Hello! In dealing with all the pain from RA, I am constantly looking for natural remedies (along with all the RX meds I take) to help combat the painful inflammation of the disease. Unfortunately there seems to be very little out there that makes any difference. I am currently taking a quality Turmeric Curcumin supplement but not really noticing any improvement. Was wondering if anyone else has found or uses a supplement that has been beneficial?
Anyone using supplements?: Hello! In dealing with all... - NRAS
Anyone using supplements?

I now take a Turmeric Curcumin supplement twice a day but to get it in my system made golden paste daily and took that for 2 months to get it in my system. I also, along with my regular meds take a multi vitamin , glucosamine sulphate and a probiotic capsule daily. I definitely think it's doing some good, I used to take co-proxamol and naproxen daily but don't know unless I have a flare. For me I'm sure it's working alongside my meds and my rheumatologist is on board as well.
Supplemental information on supplements & pain, bmarty: healthunlocked.com/search/s...
And, additional bits on supplements 💊💊 ( healthunlocked.com/cure-art.... ) & on pain 😩 ( healthunlocked.com/nras/pos.... scroll downward to Managing Chronic Pain, "Tame the Beast" video, etc. towards bottom of page), if interested.
Very best wishes for speedy relief, bmarty. 🙏 🍀 🌺 🌞
🎈2️⃣0️⃣1️⃣8️⃣ 🎉 🥂 🍾 😘 💋 🎆
If your meds (DMARDs, NSAIDs etc) are working there shouldn't be any need for natural remedies really bmarty. Have you discussed this with your Rheumy or Nurse Specialist? The tricky thing is that even though they aren't prescribed meds they can interact with them so really the best thing rather than asking here is to talk through the ones you may be condsidering so you're sure there are no interactions with your prescribed meds. Just as with meds what may be fine with someone who recommends something doesn't necessarily mean it will be the same for you & the meds you're prescribed.
I take two supplements, one prescribed & one not but ok'd by my Rheumy. My prescribed on is calcium/Vitamin D & the otc one is Omega 3 fish oil as I have OA too.
When in hospital I asked pharmacist about supplements and taking sulfalasazine and he told me the only two he had experience of causing problems were golden seal and echincea.
That may be correct if you're just taking sulfasalazine I've not checked & don't recall from when I was taking it but bmarty is also prescribed methotrexate & hydroxychloroquine. As each are eliminated by the liver care must be taken that anything considered isn't metabolized hepatically too.
All meds should be considered, I hope you understand?
my doctor also said I should run things by her if I decide to take something so she can see what the ingredients are. I would take a list of whats on the bottle and bring it for the doctor to look at. But my liver gets messed up with all the pill medicine so I can't even take things like an advil or anything. Right now I am on shots and they affect the system different than the pills did for me but still need to run it by the doctor.
Whatever you decide to take.....do run it by your rheumy team first.
Some so called "health supplements" can affect the efficacy of the prescribed drugs or cause nasty side effects.
If your rheumatologist thinks you need a supplement he would suggest you discuss what might be suitable with your rheumy nurse.
I heard about curcumin, but as the information leaflets with my meds warned that some natural remedies can interact with the drugs, I checked with my rheumy team. My nurse checked with the hospital pharmacist who said that there was no information on whether curcumin interacts with Hydroxychloroquine and Leflunomide and so on balance, it shouldn't be taken as the potential consequences are unknown. I do take vitamin C everyday as there is evidence that RA patients do better on it. If nothing else, it may help your compromised immune system deal with the winter bugs better.
I take Wobenzym N. I do not take as much as suggested. I take 2 in the morning before I drive to work. My doc didn't have a problem with it. I've taken Methotrexate & Arava.
Take a look at quercetin. See the attached study on RA sufferers.
And rosehip (recommended by my GP)
Obviously subject to checking potential interactions with rheumy / usual caveats apply.
GP also recommended minimum 800mg chondroitin to me, but the studies have been on its effect on osteo