What do you say?: Need to rant..sister in law just rang... - NRAS


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mary53 profile image
26 Replies

Need to rant..sister in law just rang specifically to tell me that I should take bicarb of soda to cure all my problems. Aggggggh!!! Managed to thank her for her concern and said I would research it on the internet. Sooooo cross. Couldn't bring myself to say what I think . baaah! Rant over

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mary53 profile image
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26 Replies
Ali_H profile image

We can take pain killers, over the counter anti inflammatory meds, NSAIDs, DMARDS and a host of other things for our ailments but alas not one has developed and 'anti-ignoramus' med.... I'm impressed you didn't say anything rude and even squeezed out a 'thank you' between your gritted teeth 10/10 from me :)


in reply to Ali_H


lilianisaac profile image
lilianisaac in reply to Ali_H

LOL - love Ali H 's comment of which I agree wholeheartedly. Understand so well how these kind of comments really make your blood boil. I have a standard answer which is 'yes' I've tried that already and it doesn't work'. xx

nomoreheels profile image

You do just as you did Mary! Though, back to reality, it does prove to show that autoimmune diseases are misunderstood. I did a little Google which confirmed my suspicions, most sites I found were US natural health ones, you know the type. True it has neutralizing properties, I use it in water to clean the fridge & have used it when I've had a UTI in the past as a drink. I'll keep to using mine for those & baking I think!!

Pleased you have a caring s-i-l, though, at least she thought of you, more than mine would I fear. Even though I really try with her she is trying lol!

allanah profile image

Tell NICE now, it should be passed as it's free and works , ????? Lol!! Well done for keeping your temper but people say things cos they feel helpless and don't know what to say or do, it shows she was thinking of you. I must admit before I got RA I had no idea how bad it was, I think the awareness weeks are good for that xxxxx Axx

julie_warwick profile image

1 brazil nut apparently ... my friend told me so it must be true , has to be 1 a day !!! gosh and to think I've been injecting myself with expensive , potentially harmful drugs .. makes you mad eh ? x

mrspaxo profile image

I know exactly how you feel. My sister does the same....green algae, no dairy, kinesiology, homeopathy...need I go on!

wishbone profile image

A friend recently told me to try drinking my own urine..not neat but diluted with spring water. I think he heard about it whilst living in a commune in Mid-Wales.. must be a lack of oxygen up in them there hills, or more likely he'd been smoking too much weed!!

Jeanabelle60 profile image
Jeanabelle60 in reply to wishbone

Brilliant.......now a bit of weed will do you more good that a lot of what is recommended to us sometimes.......coconut butter was advised to me once...... 'i know, i know'!

mary53 profile image

Thanks everyone. You have to laugh. Rant and replies definitely helped. Once more I'm not on my own.

Jora profile image

I think you should tell her that clinical research shows that it is no use once you have RA but it can be used preventatively, in urine, so SHE should be taking it. Seriously, we have to remember that they mean well.

Natikins profile image

A teaspoon of turmeric works apparently. A taxi driver spent half an hour telling me last week!

Metal-legs profile image

Just been told carrying a potato in my pocket will help RA?????? What!!

So Just off to take my bicarb of soda now, with ONE brazil nut, washed down with a glass of my urine mixed with turmeric and wrap myself up in green algae for the day. Sorted!!!

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to Metal-legs

But you forgot the pocket full of potato! Maybe it would be best mashed with lots of butter & cream to smother over our joints though!!

Jeanabelle60 profile image

People can really p..s you off can't they? She may have meant well but sometimes it is so hard to put up with. I had a very close friend who was diagnosed with advanced lung cancer, she died 9 months after diagnosis at age 47. When we first heard the news another friend told her to eat plenty of broccoli......people!

trianon profile image

The latest thing I heard was that yoga cures RA - well I never!!!!

Karen77 profile image

I'll bet that these people are well-meaning. Can you imagine if you saw someone struggling, offered them a hand only to be told to mind your own business?! WE live with this day in and out, not them. How are they to understand that what you've got is for the rest of your life? How can they understand why you wouldn't try walking upside down under a full moon to possibly feel better? You need to do what you can to make them understand in a compassionate way. They aren't trying to piss you off. Why would someone do that? ..... Hey, I know a good way to piss off my friend with RA, I'll tell her to try eating baking soda! That'll get her right mad! Maybe she'll throw something at me - nope, she can't because her hands are too sore! Bwahahahahahaha! She'll never guess how evil I can be! ... Yep, that's it. Our friends are all out to get us. Killing us with kindness and compassion... The nerve!

If all these cheaper methods were any good I am sure we would be the first in the queue to partake. It's a wonder you kept your cool. xxx

I'm waiting for someone to tell me it's karma for something bad I did in a previous life!!! Would I believe them? NAH!!

dozzer15 profile image

I had breast cancer in March and a relative rang to see How I was and I said I'm ok but it's the rheumatoid that's the problem as I've had to come off my meds until I've healed and finished treatment. She said is it painful then? I said yes it's agony. She said oh cos my daughters mum in law has It and she's brilliant, she climbs ladders and paints ceilings. I just changed the subject cos I could so easily have fallen out with her x

in reply to dozzer15

That happened to me dozzer. Was diagnosed November 2012, and had to stop Methotrexate so that I could have chemo. Thankfully the chemo drugs (one was Cyclophosphamide) stepped up to take MTX place, but after chemo finished - ARRRRRGGGGHHHH. Still trying to get sorted out over one year later. All the best. xxx

lilianisaac profile image

this topic and the replies have really made me giggle after a particularly stressful day.......thanks to all of you! xx

Vikki21 profile image

This has made me giggle too :) Just what I needed..... Glad it's just not me who get's 'helpful comments' from people - my last one was to wear a copper bracelet and that was from my own mum! Did calmly say if it was that easy to cure RA then everyone would be wearing one Grrrr!!!

All they do for me is to leave a green mark on my wrist !!!

Vikki21 profile image

Just to carry it on lol.... I have just been away with some friends who 'swear by' cider vinegar, just two teaspoons a day and I will be cured!!.........................

Chrissycl profile image

I was told that going gluten free would not only help but would cure and drinking tonic wster would stop my fatique. If only.....

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