Bonkers!: My dr wont give me my methtrexate he said... - NRAS


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10 Replies

My dr wont give me my methtrexate he said,until I see your next blood results,I said but they are not due yet,my last bloods were fine as we're the last 18 yrs on the same meds, so no methatrexate this week mad eh!

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10 Replies
nomoreheels profile image

If he's a by the book doctor (which I hope he is) then he's correct but normally it is continued to be prescribed & if your next bloods are abnormal you're contacted to stop it until further bloods or investigations are done, unless something flagged up on the previous blood test. It doesn't seem to matter how long you've been taking it either, he's following his requirements as set out in his shared care agreement. I'd ask for telephone consultation to ask directly so you know his reasons why he needs to see your next bloods result.

healthygenes profile image
healthygenes in reply to nomoreheels

Hi no more heels my doctor dosent have a share care plan, I am under the hospital with a rhumatologist and a rhumat ology nurse they do my bloods, and my nurse rings with th results,I haven't had a bad rest in all the years,(thank goodness) l won't ring the doctor in question because he was quite sharp last week when he rang, he didn't even say goodbye he just put the phone down, I don't like rudeness, even if I go to the doctors I go to one of the others in the practice, they are loveley,maybe he was just having a bad day,

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to healthygenes

So it's your Rheumatologist not your GP?  Well as he's the initial prescriber & Specialist there must be good reason, don't you think? If you're not happy speaking with him I'd contact your Rheumy nurse if you want answers, but it would have been helpful if he'd explained in the first instance. Maybe he called you in between appointments or was hassled for some reason. 

healthygenes profile image
healthygenes in reply to nomoreheels

Hi my gp cancelled the mtx,he does my precriptions once a month,I have rang my rhumy nurse, she said yours bloods are fine,if your Dr wants to have a care share plan he can,I rang the surgery back gave them the details, but to no avail,so yes of course he is entitled to check my bloods, but all he had to do is prescribe this monthes then check then have a word with whoever he wants to, I know he won't have a care and share plan,you can guess why, but I still think this monthes actions are very odd,I ddon't want to make a big deal of it so I'll just leave it as it is,I'm going to go for my bloods a couple of days early see if that's suits.

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to healthygenes

Is it tablets or injections your GP prescribes?

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to nomoreheels

The principles of shared care are that the doctor who prescribes the med legally assumes clinical responsibility for the drug & consequences of it's use. If the Practice agrees to prescribe then a clinical management plan must be provided before a GP takes over the prescribing. There is no obligation for the GP to prescribe a drug where they don't feel competent to exercise their share of clinical responsibility. So quite why your GP prescribes for you is left unclear, without taking responsibility, signing a shared care agreement, he shouldn't be. If it as funding issue then he should be up front & say he wishes to hand the prescribing responsibility back to your Rheumy. You haven't recently changed from tablets to injections have you?

healthygenes profile image
healthygenes in reply to nomoreheels

Sorry no more heels,I have just been to have the famous bloods done! My rhumy nurse who is great sent the forms out yesterday and I got them dinnertime today so went straight away,no I haven't changed anything at all, I have been on tablets from the begining,he has done this before, I didn't know why then either, but I wasent due to have my meds at that time, whereas this time,it does,I haven't acctually seen him for years, I try (when I do go to the surgery) and see one of the other doctors, not that I go very often as I tend to attend the hospital, and there care is great,this is just unfortunate I'm not that bothered I simply think there are other things in life way more important, I  am very proud to say we have a free NHS, and I don't beleive in having a go at our doctors, but this was all a we bit odd,still never mind tomorrow is another day.

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to healthygenes

It would have be helpful if he explained why, other than just saying until your next bloods, just so you know where your stand. It's preferable not to be without your MTX isn't it? 😉

thelmar profile image

I have been on mtx for more than 10 years and GP has always given me my prescription. Now I am being told that a doctor or the nurse has to approve each time I request a repeat prescription. Unfortunately when I did an online request they didn't tell me they just didn't email that item to the pharmacy. All my other drugs were OK. Like so many people on here it just feels as though nothing is simple and some things which in themselves are relatively minor mount up and make us feel as though life is against us. (I do of course realise that a lot of you do have major problems). 

healthygenes profile image
healthygenes in reply to thelmar

Hi Thelma and Nomore heels,yes it would be so much easier if people were nice all of the time but that isent going to happen,I find I get so much joy helping someone,the ones that just can't be bothered miss out on so much, it's called respect, thoughtfulness, cosideration, or maybe they just think there time is too valuble to spend on us, I don't know, but yes,just to take two minutes to explain something would save a lot more time down the line,and it might just really make a difference to someone's day, what a nice thought.

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