Supplement & Chinese medicine for RA : Has anyone ever... - NRAS


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Supplement & Chinese medicine for RA

Sou77 profile image
28 Replies

Has anyone ever tried a supplement called LivingWell "Heal-n-Soothe: Arthiris" and White peony root extract for treating RA? Below are the links :

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Sou77 profile image
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28 Replies
Ali_H profile image

No but do tell us your success story and how they have helped you!


Sou77 profile image
Sou77 in reply to Ali_H

Yeah sure, but I'll research more and discuss about it with my doctor before consume it :)

helixhelix profile image

I'm very cautious about ads that promise you a miracle, but only after you've sent them money. Here are links to two reports that show evidence of the effectiveness of complementary medicine

Sou77 profile image
Sou77 in reply to helixhelix

Cool! Thanks for sharing it! :)

kalel profile image

Chinese herbs like Reshi are supposed to help heal the body etc but I would be a careful with sites such as the ones that you have listed above.

Dr Mark Hyman has made a lot of videos about inflammation In the body I won't link all of them but if you go on you tube you will see more of his videos.

sarah1967 profile image
sarah1967 in reply to kalel

Is it really that simple ? Have you tried it? How do you follow this gut for each week ?

What's good foods?

kalel profile image
kalel in reply to sarah1967

Sarah I don't know what you mean by gut for each week but I've always been told that I have a very aggressive type of arthritis and I know that what has helped for me is eating a plant based diet. Having a large green juice every day and healing my digestive system. I have also worked hard to remove the toxins in my body by doing things like dry skin brushing.

I am also seeing a functional health practioner and getting blood work done etc at the mo.

I should add that for me personally it has taken a long time for my body to start to heal itself .. So to speak .. I've had to be very patient with myself and stick to a strict diet etc ..however at the mo the long term benefits are well worth it

We are all different and what works for me might not work for someone else.

I've spent a long time listening to different people about how to heal the body but I do believe that because all disease starts in the gut we must heal our gut and make sure that we don't get stressed and so on.

sarah1967 profile image
sarah1967 in reply to kalel

Meant to say guy, thank you for your reply.

kalel profile image
kalel in reply to sarah1967

I follow a lot of people on you tube and facebook. Kimberly Synder, Dara Dubinet, The Life Regenerator, John Kohler Melissa Bottali, Diana Stoba, Fully Raw Kristina, Megan Elizabeth, the institute of functional medicine, Dr Mc Doughall, Robert Lustig MD and so many other people all talk about there health journeys. They don't have arthritis. However I have personally found that following some of the people that I mentioned above and listening to what Dr Hyman has to say about staying away from grains etc has really helped me.

Check out Mind Body Green on you tube they talk about wellness and so many other things.

I do listen to what a lot of what Dr Hyman has to say but I don't eat meat I have actually found it to be to acidic for my body and I don't digest meat well.

However I do believe that a lot what of Dr Hyman has to say is very true. I have just personally found that eating a high raw vegan diet and adding foods like sweet potatoes to an evening salad has really helped me but we are all different.

Getting things like allergy testing and some blood work etc has also really helped me.

sarah1967 profile image
sarah1967 in reply to kalel

Thank you. I wish you well in your journey.

I am a bit of a believer in what we eat has an affect on out bodies. But where to begin is hard.

kalel profile image
kalel in reply to sarah1967

exactly what we eat and the way we feel emotionally and also if we have been on medication in the past. Has a big affect on our body and how we feel.

The reason why I changed my diet is because I had a lot of autoimmune issues going on and did not want to be reliant on medication anymore and I did not want to be in pain.

It took me a while to change my diet but I am so pleased that I did cause as crazy as it might sound to some people it has completely changed my life.

If you are willing to change your diet then I would say take it slowly and gradually cut things out of your diet. For example I don't know what you eat the mo but try having a green juice or smoothie in the morning and then eat your normal lunch but when you can try and change what you eat for lunch and then dinner.

If you do make green smoothies both of these recipes are good to make

Also if you do change what you are eating try and keep your meals as simple possible.

another example for you I make these all the time.

You can always private message me if you need any help with your diet.

Check out the paddison programme on facebook if you can a lot of people on fb have spoken about arthritis and how they are healing there body

Good luck on your health journey. I hope things work out for you and if you ever need

some support or anything feel free to message me

One last thing please heal your gut and if your not doing this already start dry skin brushing and try to remove any toxic cleaning products that you have at home and replace these products like ecover.

Sou77 profile image
Sou77 in reply to kalel

Oh I've discovered that program and interested to buy it. How long have you been following his program?

Btw thanks Kalel for sharing your experiences. Appreciate it a lot! :)

Sou77 profile image
Sou77 in reply to kalel

I just started drinking green juice to reduce my inflammation in my knee joints last two days ago. I would say it works! Cucumber + celery + turmeric on the first day and just now I've blended celery + romaine + ginger and drink it. I don't really like the taste coz it was a bit spicy >,<

When I've tried the cucumber, celery & turmeric juice on the first day, I was surprised and quite panic because after half an hour of drinking it, my period came out! I had it just last week. It's flowing quite heavy.. >,< For your information, I'm on medication (MTX & Prednisolone). Already 2 months taking it.

kalel profile image
kalel in reply to Sou77

I don't know why you would of have a heady period. I am not an expert or anything about healing the body but I can tell you that when I did have heavy periods it was because I had a hormone inbalance. I know have very light periods.

If you can buy turmeric in powder form. These are what I buy

Cherry tart juice or taking this in capsule form is also good for inflammation.

I know that this is hard to do but even when you are going through a flare up try and make sure that you move your joints don't sit and rest do some light excersise or see a physio if you can. If you don't keep moving this is how you can end up with a lack of movement in your joints and joint damage.

I would also recommend seeing an alternative therapist someone that will give you blood work and try to find out why you got arthritis in the first place etc.

I am in the process of trying to find a new functional health practioner because the lady that I was talking to has let me down. Which is rather annoying but anyways.

Sou77 profile image
Sou77 in reply to kalel

Thank you so much for all the advices & good luck! :)

kalel profile image
kalel in reply to Sou77

No prob more than happy to help you out

Sou77 profile image
Sou77 in reply to kalel

Will go through all his videos when I got time to watch. Thanks! :)

kalel profile image
kalel in reply to Sou77

no prob. More than happy to help you out.

hatshepsut profile image

I am very cautious about herbal remedies, remember that herbal doesn't necessarily mean safe.

I definitely would not take anything, herbal or not, without checking it out with my rheumatologist or gp

M xx

kalel profile image

hatsheput yes I agree we should be cautious about what the type of herbal remedies that we take and your rheumatoid doctor might have a different opinion to mine but I know that I have been taking vitamin and mineral and herbal supplements for a long time and my doctor is fine with it and doing all of this has helped me come off my medication and also help me to start heal my body.

Sandrajb profile image

There seems to be some real evidence and some common sense for me in the whole 'leaky gut' issue or 'increased intestinal permeability' as the medics would say causing many an autoimmune and other chronic conditions.

I have been aware most of my life that my gastro intestinal system has been faulty. Could healing the digestive system hold the key to improvement in RD and all its sister conditions and could it really be that easy! I know that modern medicine tends to compartmentalise illnesses rather than seeing the delicate interation of one system upon another and I do so wonder and wonder about it all.

I asked my GP about undigested particles entering the blood stream through the intestinal wall and so triggering autoimmune disease like RD. He said he didn't know a lot about it but felt people found radical dietary change too difficult anyway. Really!

Thanks Kalel for the info on Mark Hyman, another guy with the same message, looks interesting.


kalel profile image

Sandra I am about to go to bed need to be up in about five hours . I will write a longer message tomo but In my experience if you heal your gut and remove the toxins from your, start to detox etc that can really help with arthritis.

Every disease starts in the gut.

If you have any sort of gut issues then I would def recommend healing your gut. It will def help you.

One thing that I have always been told that is that we are supposed to eat -get energized and then elimate and if we are not doing that then we need to look at what we are eating.

If you do have gut issues then I would try and remove diary/grains and gluten from your diet.

I would not say that it is that easy to heal the body or reversing arthritis symptoms you need to be very patient and I should also add that I have been seeing an alternative therapist. If I am being honest it has taken me a long time to get to the stage that I am health wise but I do believe that if you heal your gut and remove toxins from your skin etc this can def help ra symptoms. :)

Something that I was told to do is remove stress, drink tons of water, get a lot of sleep and eat lots of fruit and veggies. The main reason why I became vegan was to help with my on going health issues. However I know that something Dr Mark Hyman says even if you can't elimate meat make sure you are eating lots of plantbased/raw foods and just add some meat to your evening salad.

Sandrajb profile image

Many thanks.


kalel profile image
kalel in reply to Sandrajb

No prob happy to help. If you wAnt me to send you any more vids about the digestive system etc let me know. :)

Sandrajb profile image

Will do. There is so much on You Tube. A long, long journey is changing one's life!

kalel profile image
kalel in reply to Sandrajb

Exactly and it has taken me a long time to try and attempt to heal myself

I know that when I've seen alternative therapist they try and find out more about your life, past illnesses etc etc and that is how they try and work out how we get diseases like arthritis.

Sandrajb profile image

Hi again Kalel. Just wondered whether this chap Dr. Gabor Mate would be of interest to you. He is a Canadian doctor who speaks a great deal about how modern medicine fails to understand illness because it generally ignores the relationship between the mind/body unity and of the individual to their psychological and social environment. I have been a fan of his for a while and as with intestinal permeability healing, this all makes such good sense.



kalel profile image
kalel in reply to Sandrajb

hey thanks for sending me this video. I will look at it whilst I am eating my dinner tonight. From what you are telling me I totally agree with everything this guy has to say.

I will private you some interesting videos tonight. They all rather long but very interesting.

Just wondering but have you ever tried to implement any of his ideas into your own life?

I know that I have found that has really changed my life and the way I feel but doing such things like eating cleanly. Not getting stressed and so on. I am pretty sure that the main reason why I have had so many autoimmune issues going is because I was always such a stress head and used to eat a lot of processed foods.

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