auto immune disease and hypOthyroid: Does anyone else... - NRAS


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auto immune disease and hypOthyroid

26 Replies

Does anyone else have this condition, Battling underative thyroid and Rheume arthritis? I new in here so have to work my way round.

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26 Replies
beth48 profile image

Hi there, yes i have both also sjogrens and raynauds which are all auto issues .The thyroid site on here is really good and very informative and some very good links are posted,so if you haven't already it would be worth a look,best wishes Beth x

Thank you Beth,

I already use the other site, do you have thyroid issues? If so what are you taking for it, are you having issues with your medication?

Just happened to stumble across this site today.

beth48 profile image
beth48 in reply to

Hi,yes been hypothyroid for about 15 yrs and RA since i was 27 i'm now 63.I take thyroxene and have been ok with that until i started on Methotrexate for RA about 18 months ago and since then have had to have 2 increases in thyroxene in the last last yr which is unuseual for me.My rheumy told me that MTX can alter thyroid levels and he sends me for tests every 6 months.This is why i joined the thyroid site and have been trying to get T3/T4 tested but although the dr. tried the lab will only do TSH.Saw another gp last week who has asked for full tests inc.T3/T4,antibodies and vit D and will know on wed.if the lab has done them.Failing this i will have to take this up with rheumy and get his opinion on this.I'm on 150 mg of thyroxene now and still feel awful most of the time especially the tiredness,i have been putting putting it all down to RA but now beginning to wonder.I have never seen an endo as my gp's will only refer patients if they are HYPER or have thyroid cancer.Hope this answers your question....Beth :)

I too have under active thyroid (is that same as hypothyroid - I think so?) and was diagnosed about 12 years ago. I take 125 mgs Levothyroxine. I accidentally took only 50mcgs for about 6 weeks last summer (boxes looked so similar!) and my RA symptoms became much more extreme but I was still awaiting diagnosis so wasn't sure whether the epic stiffness in knees and all over etc was down to RA or my accidental under dose. GP said the two are very closely connected and I told my rheumy I was hypothyroid when he prescribed MTX.

I am very tired just now - even more than usual and have been flaring off and on all month so this post has prompted me to remind my GP to check my thyroid too when I next see him thanks! Yes both are autoimmune diseases so very much connected - also I have just started getting the odd episode of Raynauds too. Haven't done any research into the hypothyroidism so will look it up. Somehow with the thyroid I just took the pills, had the anual blood checks and forget about it otherwise - maybe I should know more? TTx

beth48 profile image

Hi Tilda, yes must admit i took the thyroxene and trusted that i was having all the right tests done and now i know different.Have a look at the healthunlocked thyroid site it is really good and has prompted me to try to get all relevent tests done.Beth :0) ps hypos are more likely to be vit. d deff. and that can give rise to joint pain so worth asking for a test..

in reply to beth48

Thanks Beth - found all the thyroid stuff re HU a bit overwhelming tbh but then I'm easily overwhelmed just now. I think sometimes that being well- informed is like a full time job. I've never been sent to an endocrinologist and just ask my GP most stuff but will double check that the thyroid readings are satisfactory and also ask for a Vit D test. Don't think I'm going to ask for printouts and come back to the thyroid HU because my hubby says I spend enough time on here and if I go on another and have to work all this stuff out then I'll never have any time left over for my boys, hubby or my work! It was interesting but it just got me all worried and I'm still digesting all the RA stuff. But I did learn at least that it's better to take the lev thyroxine last thing at night and I'm hoping that will make a big difference to it's effectiveness - also that Vit D deficiency is linked with RA and thyroid and will definitely push for the test and if he's unwilling then I will get it via the place in Birmingham someone mentioned. There is a country - can't recall which - that now tests automatically for Vit D in anyone diagnosed with RA. TTx

Gina_K profile image

Yep I have both too. U a thyroid under control. So is Ra as much as can be for moment.


Gina_K profile image

Ps, on 150 eltroxine mon to fri and 200 sat & sun. Plaquinil, methotrexate, and bi weekly humira injections for RA. :)


Gina_K profile image

Endocrinologist & Rheumatologist prescribenfor me.

cathie profile image

I also have hypothyroidism

Started about 15 years before ra

LavendarLady profile image

These autoimmune conditions we suffer from seem to go hand in hand.

I had a growth removed from an under active thyroid in 1979 which then went into overdrive for some years before settling down.

In 2001 I had to have the thyroid removed as it had gone so overactive, my levels were dangerously high and I now take thyroxine for life.

In the meantime in 1994 I had breast cancer which I was informed is also part of the immune problems.

And in 2008 diagnosed with RA and plantar fasciitis in both feet. Since then, my consultant has confirmed mild sjorgens which also affects people with RA.

You can get drops for dry eyes from the chemist which do help.

I also have weekly Enbrel and MTX for the RA, plus the thyroxine for the missing thyroid and assorted pain killers including Diclofenac, Nurofen and Paracetemol.

The Endocrinologist found the problems with the thyroid using ultra sound scan following horrendously high blood tests.

Good luck. LavendarLady x

Jan66 profile image

Hi all, interesting question, I too, take 150 mg lev thyroxine daily, have done for about 12 years. On mtx only 2 years. I will now get my thyroid checked more often. Certainly didn't think the two could be connected but, of course, it makes sense!!

Best wishes, j

beth48 profile image
beth48 in reply to Jan66

Hi Jan,Like i said to Tilda join the HU thyroid site if you haven't already done so.This will give you an idea of all the tests they recommend as dr's useually just do TSH. Beth 48 :)))

Sam59 profile image

Hi I have had an under active thyroid for 13 years and take 150 mg thyroxine daily. I usually have a blood test once a year. In fact I had one last Monday.

I had no idea that this and RA could be connected so will look at the site ASAP.

Thank you I am glad I logged on today.


joan_w profile image

Yes, I have both RA and an underactive thyroid. I also have diabetes. RA and thyroid problems are both autoimmune diseases so I guess they are connected in that way. Have had underactive thyroid for about 15 years and RA for 7 years. Forgotten what life was like when I was healthy.


THANK YOU ALL FOR YOU COMMENTS- WOW! thought it was only me who's an odd bod!

I take hydroxy chloroquinne x 2 in the morning

Sulfersalazine 2x morn and 2x evening

Armour Thyroid x 90mcg and T3x40mcg

My thyroid malfunctioned on the levothyroxine as it does not suit alot of people, lots are on T3 and other preperations for thyroid as one pill does not suit all like the GP and a lot of Endos make out- I had a 6 year battle with mine and I asked for a arthritis test which apparantly came back negative.......I was put on anti depressants which went in the bin,my thyroid function test always came back within range, I was told by the nurse to take all my thyroid meds before the blood was drawn- big error

I tried MTX but made my hair fall out so now ive been given the sulfasalazine.

beth48 profile image
beth48 in reply to

Hi again,yes i used to take thyroxene before blood tests because i didn't know any better now i know different.Ra wont always show up in blood tests but rheummy's are more willing to treat on symptons unlike gp's with thyroid patients who just rely on TSH levels. take care Beth 48 :))))

beth48 profile image
beth48 in reply to beth48

PS well done for putting the anti deps in the bin lol

LavendarLady profile image

The annoying thing about TSH tests is that they are not always very accurate as I have found. The TSH test showed me at normal levels when my T4 was over 55 and dangerously high My Surgeon recommended that the T4 was checked in preference to the TSH but the hospital lab refuse to do so!

LavendarLady x

in reply to LavendarLady

Did you get your T3 checked?

This is a battle lots of Thyroid patients find. I was unwell for years, my symptoms were weight gain despite me nearly killing myself with excersise power walking 12 miles with the dog, doing weights and still managing to gain weight and following Slimming world by the book. I was in pain but I still soldiered on, PMT were a nightmare usually lasting two weeks, iron levels were dangerously low, hair loss, dry skin. I wrote a shopping list of my troublesome symptoms including feeling depressed. Thankfully I did find an endo who prescribed me T3 which helped me considerably, however he has now reduced my dose and the troubling symptoms are rearing there ugly head again.

What a to do!

Oh Lord how do we get through this maze if we can't trust the medical profession to check us out properly? I had to ask for my ESR and CRP to be taken last Monday - first time in 3 and half months because they don't do it for RA patients in my surgery once diagnosed. GP phoned and said CRP almost normal at 13 but ESR raised at 40. Now it looks like I'm going to have to tell them their job about thyroid testing too?

If I was a GP I'd be like a sniffer dog and have to get to the bottom of things for my patients and also to satisfy my own curiosity. Do you think they just get bored by it all? That would be the part that I would find most interesting though - the detective work. Wouldn't it be great if we all turned into GPs and they all turned into patients with RA and thyroid problems for a week or two?! TTx

PS just wanted to say that the other HU had a post about taking thyroid meds last thing at night on their own so no food or other meds interfere with them and I did that last night and woke up feeling less tired and happier this morning. I always used to take it at night but then got a thing that it might be giving me insomnia (or making it worse) so have been taking it first thing for a few years now along with folic acid and omaprezole - and then having breakfast after. So perhaps this is why I've been feeling so tired and depressed recently - because the lev thyroxine hasn't been effective as it should be? Worth a try folks if you don't already take it last thing at night? TTx

in reply to

Quite a lot interfears with Thyroid meds, Calcium, Iron, Soya, contribute to it not been absorbed properly. You best off having your meds first thing in the morning an hour before you have a coffee or tea as this also interfears with the absorbtion. You dont get told this via you GP. Also when you have your bloods done dont take your meds as this will give a false reading.Magnesium also stops thyroxine absorbing so if you take any make sure you leave a gap of four hours prior taking them. x

Thanks for this - although I think it will be impossible for me to leave an hour's gap as I usually have to rush in the mornings and mostly have a bowl of porridge quite early with soya milk while my kids are eating theirs. So think I'll stick to last thing at night because I only take Amitritpyline and I take that a few hours before bed time so just before sleep is the clearest time for me.

I'm still really tired and sluggish still although less depressed today but I guess it's not going to be quick. I will avoid my thyroxine next time I get a blood test - and will ask my GP to take another one to make sure the MTX isn't interfereing with the absorbtion of it - as I think it may well be doing from what you've said. I've come up in itchy pimples all over my face which i think must be the MTX too because I'm not taking anything else that's new presently. Ah well will start focusing more on my thyroid now I think! TTx

I too had the itchy pimples whist taking Methatrexate- Im off that now cos it was making my hair fall out too. MTX can actually enhance the Thyroxine, wise move to focuss on the Thyroid as it is the master gland- it regulates the metabolic rate,Ill shut up now I dont want sound like ive swallowed a medical text book

philvaughan profile image

hi yes hypo for about 20 years 200mg thyroxine ra 10 years and lots more since best of luck and happy to talk anytime

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