Help I,m losing my hair: Ten weeks in on mex,my... - NRAS


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Help I,m losing my hair

Ruby_sommer profile image
33 Replies

Ten weeks in on mex,my hairdresser has confirmed,my hair is coming out.will be phoning rheumy nurse this morning,I want to stop this treatment,anyone know how long it takes to leave your system?seems if I want to be mobile I have to sacrifice my hair!!

This please.before I lose my mind!!!!

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Ruby_sommer profile image
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33 Replies
Pea3 profile image

This happened with me, I stopped the methotrexate & was assessed for a biological treatment instead, that process took a while. Good luck xxx

Ruby_sommer profile image
Ruby_sommer in reply to Pea3

Don,t know what's up this morning.up since five,can,t stop crying,feeling achey this morn.not happy no reply from nurse help line,regarding hair shedding.due for week eleven 15mg,mexx inj.Monday. Shall I,Shan,t i ?..

What to do!,why have a helpline if answers you?sorry just ranting.i.m 12months into this disease and not a lot better,seems like one step forward two steps back! 😪😩😱

Jenharri profile image

So sorry for you. Yes indeed this is a side effect of Methotrexate it is a very low dose chemotherapy hence the loss of hair and the very reason I refused that treatment, after all our hair is our crowning glory.

Don't worry like all chemo patients your hair will come back as soon as the treatment is stopped.

I would get in touch like you say ASAP

It's not fair, suffering the rotting disease in the first place is bad enough, I'm sure there are other drugs that do not cause this side effect.

Do hope you get it sorted soon

Jen xx

Raks77 profile image

Hi ruby, I'm sorry ho hear about your hair loss. I was on methotrexate for 2 months too (march-april) and couldn't handle the clumps of hair I was losing. Not only that my flate up hadn't improved and I was still taking huge amts of anti-inflammatory meds ie. Ibuprofen. I was then switched at the end of April to Leflunomide - started on 10mg, and now on 20mg. I'm feeling so much better now and my hair has started to grow back too finally! I'm also using a shampoo and conditioner from Holland and Barratt 'Dr Organics Moroccan Argan Oil Shampoo and conditioner. Hope you get some relief knowing you're not alone in fighting g this awful illness. Big hugs, Rakhi x

helixhelix profile image

When I first started MTX I did start to loose hair. I didn't want to stop MTX because I was so desperate to get the disease under control as the pain was awful and the speed it was messing up my joints very frightening. Anyway, after a few months it stabilised and now my hair is fine and back to what it was. So not everybody loses all their hair.

All drugs have side effects, so unfortunately you have to work out which ones you can cope with and which are just too much. I wouldn't have carried on with MTX if I lost all my hair, but I was pleased I held my nerve for a while since it was a temporary side effect for me. So try not to worry too much as either way it will get sorted.

bingochristine profile image

Hi Ruby, sorry to hear that your losing your hair. This happened to me when I first started on Methorexate. I started taking extra vitamins and this helped a good deal. Try Omega 6, 9 12, and evening primrose oil. Boot are usually doing a good deal I take the 1000m. Good luck

TerrilouiseS profile image

I had hair loss on MTX but I also had it as part of my arthritis m. It did get worse on the day of taking MTX and a few days after. It did settle but MTX didn't control my joints so I've moved to Hunira. The hair loss with MTX is LESS than Humira for me. As Helixhelix says balance which side effects you can cope with. Hair is so important it's part of our identity. There are other options if you're down about the hair loss then discuss with Rheumatologist. Best of luck T xx

abannister profile image

Mtx is a mild dose of chemotherapy and it's one of the side effects. I just put up with the thining hair to be mobile. But yes phone rheumy nurse they might try another standard sulphasalazine or hydroxychloroquin. I'm on all three at once.

There is lots of options out there it's trying to find the one that works for you, mtx is usually the first they try.

Keep trying and have a pain free day

gradyjackjacob profile image

The same thing happened to me,i was taken off mtx and put on azathioprine instead within a few weeks my hair started to thicken.

TanyaOBoyle profile image

Hi Ruby;

Sorry you are still having a tough time; methotrexate does make your hair fall out but if you take good vitamin and get your pain under control it should settle down. My hair fell out a lot in the beginning but it does grow back 😊Your body just need time to adjust. I would rather be pain free and moblie I no hair is our crowing glory but it's not forever it will grow back. It will change the texture of your hair; if you not happy it is worth asking if there is something else they can swap you too. All medications have side effects........ you have to decide what to right for you Ruby.

Good luck

Kazwilks profile image

Hi Ruby

So sry to hear you are losing your hair. I am about 12 weeks into methotrexate up to now I think my hair is OK but I have lost my eyebrows completely. I to am seriously thinking of coming off the meds I definitely don't feel any better if anything I would say I am worse than before. I don't know what the answer is Hun I just wish there was something to take that would help and not be to harsh on our bodies. Take care

Cathy777 profile image

I too found MTX started to thin my hair. But since I got breast cancer too and had to take drugs for that I just decided it was hair or life. I had no choice. I continue to take MTX and tamoxifen which both cause hair loss. I am now on rituximab and hoping my MTX can be reduced in time. I sympathise with those with thinning hair on MTX but I am sure it will not cause baldness as its a minute amount of chemotherapy. I have very thin hair but just can't stop all the drugs I am taking as the symptoms of the illnesses are unbearable for me.

Beverley_F profile image

I have had this problem but it was not the meds its the SLE Lupus flares that caused my hair to come out (it happens often). Its really is so awful and I even got all the details I needed to get a wig, but the flare came under control and my hair has come back. Your treatment is important and so is you mobility so speak to your hairdresser and ask about a wig if your very unhappy and it will probably settle down and grow back. x

bradfordjoanna profile image

I did lose some hair but then it stopped. I have kept taking Mtx. But I do understand the horror of it

Cynthia12345 profile image

Yes all these drugs I am sure they aren't doing our insides any good, but we have to listen to the doctors.

I am sure your hair will come back eventually.

Lee_Evenden profile image


Sorry to hear you're having problem with the mtx. It might be worth asking your rheumy to increase your dose of folic acid as this may help ease the hair loss, they might also be able to lover the mtx dose or try a new drug.

Hope you are able to find a better option very soon.


eastbournelady profile image

a lot of people find they lose hair i did too but the speed sort of eased off as body got used to drugs and grows back, also its not the only drug which will affect you with hair loss- so i would decide which drug gives best releif from the arthritis as your joints are more important than your hair getting a wig is far easier than getting a hip replacement!!! good luck

Luv2shoppp profile image

Same here. That medication was robbing me of my hair. I stopped as a result. My hair still sheds bad even being on Embrel but not as bad as when I was on MTX. I believe all meds affect the hair. Some not as bad as others.

nomoreheels profile image

Yes, mine did too when I first started tablets but it settled, I cannot honestly remember how quickly but I persevered because I had good results. I know I had a slight increase in folic acid which may or may not have helped because my hairdresser used the opportunity to cut it in a different style so it wasn't noticeable. I still have good results from MTX, 7 years on now & I do notice slightly more hair in my brush if I need an increase in dose but it settles within weeks. Nobody would know because my hair appears thicker as it grew back with a curl so it appears thicker than it's ever been.

Have a word with your Rheumy nurse if it's really bothering you & it's extensive, she may suggest a reduction in dose or an increase in folic acid. It's a balance, if the MTX is effective it's a shame to give up on it but if the hair loss is severe you'll not be happy however much we say it's not for long & has grown back. You can always ask to try something else though I believe hair loss is a possible side effect of leflunomide, possibly my next DMARD, so maybe that's not an option.

nad1611 profile image

Been on methotrexate for about 6 years now, whilst the hair loss is disappointing like others, i wanted to see if the methotrexate would help with the RA whisch it has. So rather than stopping it I decided to see what I could do about maintaining my hair. FOr the past few months I have been taking Biotin,Lutein, Zinc and a few other things. FOr the first time in years it's meant my hair is not only being lost like it was but is growing faster too. before making a decision to come off methotrexate I would do some research on things which help with hair growth, give that a go and if you're still not happ then think again. YOu haven't said whether you're getting any benefit from the Methorexate.

Ruby_sommer profile image
Ruby_sommer in reply to nad1611

I am getting benefit,but I don,t know whether it,s the daily oral steroids or not.mex. was increased from 10 to 15mg. Plus add on 7.5,s a minefield juggling what you can live with.i feel like I ,m being ungrateful. This disease has robbed me of so much,struggling to stay at 6st.i,m a bag of skin and I feel self conscious enough as it is.i,m 68 with the skin of a,s so thin pulling a plaster off feels like I,m going to arms are covered in red marks

Where the blood comes to the surface with the slightest bump.

Okay I,ll stop now before I depress everyone.thanks to all who have put their experiences forward.🙄💉💊

nad1611 profile image
nad1611 in reply to Ruby_sommer

Hi Ruby. You don't sound ungrateful. This forum is surely about being able to really say how you feel so don't apologise. I think your reaction is perfectly normal for someone who's clearly going through a lot. We're always taught to be quiet and put up with things but we are humans. It's not simply the pain,the real fear is often about not being in control and fear of what's to come. It may be that you could do with some supplements if you're struggling to maintain weight. Always check that whatever you take is okay with the meds you're on. I really hope things improve for you. Perseverance is certainly the key word along with patience and acceptance. Take care and be kind to yourself.

Wilpam profile image

When I first started on MTX my hair strained thinning. My rheumy increased folic acid and suggested biotin as a supplement. He also said it takes 6-8 months for your body to stabilize on mtx. I'm glad I believed him because two years later (with many mtx dosage increases) my hair also looks better and feels thicker than it ever was. I would have been willing to go Bald if it meant a getting the horrible symptoms under control. Anxious to hear what you find wishes to you.

zannie profile image

Hi Ruby, I have been on Mtx for two years now. At first I was horrified by the amount of hair I lost. Gradually the amount of hair loss decreased. I had my hair cut short. The hair loss has decreased, and for the relief from pain, I continue with the medication. I think it's definitely worth a try.

Best of luck.

Paulineg profile image

Hi Ruby-sommer. I also started losing my hair when I went onto methotrexate, so my rheumatoid consultant put me onto folic acid, 6 days a week (not on my methotrexate day) and it did make a difference. Although my hair isn't as thick as it was, I feel that it is a small price to pay to be free of that awful pain. I hope things improve for you.

Ruby_sommer profile image
Ruby_sommer in reply to Paulineg

Already on 6 days folic.don,t know whether it can go any higher.phoned rheumy this morn.posibly a week before I will get a comfort😟😟

jane1976 profile image

Hi, I was previously on methotrexate & no hair loss, now on methotrexate & Hydroxychloroquine, for many weeks I had hair loss, even told consultant who ignored me! Thankfully my hair loss has now stopped.

jay-schuler profile image
jay-schuler in reply to jane1976

I am on what you are on.. so I am going to keep my fingers crossed.. thank you

medway-lady profile image

This happened to me the MTX worked but hair came out in handfuls. I'm lucky as have very thick hair but I saved it and showed it to the Consultant he said throw the MTX away lets try something else. I am now on Leflodamide it has not affected my hair and put the RA in remission.

Sass18 profile image

I am going to ask my doc if I can stop it. I am on chemo--it helped for 3 years but stopped working. I am in so much pain...I was on Remicade and another Biologic IV but no relief...chged Rheumy's...this one is good but hard to get in an unscheduled visit. It is g,ood to have found this site.

sambc profile image

This happened to me too after being on mtx for 6 months...stopped it after another 3 months and switched to sulfasalazine. Am 2 months off the mtx now and my hair is starting to grow back...lots of annoying little whispy hairs around my hairline but at least it is returning.

jay-schuler profile image

Hi Ruby, I just had my second injection of Metho and I am on Plaquenil.. even though today i do feel semi pain free, for the first time when i showered i noticed hair in my hands and bc I'm obsessing over it now i keep running my hand in my hair and can see hair coming out. I was always the person who said to everyone that is the least we all should be worried about when friends and family were sick and undergoing chemo.. and i meant it. So why am I hysterical crying all day not speaking with anyone and just got out of bed to look for someone who knew what I was going through..? I KNEW this could happen but now i am a mess.. I want to do what ur going to do and stop it....I have my next injection tomorrow and I'm so confused.. I hope u post what u ended up doing

mary4444 profile image


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