HI there, I have my 1st visit to the rheumy in the morning and my GP has told me that in betweeen the e-mails he has read the only RA medication I can receive will be be done intraveniously but any side affects that may afffect my lungs and this will stop, And the only course left which has been discussed with RA consultant my chest consultant and his Professors in Edinburgh will be to advice me on a lung transplant.There was no mention of this in January so I take it the last CAT scan showed the lungs to be worse than the time before.Im glad he told me this it has given me a chance to talk to Fran and my son instead of hearing it tomorrow first hand ,But Frans says they know best.
GP has softened the blow for me.: HI there, I have my... - NRAS
GP has softened the blow for me.

Mattcass,you sound quite positive about this and i applaud you in that as i would be terrified so good on you. It is a hard road your on and all i can do is wish you well and hope you have a happy outcome.xxx
I echo Sylvi you are a brave man and the consoling thing is that the have found you a treatment x
Hope it goes well
Are you at western general? Thats where i go, message me if you ever want to compare notes
That's good news Mattcass, although its sounds fairly scary re the lung transplant but I reuse this might well be life changing in a very good way. As the others have said I think you are very brave and wish you much luck with your appointment today. Tilda x
, I would be scared stiff at the thought of a transplant and you sound so positive about things, good luck with ur appointment today x
Hi, I am so glad at last u have the information u need! It's been a long time coming and I am glad that the consultants at last got their heads together! So u have a bit of a climb ahead of you by the sound of it, but at the end of the day it will improve your quality of life to be out of pain and able to breathe.
Good luck with the docs today and when u get a chance let us know how u r getting on!
Hi Mattcass i take my hat off to you. Like others have said you sound very positive off the outcome yesterday. Very good luck to you my thoughts are with you. xx
Hi Mattcass
Hope your appointment goes well today.
It is scary having lung problems along with RA and I am having lung problems myself but no way near as severe as you.
I hope the RA treatment works for you.
Its a lot to think about having a lung transplant.
My thoughts are with you.
Mary x
HI Mattcass,
I'm sure your attitude will help (+ your meds. of course) to make life a lot easier for you. Hope this RA treatment works and you do not have to go down the road of a lung transplant. Keep posiive, my thoughts are with you and good luck with your Rheumy visit.