Hip pain like I've never experienced before!! - NRAS


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Hip pain like I've never experienced before!!

Louise09 profile image
11 Replies

Morning all!

I'm having the most horrendous pains in my hips!

I have sero neg RA and Fibromyalgia and am on a cocktail of meds inc hydroxychloraquine and leflunomide. I have had steroid injections in both hips before! But when I explained where the pain was I was told it wasn't my hip joint (thankfully) but my tendons, so had them injected and felt fab again! That was 2yrs ago.

4 days ago I walked downstairs and felt pain in my groin - right side and heard a twang! Ouch I thought, that blummin hurt but as I was going out spending my nans money with my mum and nan I took a few paracetamol and off we went! We didnt walk far at all, my nan is 90 and was quicker than me!

Since then I've been taking paracetamol and codine every 4 hrs and can't move without hurting. The pain makes me feel sick and all fuzzy, (if that makes sense to anyone!) I have tried to walk it off but can't. Walking downstairs is OK but going up is a different matter. I feel like a horse has kicked me in both buttocks! Right side is worse. Sleeping is OK when meds have kicked in but the pain wakes me.

Is this true hip joint pain? A long winded explanation but I like to give you all the facts!

Thanks for reading ( feel better already after getting my worries off my chest)

L x :-)

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11 Replies
nomoreheels profile image

Hiya Louise. I have this type of pain but mine didn't start with a twang, it was more of a build up to what I've now got. I'm not entirely sure which label I can give it as my Rheumy has recently confirmed that my RD is controlled with my meds & says that he pain I have is down to OA. She also confirmed I have lumbar spondylosis & trochanteric bursitis &, with me anyway, put my symptoms down to one of those. If your pain emanates from the middle of your buttock & when you attempt to arch your back the pain increases I could be worth questioning TC next time you see your Rheumy, especially if your outer thighs are also painful. Again, going up stairs more than down is worse for me as it is for you & really difficult if I've just got up from lying down which isn't great as our bedrooms are downstairs!

If you have a read of this gponline.com/trochanteric-b... you may relate to it.

Hope this helps.

Louise09 profile image
Louise09 in reply to nomoreheels

Thank you! I've looked at the link and it is similar to my pain. I think a steroid injection or two maybe needed.

L :-)

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to Louise09

Oh good. I hope the steroid injection helps. My Rheumy didn't offer to do that but did represcribe long term oral steroids & etoricoxib. Thinking about it though I did have a hydrocortisone injection in my hand at the same appointment so that could be why, not too sure. She was too busy pushing me through the door having taken up most of the appointment discussing my other pain issues & the causes!!

Louise09 profile image
Louise09 in reply to nomoreheels

Why do they do that? I thought it was their job to listen and then action a plan! Oh well who are we to demand help!!!

My hip gave out on me on the stairs last night and the pain made me feel sick. All my hubby could say was "I didn't know you were upstairs, come and sit down" We have 4 flights of stairs, only 6 steps on each floor, so I have to use the stairs if I want the loo or a coffee etc! God damn this condition and all its symptoms. :-)

Let's hope today is better!

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to Louise09

If I was you I'd get that checked out, either that or move to a bungalow! No, that's an awful type of pain when it makes you feel sick & suggests you do need something to help you. We live in an upside down house & have to go downstairs to the bedrooms which isn't too bad but getting up them, particularly in the mornings is a nightmare.

My last appointment upset me greatly actually as I hadn't seen her since last July particularly as it was all relating to my overall condition & is in fact under her remit. The first time she looked at the clock 20 mins in & said "I'm very aware we're over concentrating on your Osteoarthritis problems & not your Rheumatoid ones". I didn't even realize they weren't RD problems at that point! I was also taken aback as I'd only mentioned 3 things & even more so when she eventually checked me over all she did was look at my hands. Not one other part of my body was examined.

I have had problems with my knees lately, unusual for me, & questioned why when I lower it from a horizontal position does it judder trying to place it on the floor. She asked me to do it & just said that's OA - no exam of the joint, no suggestions as to what I could do to ease the problem (if there is anything). What made me cross in recalling how the appointment went is my RD is under control. Don't get me wrong, I'm thankful for that but that conclusion was reached from my bloods, examining my hands & asking how I rated my pain (how do you determine that when you thought the pain was RD & find it impossible determine one from the other?). Guess the DAS score of 3.03 determined that!!

I've learnt of more problems I have from my letter to my GP that she didn't discuss with me either but gone on too much, sorry.

I hope your hip behaves itself. Try not to use the stairs too much today, though if you've to use them to go to the loo that's not easy is it? :(

Louise09 profile image
Louise09 in reply to nomoreheels

Sorry it's taken me a while to reply but I've been very down lately and not nice company!

It shouldn't matter if your symptoms are OA or RD but that you have symptoms. My rheumy said to me that its treating the symptoms not the label that's important. From that point on I've requested that doctor as I was sick and tired of the brush off from others.

I hope you are feeling pain free today and it lasts!

Gentle hugs are being sent your way! Takes care and keep in touch!


nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to Louise09

No worries Louise. Not been up to doing much myself the last few days myself so get you!

It's wonderful when you find a Rheumy that acknowledges the associated conditions that have a tendency to sit beside RD or & doesn't view them as less important, especially when the RD is controlled yet still we're struggling.

I do hope your pain has lessened somewhat & you're feeling at least a little brighter today.

Hugs gratefully received & I send the same back to you. x

Louise09 profile image

I do like our little chats! Funnily enough I've just been looking at a pair of victorian style boots, with a small heel! I really miss my heels!! ,

Gentle hugs


nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to Louise09

Hiya Louise! Hope you're ok this morning? Are they low enough to maybe wear them on special occasions, when you feel less RDy? The temp really has dropped for August don't you think & been looking at getting some of my less summery clothes & shoes out myself. Most of the online shops are promoting their autumn/winter collection & it's depressing as our friends who have just gone back to Spain after 5 days in this weather got back to 40˚!!

I'm in a quandary at the mo as I've to find something to wear dressier than I have as my Goddaughter has requested an evening dress code to celebrate her 21st. Struggling isn't the word! x

Louise09 profile image

Oh wow! Dressing up time! I love it.

My hubby used to work for a company and they used to have weekends away where the Fri night was a chance to get to know everyone and the dress code was smart casual but on the sat it was black tie and ball gowns! It was amazing. The funny thing was at the beginning of the night the men wore dicky bows and cumberbands and during the event the more alcohol they drunk the more they shed their attire, jackets and bow ties were spread over .the back of chairs and us ladies kicked our shoes off for a blummin good boogie!

You'll find something suitable I'm sure.

The Victorian boots only have small heels but are quite narrow, maybe a bigger size would be better!

One of the awful thing about this condition is having to change everything you wear to suit your pain every day! From shoes to skirts with elastic waist bands to how you style your hair! I wore suits for work with high heels and would spend loads of time doing my hair and nails. Now I'm lucky if I get dressed!!! Arghhhh

The weather looks quite good today, its not raining ! Let's hope it stays that way. My in-laws live in Spain too and I agree its so unfair when they ring to gloat/moan that its so hot!!

Take care today! Have a good in!


nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to Louise09

Good idea going up a size, especially with full shoes & boots, as long as they're adjustable so they support your foot depending on swelling! The bonus with a generous fit is you can wear socks too if wearing them with trousers lol!

At least the wind has dropped here today. I'd to retrieve a pillowcase yesterday as the wind took it over to next doors garden. It's one thing I really disliked when living in Spain as we were between two mountains & the wind was quite frightening at times, even taking down a 6ft wall one year & one poor chap lost his life further up the road in the village when his wall fell on him.

I'm sure I'll find something to wear, it's the shoe thing that bugs me typically. I sold all but one of my long dresses when we left the UK otherwise there'd be no problem as I had half a wardrobe to pick from lol!!

You have a good day too. I'm off to the docs this morning so off to try & make myself look half decent now!! x

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