Inspired by Yikes 2 ! : Feel like a bit of a game... - NRAS


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Inspired by Yikes 2 !

allanah profile image
43 Replies

Feel like a bit of a game!

What's your favourite book and favourite app!

Which one wins , hand held books or technology?!

I love the feel of paper books but holding them is difficult bug holding kindles are too ? What do u think x

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allanah profile image
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43 Replies
allanah profile image

Come on Sylvie books or technology! Or none ? Radio?

Jeanabelle60 profile image
Jeanabelle60 in reply to allanah

Oh I should have mentioned my radio too. It is turned on first thing in the morning and remains on all day until 6 when the telly is turned on for the news. It remains on until I go to bed around midnight. When I get into bed my bedside radio is turned on the Classic FM and this pputs me over to sleep everynight. I used to put it on a 90 minute timer but now I just let it play throughtout the night. The BBC here in the north of Ireland have excellent local, award winning, programmes that keep me up to date with what is going on in my city everyday. As I don't get out as much as I used to these programmes are a god send.

Barrister profile image

Books, definitely! I find the iPad too heavy but books are just wonderful! Even when they are too big or too heavy. I just love books!!!!!!!

Just have to say, I use a Kindle and IPad whilst abroad as best way to get books but when I'm home it's books all the way! Clemmie

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Barrister

Hi Barrister....I have a blow up the travel pillows - that I stand my Kindle/ iPad on. I deflate it when I travel then just inflate it when I arrive. Works a treat....I can't manage 'real' books now.

Got it on Amazon!

Chappy1 profile image

Absolutely love my Kindle A.

Wouldn't be without it now.

Lisashoemad profile image

I love books too, but also love my kindle, can hold so much more, i put my ioad on a cushion in front of me wen using it.

My hubby bought me an iPad Air when my old Mac book started steaming (fan broke). Using it now - its great but would be too heavy to read books on. He got it with a fold up stand so I can sit it at an angle. My trusty old kindle is great although no back light so needs a clip on torch for when not enough light. Reading the most recent Val Macdermid just now but it's very slow as it's got a bit scary! X

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to

When you need a new Ereader check out the Amazon Fire for under £50. It appears to have eveything the Apple iPad has for less than a quarter of the price!

allanah profile image

I do the putting it on a pillow trick too x

I have moved over to kindle even though I prefer the feel and smell of books. I have done this purely for my wrists they can no longer sustain a book for too long, when I read I do it until the book is finished. Family know if I get my kindle out then that's it, don't talk, don't expect to go anywhere with me, you will not get a response. Selfish I know but that's how I've always been. What's not so good about a kindle is reading the bible, as I can't get to different parts easily so I revert to paper copies for that.

My favourite books at the moment are the 'witness' series by Rebecca Forster, I have all seven and am about to start number five. They are crime from a lawyers point of view alongside family life, and American.

My friend says her hubby reads his kindle all the time and she hates it. She says it's depressing not knowing what he's reading because no title visible and he just grunts if she asks. When he read proper books she could quiz him and see how far he had got with it and then borrow it after and chat about it with him. She feels kindles are too exclusive! this had never occurred to me I admit.

wiliby profile image
wiliby in reply to

Handy for being discreet when reading 50 shades on a train though twitchy 😁 x

miss profile image

Technology for me find it easier then a heavy book. Even though I do love a good read. Xx

hatshepsut profile image

I love books, the thrill of opening a new book, the feel and smell of the pages. Sadly, I mostly use my kindle nowadays, because holding a book is too painful, even propped up on a cushion, my wrists , hands and fingers ache and cramp up. It's infuriating, because my house is full of books!

I've often tried to decide which is my favourite book, but I think it depends on the mood of the moment. I think in the end, it has to be whichever one I'm reading at the moment, because otherwise I wouldn't bother!! M x

heathersmum profile image

I love my books any books or genres. My kindle is great for watching films,t.v or the web. But you can't beat the smell and the feeling of holding a good book.

I also do the balancing the book with the pillow trick . You can't beat a sunny day such as today in the garden with a good read . Truly wonderful.xx

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to heathersmum

I never manage in the garden, I get distracted looking at the birds!

Blackwitch profile image

I'm reading a book on my i-phone at the moment. It just fits nicely into my hand with a tap or swipe to turn the page. I'm afraid my Kindle is almost redundant.

It seems almost like cheating!

We have 3 year old identical triplet grandsons who are coming tomorrow. They love books and will often bring them over, climb on my knee and ask me to read them. Their favourites (apart from the Thomas the Tank Engine) are Jack and the Beanstalk, The Enormous Turnip and Brer Rabbit. All the ones (Ladybird Books) that their Dad loved as a child. Then there's the Richard Scarry books. Even though they're so outdated, they sit transfixed - taking everything in, asking questions. I just hope they continue with their love of books as they get older.

Azabat profile image

I love real books, but I also love the convenience of an i-pad. I don't have one yet, but hubby has a kobo, and can adjust the font and contrast which would be a huge help to me visually. My very favourite book? That's a tough one, because mine varies with my mood, too. I think the one that moved me most in the last year was 'I Heard the Owl Call my Name' by Margaret Craven. I have many that I revisit on a regular basis, like comfortable friends. xx

Tinwoman2 profile image

I like real books. Paperbacks are lighter and I like the colorful covers. I don't know why, but I hold books with my left hand even though I am right-handed. I find that big paperbacks are hard to hold when just starting & just finishing, (maybe I should crack the binding). The middle part is easy for me to hold.

I have never tried to read a book on any device.


Blackwitch profile image
Blackwitch in reply to Tinwoman2

My husband thinks I'm mad reading books on my phone! I can honestly say that I was never a lover of mobile phones at all but I use mine for everything now. x

Smiler53 profile image

I love both. But in saying that, whenever somebody asks me what I'm reading at the moment, I can never remember (doh!), because you always see the cover of a paper book when you pick it and not so with a kindle. At the moment I'm reading a series of Peter James' books and the are all similar eg. Not Dead Enough, Dead Tomorrow, Dead Like You etc. (I know not jolly titles!)

gillpalmer profile image

I have a kindle but love books as well. I have a book seat which I use which is very good for holding the book while reading.

I prefer books, paperbacks usually because they are lighter. I have an iPad and kindle and have loads of books on them as well (Kindle and cloud always downloads new books on both devices). My grandson sorts out the techie things for me !!

Can't say I get on well with kindle, but iPad nice and bright background for my failing eyesight. We can also borrow books on devices from our library now for free. But there's nothing like the feel of a proper book.

My favourite book is Of all time is 'My family and other animals' by Gerald Durrell, which I read first at the age of 12 and many times since. It's mainly set in Corfu and I have a deep love of the island having visited many times in my lifetime. Lynda xx

caroline777 profile image

I listen to audio books, I love them. I can get comfortable or snuggle down in bed or (given the chance) lay on the beach with my earphones or not and listen to my book. You can also listen whilst driving or cooking or gardening if you are feeling well enough to do any of those things! I'm addicted!

Patsy-57 profile image

Love my kindle- light easy to use a whole library of books. Ideal on holiday.

Love my iPad too- on a bad day it's wonderful internet , games shopping without moving out of the house.( that can be a dangerous thing too when m and s have a sale).


Judetheobscure profile image

Have Kindle but couldn't get on with it - I know I should persevere. My motto has become 'Never mind the pain feel the book'. I probably rest the book on my lap to save hands. Audio books are great though and sometimes a not so good book can work better on the radio - probably because it's been edited.

Since retiring have rediscovered libraries and am now working for a few hours as a volunteer in one. Thought I might be pushing my luck doing this but so far I'm coping.

Books - well they have been there with me through the worst of times and the best of times.

I love real books. I love the feel of the paper, the look of the print and even the smell of a real book. Sadly, most hurt my hands. I have an IPad mini, but even that hurts my hands sometimes. 2 favourite books. Mrs Dalloway by Virginia Woolf and Woman in White by Wilkie Collins. Favourite app. The Macmillan Organiser and my diary apps.

Jeanabelle60 profile image

I am a collector of books and every now and then, due to lack of space in my wee bungalow, I have to decide who goes to the second hand book shop/animal rescue charity shop and who remains on my book shelves. On top of this I struggle with the decision as to which to buy ebook or paper back. This decision is usually made based on how my hands happen to be at the time. I have a collectioon of both and that seems to work fine for me.

As for my favorite book.......To Kill A also happens to be my favorite film too. A classic that I never tire of.

in reply to Jeanabelle60

Another of my favourites too Jeanabelle, as well as Cannery Row, Tortilla Flats, and Catcher in the rye. But I had to stop somewhere. :-)

Jeanabelle60 profile image
Jeanabelle60 in reply to

Awh I forgot "Catcher in the Rye"......when I was a very young schoolgirl being taught by nuns. One day I had "The Scarlett Letter" with me and one of the nuns saw it and took it from me......never saw it again and from then on the nuns took great interest in what I was reading!!

in reply to Jeanabelle60

I couldn't get into that one. lol

wiliby profile image

My kindle fire my hubby gave me for Xmas is the best gift I've ever had! I have just discovered Diane Chamberlain and reading her 3rd book. Like water for chocolate is a book that is like no other and I read every 5 years or so. I read another Alice recently, true story of Alice Peterson and her diagnoses of RA, mixed feelings but amazing lady. Love and read all of lesley pearse books, my favourite author. Would appreciate any recommendation, oh allanah can you ask for top 5 books? Can't handle crime, get nightmares. I love this thread, I could go on and on! I like Caroline suggestion of audio books sometimes when your all snuggled with book, balanced on the.pillow it's still too much effort (laziness for me) to tap to turn page!! Haha xx

Caza profile image
Caza in reply to wiliby

Hi, I love all books & my trusted kindle. If you like Diane chamberlain, as I do you might like to try Liane Moriarty or Dorothy Koomsoon. Happy reading

wiliby profile image
wiliby in reply to Caza

Thanks Caza, I'll check them out, nice to know where my next authors coming from! I've a few more chamberlains to get through, she's written tons! :)

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to wiliby

Hi W ,! Hope u r well xx

Caza profile image
Caza in reply to wiliby

I found her earlier books better than her more recent ones. The latter being a bit samie. Just my opinion.

Ali_H profile image

Anna Karenina - only book I've read twice!

Transform - this app gives me a mindfullness type quote each day and then a related 'assignment' for the day... It keeps me positive and hopeful particularly on the not so easy days.

great question thanks for that one am now off to check out some of the books and apps mentioned above

All the best


Ali_H profile image

P.S. Real books - I love their touch and smell and when camping it feels great to leave a finished book behind on the loo windowsill for a new reader to discover (I usually leave a message on it saying something like 'please take me home and read me'). My camping days are maked now so will soon have to start to find another way of leaving my book gifts for another to find and delight in.

Jeanabelle60 profile image
Jeanabelle60 in reply to Ali_H

Hello Ali, your post for some reason brought back a memory from a long time ago. In 2001 I was in a position to travel around Europe with a back pack for a year. I was in Dubrovnic and found a shop that sold books written in English. I bought the best seller of the time "The Lovely Bones". I loved it from the first sentance "I was murdered"...... Anyhow by the time I got to Split I had finish the book and I was waiting for money to arrive from my bank.....I found an internet cafe that was willing to swap my best seller for a Continental Breakfast.....lovely, I was gasping for a coffee......just thought I'd share this memory with you......I think it was when you mentioned camping, I used to do loads of camping back in the days pre RD, great memories though. X

Caza profile image
Caza in reply to Jeanabelle60

What a great story.

Very sad book though. Well written

Azabat profile image

Ali, I saw a lovely little thing called a micro-library that someone built into a phone booth. It was community maintained, and people take a book and leave another. We have a wonderful charity here that collects books to bring to the house-bound, or simply people who need them. I love your book-sharing idea, though :)

Ali_H profile image

I think the phone box library was under threat earlier this year as the phone company wanted to close it because they felt the shelves were unsafe... I'm not sure if it closed or not... Hopefully not because the world needs these free quirky community binders!

Now swapping a book for breakfast sounds a good deal why didn't I think of that? I'm still hanging onto camping but it's more of a 'glamping' thing with mattress and duvet in a bigger tent with picnic table and gas cooker and in a base for 4-10 days at a time... I just love being under canvas looking at the night sky and the whole fresh air thing and on occasions I've been known to camp in my own garden just to get my camping fix in.

Oh happy memories :)

All the best


allanah profile image

Hi guys ! Been real busy as my mum. And sister came for a break ( after my aunt died)

Great discussion on books and titles!

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