Has enbrel stopped working for you?
Rheumatoid arthritis: Has enbrel stopped working for... - NRAS
Rheumatoid arthritis

Yes it worked for around 7 years before either my disease stepped up a gear or my body got used to it.
Yes I’ve been on it for about three years..I noticed that wears off the third day ..
Hi yes. I’ve been on it for 7 years now. I had a few more flare ups and consultant said it is probably wearing off but I’ve had a steroid jab about 7 weeks ago and I’m still not too bad .. still doing embrel. My question is when do you know when it really is wearing off. ? They’ve suggested Rituximab which is a bit scary but will go for it if I know that the embrel has really worn off. But don’t want to stop it if it is still working TTx
Yes, it worked brilliantly for about 5 years then stopped, I was gutted.
Now on Rituximab , not as good but works
Thanks. Why do you say it’s not as good .. did you get side effects. How long have you been on it ? 🤨
Hi, been on it for a year , just on my third lot . Feel really ill after the infusion but next day fine , had no side effects but it doesn’t keep my RA in check but I can still work and do things . Enbrel , a lot of time I forgot I had RA because it worked so brilliantly on me ☺️
So as far as I am concerned it’s good but just not as good as Enbrel, on my body
Sorry for so many qs. How long did you have to be off embrel before starting Rituximab? Also can I ask if you’re Seronegative or Seropositive? I know that it’s doesn’t work as well for seroneg as positive ... do hope you don’t mind me asking so much!
Hi, I was off Enbrel for a couple of months and not my best time , I had NO drugs for my RA at that time apart from steroids . I don’t take methotrexate
I am positive 👍👍
I go on Monday for my second dose because you go every 6 months and have a dose two weeks apart . I am in hospital for about 6 hours a time
Yes mine stopped working and was put on retuximab infusions.
I had a good 10 years and then it stopped for me but luckily successfully moved on to rituximab
I was on it for 2 years worked really well upto 5 weeks ago when I was put on benaplli which has made me really bad spoke to rehumy who has told me to stop and is going to talk to consultant to get me back on enbrel
I was doing well with Enbrel combined with azathioprine. My rheumatologist and I decided to stop the azathioprine and see if the Enbrel alone would work. Well, it didn't so I started back on the azathioprine with the Enbrel and haven’t been able to achieve the same degree of wellness. It’s only been a couple of weeks, so there is still hope, but I’m very disappointed to say the least.
Yes I took it for 9 years without any problems then due to unexpected long term stress it stopped working and unfortunately I've never been on a treatment that works as well😞
Hi, It was great for me until I had to stop taking it due to a different health issue. When I started to take the medication again it just stopped working. My rhumey said that it happens as with other meds.
Great whilst it lasted.