I am having a. Colonoscopy soon...I had one 6 years ago and they removed one pin sized polyp. I am now worried about what they will find and feel very anxious
Colonoscopy fear: I am having a. Colonoscopy soon...I... - NRAS
Colonoscopy fear

Don’t know about easing legitimate Colonoscopy fear/ anxiety(?), (finding another polyp), Jeanniemargaret. 😳 😔 🙏
Since you’d had the experience 6 years ago, you may recall a bit of ‘what to expect’? 🤔
On the upside, within that 6-year time span, (am guessing) procedures may have improved(?) making the process a bit easier/ more comfortable? 🤔 🤷♀️
Can’t take away legitimate concerns/ anxiety, but perhaps can bring a gentle smile? 😌
A tune to hum as you’re being rolled into procedure room (Robert Klein’s Colonoscopy Song): m.youtube.com/watch?v=U8lOb...
On a serious note, if you’re interested in colon health, Hiromi Shinya‘s 👨⚕️ ( en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hir... , google.com/search?as_q=Hiro... ) work might be of interest? 🤔
And, if in the mood for colonoscopic absurdity/ humour, you might get a kick out of these (depending upon your sense of humour). [Be forewarned ⚠️ , this might be considered ‘offensive’ if you’ve more delicate 👒, refined 🧐 sensibilities. If you’re constitutionally more robust/ hearty 🤗 you might enjoy. 🤣 🤪 🐘 ] : giphy.com/gifs/l0HlG27gWTBP... , giphy.com/gifs/vGyDno7ZEohM... , giphy.com/gifs/9CYKRuqlf6xf...
Thank you so much...nothing like a good laugh to ease anxiety!!!
👍👍 [Very welcome, Jeanniemargaret. 🙏 😌 ]
Additional forum discussions on "colonoscopies" ( healthunlocked.com/search/c... ) from Search 🔎 box (at upper right-hand corner of page) if interested — till someone comes round to share their ‘colonoscopy’ thoughts. 🤔💭
Hopefully you’ll be clean as a whistle 😗💨 & there won’t be any surprises 🐘 ! 😳
🙏 🍀 🌺 🌞
Hi I had this done in July if u take the meds offered to relax u don't feel a thing it's over and done with before I knew it good luck amy
Thanks it's actually my second one the first one I had just a tiny polyp so of course there's the anxiety of having another one and it was quite painful but I think I had a doctor that wasn't quite sure what he was doing LOL
The colonoscopy, itself, is relatively painless, as far as your memory is concerned. The drugs they use now are great for relaxing you. My Grandfather used to say "There is no point in worrying. Instead of worrying about it, decide if you can change it. If not , don't worry it's gonna happen then. If you can change then change it and it won't happen, so there was nothing to worry about. "It"can be anything at all. (results or findings or the colonoscopy itself. You can't change it or what it is going to find, so therefore, think how lucky you are when all the results are negative and nothing is wrong, alternatively weren't you lucky they found that polyps or whatever before it did any real and long term damage. If you hadn't had the colonoscopy it would still be there...... hurting or even worse growing and doing untold damage.
Good luck
Thanks for your thoughts... Having one pin-sized polyp removed 6 years ago is a good thing and hopefully there are no more... Part of my fear is the sedation I don't like to be put under but I'm hoping the sedation is mild... My last one was quite uncomfortable because I said I would like to watch it and it was painful or rather crampy so sedation would be a good thing but for some reason I fear that.
The sedation does not knock you out completely. Apparently, you need to be able to make some noises, so they can tell that they are in the right place. The sedation mainly makes you feel that, even though you can feel the pain, you don't really care, and also you don't remember very much about what was said, so make sure that you have someone with you . You will also need a responsible adult to take you home afterwards. Good luck
I had one relatively recently and wasn't too keen on the sedation cos I'd had a surgery that left me slipping to sleep for hours after which was not at all pleasant. I also don't like the oxygen masks cos the last one made me feel so stuffy (that same surgery again).
Anyway, I told the guy I didn't like masks and he was super lovely and said he'd just hold it near my face and waft it towards me. The sedation was absolutely fine. They asked how out of it I wanted to be and we decided on the lower amount, but I could say if I needed more. I think I was relatively alert at the time, but worst I felt was like there was a massive fart in me.
My best advice is to try not to worry and to be honest about how you feel and any concerns you have. I'm glad I did it with that mask thing.
Good luck. Hope there's nothing in there this time and that it all goes well.
The sedation was so mild I didn't even know until I was back in my room would have happened and it was just like a nice drowsy sleep... I did have to Tiny pull-ups and a regular one and they were immediately clipped off and all is well so that's why in 5 years I will go back again it's so important.
I have had 3.sedation last two didn't help.had poly removed on second .apparently you get get recall once had polyps so that is good news to look after you.it's always a worry though usnt it.promise yourself a small celebration or new clothes at end if it
Is it a wind/cramp type feeling you get? If so that's like I've had, I opted not to have any sedation so concentrated on what was going on on the screen to take my mind off the discomfort & it helped. I've not had any polyps removed but my h has, many, so is called every year for colonoscopy. I pull his leg because his insides have a plethora of tattoos, he dislikes them on people but where every polyp that's been removed there's a tattoo. I understand why you're anxious but is there any way you could try calming measures? Maybe something like Rescue Remedy, have you tried any of those? Thinking if you feel calmer it will make things easier? There are different ways of taking it, my h uses the drops before flying & we give it to one of our dogs who's fearful of fireworks, she's a rescue dog, a gun shy gun dog. It works for both of them. Worth a try maybe?
Very good thoughts thank you I have never heard of Rescue Remedy is it given by prescription? I definitely need something like that because my obsession LOL is a little irrational. I guess I have one tattoo then and should be proud haha.... Because I don't like tattoos either. I'd like to know more about Rescue Remedy but wondering if you are in England or in Canada or in the US perhaps.. and yes it was like a wind cramping us and the one I'm having next week they definitely sedate you it's done in the hospital but not a full anesthetic thank goodness
You're welcome. I'm in the UK but have bought it abroad so it's available elsewhere. It's available in health food shops & all good high street chemists, Boots etc nelsonsnaturalworld.com/en-...
Have a read, you never know it might just help you too. Fingers crossed you don't need an additional tattoo! Seriously I hope all goes well.
Thanks I'm in Canada and I will go to our local health food store. I thought you were likely in the UK because a couple of Expressions I recognized as I was born there many years ago LOL
It's available in Canada, this is their site bachflowerscanada.com/colle...
Good news I went to my local health food store and she knew exactly what it was and there it was on the Shelf... I tried it today and I couldn't believe how calm I felt I don't know exactly how it works but it did!!!
Great, & really pleased it helped. Hope it works as well when you have the colonoscopy. If it calms our dog down, who of course has no idea what she's been given, then I believe it works!
Had my colonoscopy test yesterday and glad to report it was one of the easiest tests I've ever had... Of course the prep wasn't pleasant but not that bad and the test was over before I knew it.... I had two tiny polyps and one a little bit bigger and they were removed. I'm good now for 5 years but it just shows you that those polyp screw in 6 years so it's so important to get this done. I use the Rescue Remedy quite a bit a week before and I really love it and keeping it on hand for any other times I might feel anxious but wow it really does work..... Thanks for all your good thoughts and advise.