Good afternoon,sorry not been about much as my darling laptop has been in hospital. Anyway last Saturday as you know i had a fall. Well On Monday we both went to the drs as we both had problems. Mine was to just get checked over,but it turns out hubby has OA in his spine and this is the reason he has so much pain in his back. Well i decided to help him as much as i can,so i have since done a lot of sorting out for him to try and make things easier on him.The attitude with is that i am sore if i do nothing and i am sore if i do things so i deided to get stuck in. The little bedroom and ours have both had a good clean. I have done some gardening getting everything ready to come in for winter.Then yesterday we had to go over to our sons and his lovely wife as he had a leak in his bedroom, so while they did that i went and cut the lawn for them and sorted out some more of their borders. Well you all know what i am like and yes i overdid it and i have had only about two hours sleep last night because of the pain. My hands are sore as is my back. I am having an awful day to be honest and feel like giving up.(had a good howl and no i won't be giving up,not yet anyway) My darling hubby keeps giving me lovely warm cuddles as he is so worried about me.
Now for some goodish news, I had a phone call this morning from my hospital telling me that i have a appointment on Monday at 8am for my infusion and to expect to be there all morning. It can't come quick enough for me to be honest. I cancelled another appointment for the weight clinic and rearranged that so i could have the infusion as i need it very badly.
So today i have spent the morning upstairs on my bed resting as thats all i can do until this wears off. I hope everyone of you are fairly painfree and happy.xxxxx
PS; hubby at the top of the keep when we was away the other week.xxxx