Have had a diagnosis since Dec 2016, been taking methotrexate and Sulphasalazine. Joints started to improve but awful side effects. On advice of OT applied for PIP with wonderful help from CAB in May this year. In hideous flare since gruelling summer hols (Lone parent of 2 kids 5 and 8), assessment 15th Sept. very kind man said he would try and rush it. Back pay in bank by 28th Sept, letter confirming award 29th- standard for both- a fair result. Sometimes the system works!!!! Although it is not much money this is life changing for our little family as our benefit cap will be lifted, we have been really struggling financially-> more stress-> flare etc. Just wanted to give some hope. I used to be a social worker with a lot of experience helping with DLA, very resistant to getting help for myself, but CAB facilitated process so well. Happy to offer support to anyone in a similar position. Gentle hugs xxx
PIP - some inspiration for others I hope!!! - NRAS
PIP - some inspiration for others I hope!!!

Really happy for you. Hope it helps. If you have difficulty in walking any distance you know if you were awarded 8 points or more in the Moving Around activity you also qualify for a Blue Badge, if you're in England.
Congratulations on your award. It does make a difference.
A good result,and so glad it has made such a difference to your life.
Take care.
Hi fusedesigns,
Thank you for your encouraging post. It is great to hear of a positive outcome. A friend of mine is going through the process of changing from DLA to applying for PIP just now and I can see the worry and strain making her health problems worse with each passing week.
She currently gets high rate care. If she is turned down for PIP, she knows that she stands to lose her home, her car and her 35 hours a week of support from a carer, together with other knock on financial implications. With Mental Health problems her life might literally depend on the outcome of her PIP application. The general public just do not understand the implications of PIP decisions.
Enjoy the difference your PIP award will make.
Citizens advice bureau- they usually have someone that is really well trained and helps you to think in terms way that's needed- e.g.- you may just be able to lift that pan but does it cause you pain and leave u exhausted and unable to do it again.... and does it take you longer than other people to do that activity ? So many adjustments I'd made to my life that have become second nature- not actually that 'normal!!! If you can get your OT or nurse to write a report on your daily living that's really useful too. YFor the assessment I had my life divided into med and non med days (side effects totally valid as being disabling) and flare and non flare days, days requiring more activity and the resulting exhaustion.... really worth keeping a bit of a diary and timing yourself doing things e.g. Putting on shoes- takes me ages!! And I used a the map my walk app to measure how far I could walk before needing to sit down..
And PIP has nothing to do with your employment, nor does it matter if u live alone- you don't have to have a carer- just need one! Hope this helps a bit- if u can't find a good CAB person, happy to help. I know how financial worry can really add to stress and that feeds the RA. Are u eligible for ESA or a bit of income support while you aren't up to working?? Good luck xx
I'm in the same boat but self employed and live alone. Who is cab?
Hi Jules13,
CAB is the Citizens Advice Bureau. They give free advice on many aspects of life, from Benefits Advice, to Employment Law. From Housing to Relationships problems. From Money and debt troubles, to consumer issues.
My last paid employment was as an adviser at CAB, but my knowledge is very dated, as the last time I was well enough to have an employer was in 2004.
Wishing you well