I'm 8 days into shingles and caught them early and on Acivlovir 5 times a day. This guy I really like wants to meet me in couple of days and I'm unsure if I can infect him even with a kiss. They have not wept but starting to dry up am I still infectious and could I cover them up to avoid spreading to him? Probably just movie night in and plenty kissing and cuddling but I'm not sure if it is a good idea. I don't know if he's had chicken pox or not. I want to reassure him it's okay. Please advise.
Shingles and contact : I'm 8 days into shingles and... - NRAS
Shingles and contact

I had Shingles last year. My doctor told me that even before things had scabbed over people would have to kiss your sores to be at risk!
Tell him the truth ......that you are not putting him off lightly, but feel it would be safer not to meet up until your doctor gives you the all clear.....shingles can be horrid, I'm sure you wouldn't want him to have time off work & maybe lose money because of you.
If he's as nice as you think he is he will appreciate your honesty in thinking of his well being.....If he kicks off...he's an immature idiot & you can do better than him!
I am also recovering from shingles. If the rash is wet at all you pass it on by contact, if not should be fine if it's covered. If he's not had chickenpox you could pass shingles on to him as chickenpox so I think you should tell him. My rash is 75% gone but still getting some pain and sensitivity. Back to work Monday after two and a half weeks off. Hope you are recovering well. Good luck with your date.
I'm just recovering from Shingles my doctor told me it's not infectious and i shouldn't worry. I would tell him but you aren't going to pass it on by kissing x
Thanks for your replies. I've been totally honest with him and he's looked into the virus himself. As he has had the chicken pox and my shingles have not blistered, probably due to intervention of Aciclovir we are going to have a movie night at home rather than go out. I still get the pain, but downgraded my pain relief so I can drive and function.
This is day 8 and rash has gone really deep red and not blistered I am feeling a lot better and am thinking of going back to work next week. Not sure if it will be too soon so just playing it by ear.