PLEASE PLEASE HELP!! I’m so upset I’m losing my hair in bunches!!!!!
I was diagnosed with sero negative RA in January of this year On methotrexate since February come off for two weeks because they gave me a dmar injection whilst I was on the methotrexate as my joints were swollen and stiff then ended up having an severe allergic reaction to the dmar taken off all meds/ put back on Methotrexate a couple of weeks after allergy settled was fine I’ve still had pains and swelling but not as bad then in the June this year ending up with diarrhoea for 3 weeks which made me extremely weak diarrhoea has finally settled down now but my hair is falling out in bunches a lot more than before someone PLEASE help I don’t want to lose my hair it’s the only thing I like on my body long blonde hair which has taken years to grow I know taking methotrexate has a side effect of this but does it slow down or stop coming out?