I have been taking Humira for a few months now. I noticed that it does seem to be helping a lot. However I can tell when it is getting close to shot day as I seem to hurt more in the couple days preceding my shot. Does anyone else notice this, or it is just because it is still building up in my system?
Humira Question: I have been taking Humira for a few... - NRAS
Humira Question

I've found the opposite. I've been able to space the injections out i.e. only take them every 4-6 weeks. But I have very low inflammatory markers...what are yours like?
I don't take Humira any more but when I was using it, I did find that I was in more pain for a couple of days before my injection. Clemmie
When I took Humira 8 years ago, it took about 3 months, before I noticed any benefit and by month 6, felt so much better. I had erosive RA and originally dx with lupus as well. My DMARD I was on was Azathoprine and NSAID was voltorol R together with oral steroids and had been for many years, these were clearly not working as so much joint damage. My inflammation markers were high, all this improved when I went on Humira. It's not usual to be offered anti-TNFs or biological meds so early on in their journey, with methotrexate and other DMARDs the first meds given. I changed to methotrexate in September this year and would say it was week 12 before I would say it was working. We are all different in how we react to drugs, so I would give it time to settle in. All the best. X
Hi, I have been on Humira for 9 years now and I go though periods where the couple of days before my next injection I am more stiff and creaky. So yes it definitely happens to me - just not all the time.
That happened to me. It more than likely means it's not lasting long enough. My rheumy upped the frequency of shots to every 10 days.
Thank you everyone. It's nice to know I'm not alone on it. Last two days were very difficult but I took my shot last night and already feeling a little better this morning.