I remember reading that the knuckles near the fingertips are not normally affected by RA but I have it today and I’m certain it is exactly the same as when I get flare ups in my other knuckles. Anyone else get this? Thanks
Knuckles close to fingertips: I remember reading that... - NRAS
Knuckles close to fingertips

Hi Elmo,all of my knuckles near the fingertips and all the other knuckles,I’ve had surgery on my knuckles on right hand in 2012 recently had an Ultrasound on same hand found out that there is still a lot of active disease there but as everyone says we are all different,I really hope you have a better journey with yours x
I have been told the same thing, but alsothat RA can affect any joint. Mine are always lumpy but they can get red hot, even more swollen and painful and glow red, so I can only think its an RA flare.
Well, this is the first place my ra showed up and remains some of the most painful.
I’m developing delightful witchy joints just there ( I think they’re called D.i.p. Joints ) and my rheumatologist said it was due to the condition...
The nuckles are where I get most problems too xxx
I have had very painful knuckles near the fingertips for about 15 years now. Most of my fingers have now become bent there. I have also been told that it is not RA , but I don't really believe that any more.
I get pain, swelling and redness in that area think they are referred to as DIP joints someone else on the post has said. I believe it’s definitely RA only started as I was diagnosed and no other explanation I can think of x
Hi, Elmo! Im thinking any joint can be affected. My feet are so bad at times I can hardly walk and I always presume every little bone with a joint is inflamed. I also think there has got to be a common reason so many of us young and old are affected by this. Something we eat or environmental. ?
I most certainly get RA in my dip joints however unfortunately the nurses and doctors at my rheumy clinic believe the myth that it’s not possible (despite there being several research studies to prove otherwise, just google RA in DIP joints and they’ll come up). Very frustrating as I experience a loss of strength and mobility in my hands as a result as well as pain performing simple tasks. I even had one rheumy nurse insist it couldn’t possibly be RA in those joints and therefore it “must” be osteo - I’m 34! When I challenged her about this she claimed all young adults of my age start to develop it from now...I’ve requested I don’t see that particular nurse again! Take care.
I’m 35. Fun isn’t it, feeling 95 in your 30s?!
My consultant has told be it's OA but it's definitely RA and as other people have said it's a joint so why would your RA ignore them. Every single finger has witchy bent over ends.
Currently one of my dip joints is glowing red swollen and very sore..
More commonly the distal interphalangeal (DIP) joints are affected by OA, less often RD & they're not included in the DAS28 or even the DAS 44. But, more frequently if the DIP joints are affected by RD then the person usually also has OA. Not easy to explain why except that there's a connection between the other joints of the fingers. Usually if DIP joints are affected so are the proximal interphalangeal (PIP, the middle knuckles) & metacarpophalangeal (MCP, the knuckles are nearest the hand) joints, usually when the latter two have already been affected. It's thought it's not related to severity of disease. This is how I understand it.
Don't know if this helps any?
Yes - so painful. They (and thumb knuckle) are always first indicator of a flare in the past - now on Benepali and they have slimmed right down and pain free
I’ve been told that is OA rather than RA
Like others I have burning/shooting pain in these joints.
Because I’m over weight this is the reason. I don’t walk on my hands so where does being over weight be the cause.
hi, I have similar on one of my fingers and my Rheumatologist also said those joints are not usually affected by RA and that it was more likely Osteo Arthritis in that joint. I'm not convinced.