Hi everyone, I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in March of 2017. Let go from my job In June 2017. 3 months ago my rhuemy diagnosed me with RA, I have a positive ANA, crp is always high as well as Sed. Rate. Joint swelling but not constant. Pinky finger will swell turn red along with my thumb ( that's pretty consistent) but my RA test is neg. Could it not be RA?
RA or something else?: Hi everyone, I was diagnosed... - NRAS
RA or something else?

Sure it could be something else, but equally it could be sero-negative RA which is quite common. You don't say which RA tests, as the rheumatoid factor test is less sure than anti-CCP. And if you were diagnosed 3 months ago what have they done in terms of treatment? As sometime how you respond to different treatments becomes part of the diagnosis.
Generally rheumys don't say RA unless they feel pretty sure as it's not a lighthearted thing.
Hi helix
3 months ago they started me on placquil. I haven't seen an improvement, but they told me it could take months before we knew if it was working. I had a neg. rheumatoid factor test and a neg. Anti-Ccp On my check up they ordered tests to check my inflammation markers and stays of my feet,hands, knees and pelvic area. And I go back in another 3 months
There are other types like poly arthritis and the skin rash one. My dr said it sometimes takes a while to develop and label correctly.
I do not have RA factor too but was diagnosed RA. Receiving MTx now.