I have been taking mtx for 3 months, my pain is just as bad, and every time I take, which is 12.5 mg a week once a week for AS, my pain is the same or worse! Also feel sick for 3 days a week, is it helping?
Ankylosing spondylitis: I have been taking mtx for... - NRAS
Ankylosing spondylitis

3 months is not a long time for MTX to work, and 12.5mg isn't a very high dose (unless you are a very small person), so it may just be too early to tell. Are your blood test results showing signs of improvement, and is the nausea easing at all, as might cheer you on if some small signs of success? Do you have an appointment with your rheumy team soon, as may help to discuss your progress - or lack of - with a professional.
For me I found that progress was very gradual, so only tiny, tiny improvements after 3 months & 20mg.. but eventually it worked.
Hi there, I agree with helixhelix that it is still relatively early days with Mtx and you are on a fairly low dose. However, I think with AS you are very likely to be offered biologic therapy before too long.
Are other joints affected in addition to your spine? I believe Mtx can be good for feet, knees, hands etc. but perhaps not so hot for the spine. What does your rheumy have to say about treatment options?

Every joint in my body, fingers are not to bad, rest of me hurts all over, I also have 3 herniated discs, I want my other body back!!!
Generally mtx is not considered particularly effective for AS - only the peripheral arthritis which sometimes accompanies it. If your pain and stiffness is mainly in the spine I would question whether it is worth taking and ask your consultant. I have spondyloarthropathy with symptoms of AS in my spine and was on mtx for a year. It may have helped my shoulders a bit but when I expressed doubts about it the registrar suggested I just stop taking it. I have noticed no difference. Instead I do a lot of exercise and have hydrotherapy once a week, taking anti-inflammatories when necessary. But exercise is the thing that really helps.
In that case I would think you would be high priority for biologics. Has your consultant talked to you about that possibility?
Agree with dhall54. My understanding of AS is that it actually refers specifically to the spinal disease but other joints often join the party. And yes, you do need to ask about biologics. We all have to jump through hoops to qualify for these drugs but the hoops are far fewer with AS and for good reason.
I was on mtx for over a year, it did help with the pain, but for 2 days every week, I would feel so ill, and had terrible headaches which put me in bed they were so bad. I decided to stop taking it and I feel so much better, but now I'm back with the pain.