This is sheer vanity, I know, but I am starting to go grey and wondered about whether, it is safe to colour hair whilst taking MTX and Sulfasalasine? The. MTX has been reduced due to brain fog and hair loss but the rheumatologist says that lowering the does will help. And the Sulfasalasine has just been added in. But I don't want to colour if it will just make more hair fall out. So I wondered if any one else has any experience with this. Thanks, Clemmie.
Hair Colouring: This is sheer vanity, I know, but I am... - NRAS
Hair Colouring

hi...i have been on many drugs including mtx for 10yrs and have dyed my hair regularly with no problem...i suffer with a lot of hair loss but not thru dying helps make it look thicker x
Thanks, Kizzy. I've never dyed my hair and my hairdresser wants to put some low lights/ highlights in. I put her off in June because I was worried about the hair fall but whilst I'm not REALLY grey, I notice that it's going more grey so thought I would see what others on here think. It's good to hear that you get on okay. Clemmie
Well think I may have to try then, just to keep up with you, Allanah!
I always say this is my one(?) vanity. I refuse to accept white hair. So I've been dyeing my hair ruthlessly for the last ten years, and mtx, et al has made no difference!
My advice is go for it! We all need a little colour in our lives!! M x
I have taken MTX since 2010 and die my hair every 6 weeks with no probs
I've taken mtx for 3 and a half years, and my hair has been from bright red to blonde. Dye it x
Hi Clemmie! Do you know i didn't even think about that, typical me! I coloured my hair just over a week ago, mine was fine! I have noticed my hair recently getting more brittle and breaking more easily think that's the mtx, if your hair is very fine and brittle i wouldn't risk it, but if its still quite strong go for it, everyone likes having a new hairdo! X
I agree with everyone else, I colour my hair regularly with problem at all. I've been very lucky really as I've had no thinning of my hair at all just a little dryness. Every now then I apply some oil such as argon oil and leave it on overnight then shampoo as normal next morning to keep It conditioned. I think it helps to make us feel better if we try to keep ourselves looking nice x
I have had my hair (naturally multicoloured and looks odd) coloured since my twenties. My hair tends to shed after I have a flare and I don't think the colouring makes any difference except to my psyche.