Finally funding has been agreed for me to start Cimzia. Should be finalised in another week.
Thank you all for putting up with my hissy fits, and for the time you spent picking me up and responding.
Finally funding has been agreed for me to start Cimzia. Should be finalised in another week.
Thank you all for putting up with my hissy fits, and for the time you spent picking me up and responding.
Hey!!! Way to go Smithfield. Hissy fit was totally justified.
Let's hope it's smooth running from here on.
Glad funding has finally come through for you and you can now get some meds that will help.
Enjoy the rest of your day.
Hi Crusee, thank you so much.
I am excited and scared normally feelings from what I have read on here.
A glass of wine to celebrate?
Has the smoker arrived.?
Take Care.xx
P.s I have ordered in desperation a body pillow see if that helps.
Hi Smithfield.
Those feelings you are getting are perfectly natural.You have waited so long for something to come along and make you feel better and so you are excited at the thought of this.But you read about everybody's reaction to different meds and we are all different.I have no experience of cimzia so can't comment on that ,but I hope you are one of the folk that it works for.
I must admit had I known what mtx jabs were going to do what they did to me I would never have started it but you've just got to try it and hope it works for you.
Glass of wine sounds a good idea- we could try a virtual one later.Just got to make sure we have some in the house.
Note to self- must go and check wine rack when I am done here.!!!
Yes the smoker has arrived about 20 mins ago.We are just in the garden unpacking it. ( well hubby is - I am just an onlooker.wont be suggesting any helpful hints in my advisory capacity today as I may need to eat humble pie shortly when it's assembled. ) This too looks suspiciously bigger than I thought it was but at least I don't have to find room for it in the house.
I hope your body pillow is of benefit.I visited my niece a few days ago and she has something similar.She is due to give birth any day and she says this is comfortable for her when she tries to sleep at night.
Right I will go and see how smokey has progressed and get my large wine glass at the ready!!
Well I am not flavour of the month my husband had to unscrew the legs on this monstrosity of a coffee table this morning. then get it back into its original packaging. Finally he had to ask our neighbour to help him get in into the garage as it is so heavy,until it is collected. I really hope your smoker looks big due to packaging, but I thought that about the coffee table.!
Pregnant I am not but I have heard they help pain .So can only try.
Got GP later about the bum. But will get my glass of wine ready for the virtual slurp
The packaging wasn't too onerous but now it's been unpacked its closely resembling the Tardis.It was all compacted in the box but now it is being assembled it is getting bigger by the minute.
I have temporarily been saved by the phone.The car had to go into the garage this morning and they have just rung to say its ready for collection.So by the time hubby gets round there and gets back it will be nearly time for him to help me in the kitchen to get dinner started.Delaying tactics and a nice meal may just save my bacon. Bless him he does have to put up with a lot!!
I hope all goes well for you at the doctors.
Oh wonderful a Tadis combined with smoker.Hope he is'nt to cross.
Doctors pressure ulcer on bottom.I was praying I did not need antibiotics, with the biologics looming.But he thinks not. So prescribed artificial skin spray ( wonder if it works like botox )
If so I could have a bottom lift. And a referral to the pressure area clinic.
So hopefully that will do the trick without the need for antibiotics.
And so for a glass of LA wine. Except I don't have a coffee table to put it on.
Ah reasonably good news re the pressure ulcer.Good news that meds won't hold up start of your treatment,and you can get on with cimzia.Fingers crossed for you.
He wasn't cross bless him but we have had to put black & decker work mate in the utility room overnight to make room for tardis in the shed.!!! All I need now is for Dr Who and the Daleks to turn up.
Could make it a fancy dress do.
Nicely chilled Pinot Grigio in glass and ready to go.Cheers Smithfield ! Slurp,
Don't worry too,much about the coffee table,just get a straw.