Going in to hospital next week for my full knee op and I'm soo scared ,and I still have,nt heard from pip been waiting since November last year, I'm now going in hospital so if pip do decide to contact me I won't be able to go, and the Ra is getting bad in hands other knee ,and shoulder, sorry to go on ,but feeling fed up
Help: Going in to hospital next week for my full knee... - NRAS

Pip will realise that you are ill, my goodness you are having major joint surgery! Keep your appointment letters and any doctors letters as proof. But forget about them , you need to get your op, do your physio so you can get back on your RA meds. Good luck and I hope it all goes very well for you xx
Thank you x
Hello Laceygreen, Please try not to worry, if this is any consolation to you I have had both my knees replaced, and thed right knee has been done twice, my first knee op for the left knee was in 1992, and is still going strong, I feel this was the best thing I ever did for myself, as for PIP I know nothing about. so be guided by allanah. wishing you all the best xx
Hi Laceygreen,
Sorry you are feeling so scared. Hope the op goes well for you. If the DWP do contact you for you PIP assessment and you cannot go, inform the office that arranged the consultation as soon as possible letting them know the reason. Sorry you have been waiting so long for it. You are not alone in this. We hear from people on the helpline all the time who have been waiting a long time like yourself. Unfortunately, it is a bit of a problem at the moment. Good luck for the op.
Beverley (NRAS Helpline)
Hi Lacey
Sorry to hear you're feeling fed up you have a good right to be, RA is a horrible disease. Don't worry about op.you will be fine. I had a full hip replacement twelve weeks ago(my first day back at work today!) Had avascular necrosis of the hip, no connection to my RA was just unlucky, so they tell me!
I applied for PIP and waited ten months before they even assessed me then waited six weeks for a decision and payment. Ring them and explain about your op. It may even prompt them to make a decision.
Good luck with both and keep talking to everone on this site it does help because everyone understands how you feel
I had my knee done earlier this year, it has been great. The pain relief was superb, so don't worry!
Incidentally, I also had avascular necrosis, and was told it was down to my RA.
Best wishes for next week. M x