I have been battling my GPs for a couple of years now to recognise that my symptoms pointed to an inflammatory condition and they weren't all just down to osteoarthritis and obesity... especially since Prednisolone that was prescribed for a chest infection gave me such significant pain relief as a "side effect"!! Nothing ever showed in my bloods and I was told I had Fibromyalgia.
Until today! Apparently my anti CCP, which should be around 20 was 900+!!! I feel vilified and justified, but also pretty worried. GP has referred me to rheumatologist urgently and prescribed 10mg Prednisolone for now. I have most of the symptoms of RA, but also some of Lupus. Has anybody else ever had such a high result, and what was the outcome? I know we can't second guess but it would be good to know that maybe it's not so bad as I'm now fearing. 😔