L have sent off my for to pip told them what it's like for me on my bad days like trouble communicating with others can't to go unfamiliar journeys on my own etc l am worried about if l eill get it.
About pip: L have sent off my for to pip told them what... - NRAS
About pip

Hi Paula, yes it is a worry, I went through it last year. Did you have any help filling in the form? Citizens Advice are good, especially when it's about mental health problems. When you get the result letter, if they turn you down then definitely let CAB help you with the next stage - you can ask for a reconsideration. Hope it doesn't come to that for you though - good luck. S.
Ih Paula if only any of us could answer that question for you. Have you had your face to face assessment yet? If not given your problems it may be worth asking for a home assessment when you get the letter regarding an appointment and state your reasons why, but im afraid i have to warn you that no matter what you may say many people dont get a home asessment but i wish you luck. Whatever the outcome pkease put forward a stutary appeal, i do have PIP but when i applied for DLA i was declined at every stage and then won at tribunal, that has happened with many of us at both PIP and DLA stages. I know the kind people here will help you get through this.
I have recently filled in my form and included additional pages with my form which I sent by recorded delivery. I received a text telling me it had been received. That was towards th end of November. I had my face to face assessessment at home this week and have been advised that it may take up to 6-8 weeks for the response. I have now also rung up twice to insert things that had happened since the face to face that I had put in my declaration but forgotten to say on the day, but they added it over the phone.
Citizens Advice Internet have a diary sheet and a check list, that might be useful to record some of these to assist you on your face to face assessment.
L have put on the form that basically l have days like it was this day when it was a normal day l went to the toilet then all of a sudden out of the blue l started to feel dizzy then just fainted l tried to get up but couldn't do lucky enough my partner was there when it happens then after that l couldn't move get dresses couldn't go to toilet or have a bath on my own had to have some onethere to support me incase l collapsed do u think l should mention this on the f2f assessment as it cerise l don't know when it happens or where
Tell them everything and how you are on your worst day hope everything works out xxx
I would say so because my mental health has definitely suffered since I got this disease, and it's a disgrace that we have to justify ourselves to these people in the first place xxx
As my friend who has got mental health has got pip so as l didn't put it in my form and l just remembered after l pasted the form that l should of put it down as long as l tell them and what ppl have to do when this does occur l should be ok
If you think you have missed something off the form or if you health changes, then phone them up and let them know I know I replied this above, but just in case you didn't see it I have repeated it here.
Thanks do u think l should do like a fiery or make notes if when l have these days and tell them when ppl have to do for me etc
As I said above you can phone them to update your form, and if you visit the citizens advice website, they have got a daily diary, it might be worth your while to print it out, and when you have your face to face take them with you, as it will help you to remember what your week was like. Good luck
What should you say my symtoms are l mean what would you class this as mental health or what l will be phoning pip up next week