Well my son started with the flu and developed into chest infection now I got it today daughter come down feeling ill and partner says his head hurts and got sore throat so HAPPY NEW YEAR
All around the house: Well my son started with the flu... - NRAS
All around the house

Oh dear - poor you. It's that time of year for infections especially if you have children.
Same in our house ! Doh!
Oh my darling i hope you all feel brighter soon.xxx
Vomiting in ours!! Feel better sion
Just make sure it's not the noral virus I had it horrific took a lot out of me specially on biologics immune system low drink flat coke or Lucozade helps hope your feel better soon amy
Sure hope you all have a speedy recovery. It seems the winter storms have had a dramatic impact all over Canada and US. We live in maple Ridge. It has been a little colder than usual but very little snow and non stop rain rain rain. Still it is better than -20in many areas.
Rotton to get something else. Ive gone down with a razor sore throat and cough. Dont know what I can take in top of RD meds so sticking to paracetamol. Would normally take cold and flu strength lemsip or similar. First time ive got something like this since diagnosis.
Maybe it's 2017 offloading all the bad things left in store so that 2018 can start with a clean sheet and be positive and happy. I wish that is the case for you especially, but also for all of us. Happy New Year!