How poorly do you need to be to get PIP?: I have... - NRAS


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How poorly do you need to be to get PIP?

AmandaMc profile image
16 Replies

I have started the ball rolling for PIP. I have only been diagnosed recently and have started meds. My feet are particularly bad and pressing the clutch on the car is very painful. Also my wrists are bad on and off, making cleaning and other household chores painful. Would I qualify do you think?

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AmandaMc profile image
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16 Replies
nomoreheels profile image

Hiya Amanda. I applied for PIP 6 weeks ago & yet to receive the forms. It does seem from many conversations on here recently that it's somewhat of a struggle & takes a good while to even get to the interview stage. It appears that most are rejected as the bar has been raised on scoring since it was changed from DLA & many who would have reached the score for award on that aren't doing with PIP. Some have suggested to immediately appeal & many have eventually won. Have a search on here for PIP & you'll see what some have experienced. The general consensus seems to be that majority are automatically rejected & the interview system isn't working in our favour with many inaccuracies (that's being polite!) being made by the accessors.

Good luck if you decide to apply.

AmandaMc profile image
AmandaMc in reply to nomoreheels

Goodness! It's really bad, isn't it? I'm worried that I may have to reduce my hours at work and take a pay cut, so without some extra money I may have to sell my house! Thanks very much x

farm123 profile image
farm123 in reply to nomoreheels

Hi nomoreheels, I think you may need to check up on your forms as they 'start the clock' when you ring and you have only a few weeks from then not from when you get them to return the form and if you need to get advise there is going to be very little time to do so. Farm

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to farm123

Thanks for that, I'll give them a ring. I had considered doing that but reading other people's experience put it down to them being tardy or overrun with applications & was fearful of a black mark being put against my name before even at the first stage, but you've alerted me to something in my suspicious mind. Could it be that is this yet another ploy of weedling out the chancers & another avoidance of possibly having to award PIP to those who are actually breathing? It may be just me being negative, goodness knows they've given good reason to be, but whatever they're certainly not making it an easy ride are they? Maybe I'm over thinking it but it makes you wonder, otherwise why move the goal posts on scoring & also the problems others have experienced at face to face interviews & "inaccuracies"?!

Hi Amanda,

Sorry to hear that you are still feeling so bad. We have a publication called "How to claim personal independence payment" which gives a lot of information about this benefit and how to claim it. You can download it from the following link:

As nomoreheels says it can be a struggle to get it but have a look at the publication. Hope it helps.

Beverley (NRAS Helpline)

farm123 profile image

Hi Amanda I have only just started the process and I had a visit from 'DWP Visiting' to help fill in the form. I did not realise they did this. It was suggested by a council employee I saw when attending for a blue badge to ring my local council and ask for Welfare Rights. Using the form they score you on several different things using tick boxes and then a space for you to put more details. It would appear you have to be quite detailed in your responses and it would appear to take 6 months for an outcome although it is backdated to when you applied. I am now waiting for the dreaded 'face to face' interview phase which most people seem to have had the most problems with. Farm

Philip profile image

If this coalition is anything to go by, you need at least one leg in your coffin lol, I'm not too sure with PIP, things have changed so much and not always for the best. I'm sure you will get lots and lots of very very good advice from here.

Best of luck

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to Philip

Agree with the one leg in the coffin thing! A friend of mine had to have both ankles fused as they were in a heck of a mess. I'll try to keep things as brief as possible. But here's a 40+ year old bloke living on his own who's suffering great pain in both ankles (has just had surgery on one) hobbling about his home on crutches struggling to do what he has to do, despite his surgeon telling him to rest up as much as possible. He's also on meds because he's depressed, not only because of pain and lack of mobility, but also by having to finish work

with all the financial problems that causes.

When he told me he was applying for PIP I thought he would get it without any problem at all and was absolutely shocked when he was refused. I can't remember exactly how long it took for him to get PIP. But when he eventually did, ATHOS repeatedly stopped payments and called him in for reassessments, which added further to his stress. Finally (i'm guessing about a year after his initial claim) he was called in yet again for another assessment but this time, much to his amazement, he was granted PIP indefinitely. Not that he will stay on it indefinitely as he absolutely hates not working, so as soon as he's fit enough he'll be out and about trying to get a job.

I just don't think people fully realise just what is going on here. The public is fed propoganda by the media and more subtley by this slimy coalition. We hear little in the way of opposition from the labour party either....obviously they think it's a vote loser to do so.

My RA has got progressively worse over the years and is now at a stage where my rheumatologist, friends and family have advised me to apply for PIP.. Knowing what I know, I rather reluctantly put in a claim a couple of months ago. No harm in trying I suppose, but along with the problems my friend had, plus after reading some of the recent PIP associated posts on this forum, I really don't fancy my chances one bit! Sort of regret applying now and not sure if I'm even going to bother turning up to go through the farce of being assessed.

Philip profile image
Philip in reply to wishbone

There is another site you can get all the advice you need, there are a lot of us on here who have turned to them for help of maybe the only other place to seek help is the CAB, THEY ARE ON THE OUR SIDE.

I agree it is very scary indeed and I think that's what they want, people to be terrified of asking for help, as we know this coalition really doesn't care one way or another, they have wasted billions of the tax payers money and all they have for it is zilch and nothing either but they don't care as they even turned others against the sick and disabled so much so that we are terrified of asking for help.

Please don't give up trying as it took me ten years or more to get the DLA so I definitely think you just have to keep on keeping on.


wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to Philip

Thanks for the support Philip,

Yeah, I know one of their ploys is to scare folk from applying. I'm probably thinking of not bothering because i'm feeling poorly and a bit down at the minute. When i'm feeling better will hopefully get my fighting spirit back. Thanks for the advice link. Have had a quick look and will delve into it properly when I feel up to it...plenty of time for that by the seem. Looks like I made a mistake not getting advice before filling in the form.


norfolkjo profile image

I returned my forms jan still wanting for assessment .. I have improved and although they back date it six months into meds thet can say no easier than if they see u quicker .. devious ploy to save money me thinks

AmandaMc profile image

Thanks all. Sounds like a real struggle!

BoneyC profile image

Have a look on the Benefits and Work website, if you join for about £18, you can download their Help Guides. It's how RA affects your every day living that counts, not the RA diagnosis. It's important to give examples of everyday activities you have difficulty with etc.

luvmybabies profile image

Its disgusting that we are frightened to apply for something that we are entitled to!!!! I was turned down 3 times last year but was put on ESA and in support group, which means I don't have to be looking for work. In my mind this means I'm not fit for work!!!!! I'm waiting for assesent appointment from PIP and I'm dreading it. I'm not giving up, so Amanda don't given up like someone said if you don't keep at them they'll just think your pushing Ur luck. Good luck hun xxx

AmandaMc profile image
AmandaMc in reply to luvmybabies

Thanks so much. Very encouraging!

Frankiefocus profile image

Hi I recieve PIP and you will get the best advice here---

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