more sugar to make it taste a bit better) and I have to be wary of that as we have a lot of type 2 diabetes in my family.
I hope you start feeling better soon. I found my pains got worse before they got better on Methotrexate, so maybe the same will happen for you.
Best wishes
Rye bread has no gluten. And low sugar.
Oops. That's not true actually, ignore that. It's low gluten not gluten free. But you can get gluten free spelt or rye flour and make your own flatbread. With no added sugar.
I've found the M&s sourdough glutenfree thins good. Morrisons and Sainsbury's sell gluten free pitta breads which are good too.
I will try making my own sometime. That does sound good!
Apparently it might be the yeast not necessarily the gluten. So that might make rye bread ok. Don't want shop bought as it's stuffed with sugar.
Red wine!!
I'm noticing that I react to Baker's yeast and Brewer's yeast which will exacerbate Candida. Yeast is found in items that have been fermented, including alcohol and vinegars.
Now that's interesting. I ate bread too so maybe it is the yeast. Will try making some gluten free bread.
Gf bread still has yeast. For me, it's more about the yeast than the gluten when it comes to bread.
Oh. That's me not knowing what I'm talking about. So yeast. How do I get yeast free bread? Can I make my own? Does that mean I can't have marmite? X
Hold on. So maybe I can have rye bread then because that doesn't have yeast. I also make an oatmeal and rye flour flatbread with no yeast. Hmmm. Might try that.
Quite a few people say taking apple cider vinegar brought RA activity down to zero...Ranulph fiennes was one.
But he didn't even have it diagnosed. It said he knew he had it because his grandmother had.
True but its well knwn that acid/alkaline imbalance of too much acidity does allow parasites, yeasts, cancer cells and other toxins to proliferate in our bodies. Becoming alkaline is very important and one of the easiest things to incorporate into your daily routine to ensure good health!
One might think that fresh lemons and limes and raw organic apple cider vinegar are acidic, but they actually become alkaline when consumed. Prime examples of acid forming foods are proteins, sugar, coffee, juice and processed foods.
Alkaline foods are: Leafy greens, root vegetables (especially radishes), broccoli, cauliflower, garlic, lemons, cabbage, and even some peppers, such as cayenne!
Which is what Paddison and these other plant based diets promote , my arthritis pain has dropped by half after a few months eating green and my apple cider vinegar/tumeric regime.
My last rheumatology appt in July i was told im in remission...long may it continue 😄
I always make my own dressing. 50/50 virgin Organic olive oil/the best balsamic you can afford ( I buy Modena Balsamico about $25. For 250ml) and a sprinkle of cinnamon, you can add fresh minced rosemary and basil.
I don't use store condiments, they have too many sugars and preservative additives, they set me off like a fire in the brush - no mustards, ketchups, BBQ sauce, store salad dressing, most spices.
If fermented foods cause issues then the balsamic will not be your friend I'm afraid.
I would maybe try vinegar again, without anything else and see if it sets off your condition. At least that way you will know if it's the vinegar or something else.
May be totally irrelevant in your case Jules but I can't tolerate capers and they are in some tartar sauces.
Hi, if I have beetroot I can feel my body stiffing within an hour. I have RA too.
Hi , vinegar doesn't really affect me, it's just beetroot in any form I also avoid the leaves too. Hope this helps