Hi there is there anyone near to Southport that can help me set up an appeal for pip as they have still not allowed me full mobility so my car has gone back and I am now stuck indoors most of the time. Thanks.
PIP appeal.: Hi there is there anyone near to Southport... - NRAS
PIP appeal.

Have you got a local dial they have advisors that deal with appeal have you notified them of on going conditions as this could make them reassess things
Alan, have you contacted your local Welfare Benefits Adviser? They will in some instances come to your home, they did for my h's dad & mum. As you no longer have transport it could be that they'll arrange a home visit. Their remit includes assistance to challenge benefit decisions, including tribunal representation where appropriate, your local one's details & contact number are here sefton.gov.uk/advice-benefi...
Read my response above and get on that phone to macmillans first thing Monday morning. Its an 0800 freephone number. Xx
Phone your local CAB and ask them to help with a mandatory reconsideration/appeal.